
Hey, how are you feeling?,我来为大家科普一下关于关于身体部位的话?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hey, how are you feeling?


That's a question you might ask a person when you know that they've been unwell.


Now, today's lesson is all about the body and this lesson was chosen by my Patrons from this list.

本课内容都是关于身体部位的,这节课是由我的 Patreons 页面从这个列表中选择的。

Now, the other titles will be added soon, so, stay subscribed to see the upcoming videos and make sure you turn on notifications.


And if you would like to have a say in what content I create, then consider backing this channel on Patron.

如果你想对我创建的内容有发言权,那么就考虑在 Patron 上支持这个频道。

For as little as $1 a month, oh, and then you can download the worksheet for this lesson and many other lessons.


First of all, let's go through the names for some of the parts of the body to check your pronunciation.


I'll read out the singular and then the plural version.


I'd like you to repeat after me.


Here we go.


Head, heads.

Head, heads.

Face, faces.

Face, faces.

Neck, necks.

Neck, necks.

Chin, chins.

Chin, chins.

Shoulder, shoulders.

Shoulder, shoulders.

Arm, arms.

Arm, arms.

Elbow, elbows.

Elbow, elbows.

Stomach, stomachs.

Stomach, stomachs.

Hand, hands.

Hand, hands.

Finger, fingers.

Finger, fingers.

Thumb, thumbs.

Thumb, thumbs.

Thigh, thighs.

Thigh, thighs.

That's a tricky one. Make sure that "th" is with the tongue between the teeth, the same for "thumb", /θ/, /θ/, "thighs".

这个挺难的。发 th 的时候舌头一定要放在牙齿之间,thumb 也是一样,/θ/,/θ/,thighs。

"Knee", oh, we have a silent letter.


So, the K here is silent, "knee", plural, "knees".

K 是不发音的,knee,复数,knees。

Leg, legs.

Leg, legs.

foot, plural is feet.

Foot,复数是 feet。

Completely changes: "foot", singular, "feet", plural.


Toe, toes.

Toe, toes.

Hmm... Okay, lots of these body parts are commonly used in idioms.


Now, using idioms will help you to sound more like a true native.


So, "itchy feet".

例如 itchy feet。

If you have itchy feet, you are restless.


"Not just a pretty face". This is a compliment used to tell somebody that they are clever or useful as well as pretty.

Not just a pretty face。这是一种恭维,用来告诉某人他们既聪明又有能干。

"Pain in the neck". If something is a pain in the neck, then it's annoying.

Pain in the neck。如果某件事是 a pain in the neck,那么它很烦人。

"Oh, it's a pain in the neck." Some people also say "bum" or "butt" or "ass".

“哦,这真是个麻烦。”有些人也会说 bum,butt 或 ass。

"To take something on the chin". This means to accept a difficult situation without making a lot of fuss.

To take something on the chin。这意味着接受困难的处境而不大惊小怪。

Take it on the chin.


"To pull somebody's leg". If you pull someone's leg, then you are leading them to believe something which is untrue, as a joke.

To pull somebody's leg。如果你 pull someone's leg,意思是你引导他们相信不真实的事情,作为一个玩笑。

So, you're saying something that's false as a joke.


"I'm just pulling your leg." "To give someone a hand" is to help them with something.

“我只是在骗你。”To give someone a hand 意思是帮助某人某事。

"Hey, can you give me a hand?" If you "step on someone's toes", you offend them by trying to take control of something that they are responsible for.

“嘿,你能帮下我吗?”如果你 step on someone's toes,那么你做了别人该做的事而冒犯了别人。

So, if you are responsible for booking a day trip and I go ahead and book the bus and then just tell you I've done it, you'd be offended because well that was your job, not mine.


"Back off, Anna." "Head and shoulders above the rest". If you are head and shoulders above the rest, it means that you are much better at something than those around you.

“滚开,安娜。”Head and shoulders above the rest。如果你是 head and shoulders above the rest,意思是你在某方面比你周围的人做得更好。

So, at school, if you're very good at maths much better than everybody else, then you could say in maths, he is head and shoulders above the rest of the students.


"Elbow grease". This is an idiom used to describe hard work.

Elbow grease。这是一个用来描述努力工作的习语。

So, if you are not afraid to put in a bit of elbow grease, it means you're hard-working.


You can imagine someone scrubbing the floor really really hard.


"To twist someone's arm" is to convince them to do something.

Twist someone's arm 就是说服某人做某事。

And lastly, you might say you have butterflies in your stomach.

最后,你也许会说 butterflies in your stomach。

If you're very excited about something or maybe a bit nervous...


"Oh, I've got butterflies." It's that churning feeling that that's fluttering that you feel in your tummy.


Let's put those idioms into a conversation and see if you can follow what's going on.


"Hello?" "Hi, Anna. How are you?" "Oh, I'm great. Thanks. I finished touring about a week ago and I've already got itchy feet." "Well, I might have a solution." "You're not just a pretty face, are you?" "So, I've been putting together a charity concert and Edie Sheeran had agreed to play but something has come up and so he's no longer able to do it." "Oh, that's a pain in the neck." "Yeah, it's frustrating but I have to take it on the chin and just find a solution.


So, I was thinking I could just cancel the whole concert and you could just give me all the money from your tour instead." Um...


"Oh, I'm just pulling your leg.


But seriously, could you give me a hand and play at the concert?" "Oh, I love to, but I don't want to step on Ed's toes." "Not at all! He actually encouraged me to call you.


He says that you are head and shoulders above the rest and that you're not afraid to put in a bit of elbow grease." "Oh, well, you twisted my arm.


Yeah, I'd love to play. I've already got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it." Could you follow that conversation?


It was full of idioms.


If you forgot a few of the meanings, then just head back to this timestamp in the video to watch the meanings once again and then watch the conversation to see if it makes a bit more sense.


If you did find it easy, then your challenge for today is to write me a comment down in the comment section using one or more of the idioms from today's video.


Thank you very much for watching.


Please do remember to give this video a big thumb up.


Stay subscribed and I'll see you in the next lesson.


How about this one?



