app(双写p,表加强) roach(reach【到达】的异化):字面意思,即将到达,即【靠近,接近】
To come near in space or time(时、空上)接近
To come near, as in quality or amount:(质、数上)接近
To go about the initial step in doing (something):【开始;着手】
=begin, commence, embark, enter, get off, inaugurate, initiate, institute, launch, lead off, open, set about, set out, set to, start, take on, take up, undertake, tackle, undertake, embark on, get down to, launch into, begin work on, commence on, make a start on, enter upon
Informal: kick off
Idioms: get cracking, get going, get the show on the road
The act or fact of coming near:【靠近;接近】
=coming, convergence, imminence, nearness.
A method used in dealing with something:【方式,方法】
=way, means, course, style, attitude, method, technique, manner, procedure, mode, modus operandi
approbation (ˌæprəˈbeɪʃən) nofficial approval【通过;认可】
=allowance, approval, authorization, consent, endorsement, leave, license, permission, permit, sanction.
外资企业员工试用期届满转正的那天,即被称为approbation day
ap(表加强) peopri(proper【恰当的】异化) ate:字面意思即【恰当的,合适的】
right or suitable【合适的】
=suitable, right, fitting, fit, suited, correct, belonging, relevant, proper, to the point, in keeping, apt, applicable, pertinent, befitting, well-suited, well-timed, apposite, apropos, opportune, becoming, seemly, felicitous, germane, to the purpose, appurtenant, congruous
≠ irrelevant, inappropriate, incorrect, unfitting, unsuitable, improper, incompatible, untimely, inopportune
to take for one's own use, esp illegally or without permission【盗用】
give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause【拨款】
=earmark, set aside, reserve, allow
approximate (adj.əˈprɒk sə mɪt;v.-ˌmeɪt)
not quite exact or correct【大约的】
=approximative, rough;close, general, near, estimated, loose, vague, hazy, sketchy, amorphous, imprecise, inexact, almost exact, almost accurate
the approximate time was 10 o'clock大概十点了
very close in resemblance【十分相似的】
sketched in an approximate likeness画得很像
be close or similar【接近,相似】
=resemble, reach, approach, touch, come close to, border on, come near, verge on
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)【估计,预估】
=estimate, gauge, guess, judge
apron (ˈeɪ prən) n.a garment covering part of the front of the body and usu. tied at the back of the waist, worn to protect the clothing.【围裙】
a paved surface where aircraft stand while not being used
(golf) the part of the fairway leading onto the green【(高尔夫)通往果岭的球道部分】
the part of a modern theater stage between the curtain and the orchestra (i.e., in front of the curtain)
apropos (ˌæprəˈpəʊ)adj
of an appropriate or pertinent nature【适当的;相关的】
at an opportune time【适时地/的】
=timely, well-timed, seasonably
introducing a different topic;【顺便地】
=by the bye, by the way, incidentally
apt (æpt) adjsuitable for the circumstance or purpose【合适的】
=appropriate, timely, right, seemly, fitting, fit, related, correct, belonging, suitable, relevant, proper, to the point, applicable, pertinent, befitting, apposite, apropos, opportune, germane, to the purpose The words of this report are as apt today as they were in 1929.这份报告的措辞在今天和 1929 年一样贴切。appropriate ≠irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, improper, untimely, ill-fitted, ill-timed, ill-suited, inopportune, inapplicable, infelicitous, inapposite
(usually followed by `to') naturally disposed toward【易于...的;倾向...】(通常后面接to)
=inclined, likely, ready, disposed, prone, liable, given, predisposed, of a mind She was apt to raise her voice and wave her hands about.她很容易提高音量并挥动双手。
mentally quick and resourceful【思维敏捷的,足智多谋的】
=gifted, skilled, expert, quick, bright, talented, sharp, capable, smart, prompt, clever, intelligent, accomplished, tasty (Brit. informal), ingenious, skilful, astute, adroit, teachable She was never a very apt student.她从来都不是一个非常优秀的学生。gifted ≠slow, stupid, dull, awkward, incompetent, clumsy, inept, gauche, inexpert, maladroit
aptitude (ˈæptɪˌtjuːd) n
inherent ability【天赋】
the condition or quality of being apt【适宜】
=gift, ability, talent, capacity, intelligence, leaning, bent, tendency, faculty, capability, flair, inclination, disposition, knack, propensity, proficiency, predilection, cleverness, proclivity, quickness, giftedness, proneness, aptness, aptness, bent, faculty, flair, genius, gift, head, instinct, knack, talent, turn.
aquatic (əˈkwætɪk; əˈkwɒt-)aqua(词根,表水) tic(形容词性):跟水有关
relating to or consisting of or being in water【水生的;水中的】
a plant that lives in or on water【水生植物】
aqueduct (ˈækwɪˌdʌkt) naque(aqua-词根【水】的异化) duct(表通道):有水的通道,即输【水管道】
a conduit that resembles a bridge but carries water over a valley【输水管道】
aquifer (ˈækwɪfə) n
aqui(aqua-词根【水】的异化) fer(表带来):字面意思,带来水的东西,即【含水层】
A water-bearing, permeable, and porous rock mass or layer.