
Welcome back for another week in the Rune’s Corner!


I’m Riot Gregab, a Technical Game Designer on Runes Reforged. Thus far in this series we’ve talked about a lot of runes that help champions deal damage. This week I want to switch things up and take a look at a defensive keystone. Also, this is a rune where we’ve gone through a lot of iterations trying to find just the right version of an option we knew wanted in the system. And, in fact, where we’re still changing things and trying to improve it.

我叫Riot Gregab,是符文重铸的技术游戏设计师。本系列专栏迄今为止我们谈论了很多帮助英雄制造伤害的符文。本周我想变换一下,来聊聊防御性基石。另外,这个符文历经数轮迭代,为了锁定大家于系统中所需的正确版本。而事实上,我们仍在对其进行改动并力图改进。

We always mention that the design of the system is still very much a work in progress. Well here’s where you get a peek behind the scenes at what that work looks like.


Guardian Soul


We’ve known for awhile that we wanted a Resolve keystone that gave wardens and enchanters a way to defend their teams. And at some point we struck on an idea for a specific mechanic: walk into an ally to give both of you a shield.


We tried this out and found that the basic goal was solid. Warden and enchanter players liked the challenge of shielding their allies at just the right time. The rune created feel good moments of teamwork for both the shielder and the shielded.


[GIF of touch version]

However there were a number of problems. People would trigger the shield accidentally by bumping into their allies. To avoid this they’d have to spend their time dodging their own allies as if they were deadly obstacles. Or they’d find themselves hopelessly chasing after an ally frantically trying to give them a shield when it was most needed.


So what to do? Unlike champion spells or active items, runes aren’t associated with buttons. We couldn’t just have you press Q and click on an ally. How could we give you more control over when the shield triggered?


To answer this we tried triggering the shield effect whenever you landed an immobilizing crowd control ability. The result was pretty close to the live mastery, Courage of the Colossus, but with the addition of a shield for a nearby ally. We weren’t thrilled with the result. It turned the shielding effect into a side benefit of landing a CC spell rather than a tool you could use intentionally. This version also limited use of the rune to only champions who have hard CC on their kits.


At this point we struck on a key breakthrough: what if you could right-click an ally to trigger this shield? This would solve the problem of triggering accidentally when you bumped into them.


There was only one problem: this was an interaction that didn’t exist in League. We didn’t have any code that let designers script this. Riot Reinboom swiftly rectified the situation by building the tech and we tried out the new version.

除了一个问题:英雄联盟中不存在这种交互。我们没有任何可供设计师编译的代码。Riot Reinboom通过搭建新的技术迅速解决了这个问题,随后我们对新版本进行了试验。

[GIF of click version]

Interestingly, this completely eliminated accidental triggers for some playtesters but not others. A lot of players click constantly while playing League. They click on every inch of the map that their champion walks over even when not changing direction. Others click more selectively. The Constant Clickers would still accidentally trigger this version by right clicking their allies while moving around, particularly in the run-up to a team fight when teams tend to dance around the lane together.


At this point we felt we were getting close to something good. But we really wanted to nail the usability. Instead of trying to avoid accidental triggers on allies we decided to try giving you a way to cancel them when they do happen. We tried adding a channel before it would trigger that you could cancel by moving. That helped the intentionality but made it less responsive.


And this brings us to the best version we’ve found so far:


[GIF of right-click to mark version]

You can right-click an ally any time you want to mark them briefly. The shield will only trigger (and the keystone only go on cooldown) if they take damage while marked. This approach doesn’t eliminate accidental triggers, but it does removes their penalty.


This version dramatically reduced

the frustration of Constant Clickers. But it’s still not perfect. It creates an incentive to constantly keep the mark up on allies in case they might be damaged, which could become an annoying chore and reduce the skill expression involved it. We can still make it better and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing between now and the launch of Runes Reforged and beyond.



Guardian Soul


Right clicking an allied champion grants you and that ally a shield for 3 seconds. 30 second cooldown.


Shield total strength: 50 - 200 (0.15 AP) 10% of your bonus health.

护盾总强度:50 – 200 (0.15法术强度) 10% 你的额外生命值。



