
Civil War Vaccine May Have Lessons for COVID-19

This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Susanne Bard.


Smallpox was eradicated worldwide in 1980. So generations of people have never had to experience the devastation the disease once brought. “Itcould cause, sometimes, even in excess of 30 percent mortality. It caused these very painful blisters that covered the entire body." McMaster University's Anla Duggan. Shestudies how genomes evolve.

1980年,天花在世界范围内被根除。所以后代人对这种疾病带来的破坏没有体会。"天花的致死率通常高达30%已上。患者会浑身疼痛,长满水泡。"麦克马斯特大学研究基因进化的Ana Duggan说。

Thefirst vaccine for smallpox was developed in 1796. It worked by infecting people with pus from pox lesions causedby similar but far less pernicious conditions,like cowpox. At the time, no one knew that viruses caused these diseases.


“We didn't have microscopes that were strong enough to see them.So we had physicians that were performing this procedure that they knew was beneficial. But they didn’t understand why it worked. They just knew that it worked.”


Smallpox vaccination became common in the 19th century.During the American Civil War, all new soldiers on both sides were required tobe vaccinated. “You had alarge number of individuals who were congregated ina single place, such as an army barracks,where a disease can spread very easily.”


Back then, there were no mass-produced vaccines. Instead physicians often used fluids and pox scabs collected from previously vaccinated people and shared these materials with each other. They were kept in custom-made vaccination kits—a leather case containing a tin box, glass slides and a lancet for scratching the skin to introduce the vaccine into the body.


Some of these kits were later donated to the Mütter Museum of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Ana Duggan’s team recovered fragments of DNA from the kits, piecing together the viral genomes that were in those old vaccines.“We were interested in understanding what virus was being used to protect against smallpox.”

这些试剂盒有一部分捐赠给了费城医学院的马特博物馆。Ana Duggan的团队从试剂盒中提取DNA碎片,旧疫苗中的病毒基因组得以重建。“我们想弄清楚用来预防天花病毒。”

The researchers discovered that the vaccines were all closely related strainsof vaccinia, part of what’s called the orthopox group of viruses—which also includes both cowpox and smallpox. But the vaccinia virusis only distantly related to the variola virus that causes smallpox.



“However, it’s still areally effective vaccine. So we just had to have a virus that’s closeenough that induces that immune response that is then protective against future infection.Vaccinia virus becomes the predominant strain of virus that’s used for smallpox vaccination in the 20th century.”


The study is in the journal Genome Biology. [AnaT. Duggan et al.,The origins and genomic diversity of American Civil War Era smallpox vaccine strains]

这项研究发表在《基因组生物学》杂志上。文章名称《美国内战时期天花疫苗株的起组多样性》,Ana T.gan等。

As scientists scramble to develop vaccines for COVID-19, there are parallels to smallpox. For example, they’re looking into whether less virulent relatives of coronavirus could protect against COVID-19 the way vaccinia protects against smallpox.


“We've recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of the eradication of smallpox. And we are now in another global battle for eradication.”




  1. Smallpox ['smɔ:lpɔks] :天花
  2. eradicate[ɪˈrædɪkeɪt] :根除;消灭;杜绝
  3. devastation[ˌdevəˈsteɪʃn] :毁灭,破坏,蹂躏
  4. mortality [mɔ:'tæləti]: 死亡数,死亡率;
  5. blister [ˈblɪstər]:n.水疱,疱;v. 使起水疱; 起水疱
  6. genome [ˈdʒiːnoʊm]:基因组; 染色体组
  7. evolve[iˈvɑːlv]:逐渐形成,逐步发展;进化
  8. lesion['li:ʒən]: 损伤; 伤口
  9. pernicious [pə'niʃəs]:极为有害的;恶性的;致命的
  10. cowpox ['kau,pɔks]:牛痘
  11. vaccination [,væksi'neiʃən]:疫苗接种
  12. congregate ['kɔŋɡri,ɡeit]:群集;聚集;集合
  13. barrack ['bærək]:营房;兵营;
  14. scab [skæb]:n. 痂;疤;疥癣
  15. lancet[ 'lænsit]:柳叶刀
  16. vaccinia [vəˈtʃiniə] 牛痘;牛痘病
  17. immune response :免疫反应
  18. predominant [,pri'dɔminənt]:主导性的;主要的;明显的;盛行的;占优势的;
  19. parallels to:平行于;与……平等
  20. virulent ['virjulənt]:恶毒的;致命的;剧毒的

词根 词缀

mort,mors,mor = death(死)

  • immortal[ɪˈmɔːrtl]:不死的;永生的;不朽的(im<in(=not) mort)
  • mortuary[ˈmɔːrtʃueri]n.停尸房,太平间

mortuary rites 葬礼

mortuary monument 墓碑

  • post-mortem[ˌpoʊst ˈmɔːrtəm] adj. 死后的 n.尸体解剖,验尸;事后剖析 (post-:after)

post-mortem examination 尸体解剖

  • amortize [ˈæmərtaɪz]v.分期偿还(债务)(a 加强 mort 死 ize 使… )
  • moribund[ˈmɔːrɪbʌnd]:adj.垂死的,濒临死亡的,即将灭亡的 (mori-: bund= bound 边界)
  • morbid [ˈmɔːrbɪd]:adj. 疾病的;不健全的(morb=mort id 有…性质的)
  • morbidity n.病态;不健全



