



1.Lying naked in her shrubs, it occurred to Susan this could be the most humiliating moment of her life.赤身躺在她家的灌木丛中,苏珊突然想到这可能是她一生当中最丢脸的时候。

2.it occurred to …想起

(it occur to sb某人想起某事。

It occur to sb. to do 某人突然想起某事

It doesn't occur to me that we should hire another secretary。

It doesnt occur to me to hire another secretary。

sth. occurs to sb. = sth. strikes sb. = sth. comes to sb.=sth. hit sb. 某人想起某事

Didn't it occur to you to close the window? 难道你没有想到去关窗户吗?Her name just did not occur to my memory. 我就是想不她的名字来了。)

3.if that invite still stands如果那个邀请还算数的话

(这里涉及到了stand的一个特别的含义——(决定、法规或提议)继续有效 If a decision, law, or offer stands, it still exists and has not been changed or cancelled. 这里给出例句加深理解:Although exceptions could be made, the rule still stands...


4.in theory理论上来说

(这个在口语表达中会十分实用。It'seems good in theory, but it doesn't work in practice. 理论上它似乎很不错,但实际上却行不通。)

5.nowhere near绝不

(固定短语,表示“绝不, 差得远, 远不及”,和far from的含义类似。而且这个短语还可以和as…as句型连用。She's nowhere near as clever as her sister. 她远不如她妹妹聪明。

6.Pretty much差不多

(这个短语就相当于very close,但是要地道的多~来几个例句看看用法~ The result was pretty much to be expected. 其结果同预期的非常接近)

7.that thought did cross mind.我也是这么想的。

cross one's mind 出现在某人脑海中 闪念一想

8 It depends: 这要看情况而定【非常实用简短的一句话】

9.If everybody would please take your seats, dinner is served.

take one’s seats: 就座serve: 端上,提供

请大家各就各位。 开始上菜了。

还记得前面:Bree 和丈夫为掩人耳目说去打网球;

You're still having problems with your serve.



