
Multitasking causes new information to go to the wrong part of our brain. Moving back and forth between task wastes productivity as our brain can't pay attention to multiple tasks at the same time. 同时做很多件事情会让新的信息到达大脑的错误部分在不同的任务之间来回切换会使得学习效率变低,因为我们的大脑不能同时关注多个任务,它的精力是有限的,我来为大家科普一下关于怎么让自己快速学东西?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Stop multitasking 不要同时做多项工作

Multitasking causes new information to go to the wrong part of our brain. Moving back and forth between task wastes productivity as our brain can't pay attention to multiple tasks at the same time. 同时做很多件事情会让新的信息到达大脑的错误部分。在不同的任务之间来回切换会使得学习效率变低,因为我们的大脑不能同时关注多个任务,它的精力是有限的。

  • waste productivity 浪费生产力
  • pay attention to sth 关注...
  • at the same time 在同一时间
Don't reinvent the wheel 不要重新发明轮子

Find someone who already master the skills you are willing to learn and model the path they already followed. This way you can learn new things in a shorter period of time. 找一个前辈,并以他为榜样,模仿参考他的学习路径。这样,可以更快地学会一样东西。

  • reinvent the wheel 重新造轮子 : to waste time learning how to do something when it is already known how to do it
  • master the skills 掌握技能
  • be willing to do sth 愿意做某事
  • in a short period of time 在短时间内
Let your mind wonder 让你的大脑自由驰骋

Schedule some quality time to let your mind wander, as healthy breaks allow your brain to rest and avoid creative blocks. Going for a walk or having a long bath are some good examples of mind-wandering. 腾出一些优质的时间让你的思维自由驰骋,适当放空自己,让你的大脑也休息一下,这样可以避免灵感枯竭。散步,洗个热水澡都是很好的放松方式。

  • schedule sb to do sth 腾出时间做某事
  • go for a walk 去散步
  • have/take a long (hot) bath 洗个热水澡
Repetition, repeatition, repetition ... 重复,重复,再重复

The more attempts you make to learn something, the more the brain reinforces the necessarry skills until you can do it subsciously. 你学习的次数越多,大脑就越能强化这些必要的技能,直到你能下意识地做到。

  • the more ..., the more ... 越...越...
  • make attempts to do sth 尝试做某事
  • reinforce skills 强化技能
Relate new learning to prior knowledge 将新学习与先前知识联系起来

Allowing your brain to create connections between new information and what you already know will help you remember it later. 在你的大海里,将新信息和已经知道的信息建立联系,有助于记忆它。

  • relate ...to ... 将...和...联系起来
  • allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事
  • create connections between ... and ... 在...和...之间创造联系
  • help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事

