






中英文7.7万余字,word 文档。



1. 投标邀请名称和招标文件

Name of Invitation for Bids and Bidding Documents

2. 项目概况及招标原则

Project Overview and Bidding Principles

3. 资金来源 Source of Funds

4. 资格要求及预审 Eligibility ,

Qualification and Pre-review Requirements

5. 投标费用 Cost of Tendering

6. 现场参观 Site Visit

7. 投标文件内容和组成标书的文件

Content of Tender documents and documents Comprising the Tender

8. 招标文件和投标文件解释和澄清

Explanation Clarification of bidding / bid documents

9. 招标文件和投标文件修正

Amendment of bidding / bid documents

10. 标书文字 Language of Tender

11. 投标价格 Tender Prices

12. 支付货币

Currency for payment

13. 投标有效期

Validity Period of Bids

14. 投标担保 Bid Security

15. 供选择的方案

Alternative Offers

16. 标前会议

Pre-Tender Meeting

17. 标书格式

Format of Bid Documents

18. 标书封缄和标记

Sealing and Marking of Bid Documents

19. 提交标书最后期限

Deadline for Submission of Bid Documents

20. 标书修改和撤销

Modification and Withdrawal of Bid Documents

21. 开标. Bid Opening

22. 判定是否符合要求

Determination of Responsiveness

23. 投标文件的初审

Preliminary Examination on Bid

24. 评价和比较标书

Evaluation and Comparison of Bid

25. 授标标准

Award Criteria

26. 中标服务费

Service Charge for Bidding

27. 授标通知

Notification of Award

28. 业主的权利

Employer's Rights

29. 签订合同

Signing of Agreement

30. 履约保函

Performance Security

31. 付款计划

Payment Schedule

32. 拒绝所有投标

Rejection of All Bids


Discipline and supervision


7. 投标文件内容

Content of Tender documents

卷一 投标者须知1

Volume 1 Instructions to Tenderers

合同条款: 一般条款 特定条款Conditions of Contract:

卷二 技术规范(包括图纸清单)Volume 2 Specification (incl. list of Drawings)

卷三 投标表格和附件;投标保证书;工程量表;附录。

3 Volume 3 Form of Tender and Appendix thereto; Bill of Quantities

Schedules of Supplementary Information

卷四 图纸 Volume 4 Drawings

This sheet is a specific supplement and amendment to the requirements for purchasing the Goods on the basis of Instructions to Bidders. In case of discrepancy between this sheet and the Instructions to Bidders, this sheet shall prevail.


Two copies of technical specification of each bid product shall be attached the version of English.


The Product Manufacture Permit and the Product Quality Certification issued by the competent authority, paper file for one origin and one copy, and with one copy of electron version,shall be submitted by bidder.


A list of equipment,names Of manufactures and technical documents


Your responding document should also include (you are requested to respond specifically to all the points below, even if you have no comment for a specific point, you should clearly state “no”):


Commercial Quotation (bind separately):


Introduction of the quotation document include any information you considered helpfully for explaining about your advantages.


Technical Specifications技术规范

Forms of Bid, Appendix to Bid, Bid Security and List of Eligible Countries of JBIC ODA Loans


Bill of Quantities 工程量表

Sample Form of Agreement


Sample Forms of Securities


Schedules of Supplementary Information 补充信息

Drawings 图纸

The bid submitted by the bidder shall comprise the following:


(a) Bid Form and Appendix to Bid; 标书格式及附录

(b) Bid Security; 投标保证金

(c) Priced Bill of Quantities; 标价的工程量;

(d) Power of attorney; 授权委托书

(e) Information on eligibility and qualification; 初选符合的信息

(f) Alternative offers where invited; and 邀请投标的可选择报价,及

(g) Any other materials required to be completed and submitted by bidders in accordance with these instructions to Bidders.


投标文件的构成Composition of Bid Documents


1) 按照本须知第10、11和12条要求填写的投标书、投标分项报价表以及供唱标时使用的、单独密封的开标一览表;

2) 按照本须知第13条要求出具的资格证明文件,证明投标人是合格的,而且中标后有能力履行合同;

3) 按照本须知第14条要求出具的证明文件,证明投标人提供的货物及服务是合格的,且符合招标文件规定;

The bid prepared by the Bidder shall comprise the following components:

1) A Bid Form, Bid Schedule of Prices and a Summary Sheet for Bid Opening which shall be submitted in a separate envelope completed in accordance with Clauses 10, 11 and 12 hereof;

2) Documentary evidence established in accordance with Clause 13 hereof testify the Bidder is eligible to bid and is qualified to perform the contract if its bid is accepted;

3) Documentary evidence established in accordance with Clause 14 hereof testify the goods and ancillary services to be supplied by the Bidder are eligible and conform to the bidding documents;


The tender to be Prepared by the tenderer shall contain the following:


the Form of Tender and Appendix thereto;


the Tender Security;


the priced Bill of Quantities;


the Schedules of Supplementary Information;


the information on eligibility and qualifications;

(6)(如果有)可供选择的报价 alternative offers, if any; and


any other information required to be submitted in accordance with these Instructions.


The Forms, Bill of Quantities and Schedules provided in Volume 3 of these documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions of the Schedules in the same format, and to the provisions of Clause 14.2 hereof regarding the alternative forms of tender security).


All documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described in Clause 6.1 and addenda issued in accordance with Clause 8 shall be deemed incorporated in the tender. Tender documents not required to be signed and submitted in accordance with Clauses 17 and 18 shall be returned to the office of issue before the expiry of the tender validity period, but must not be enclosed with the Tender.


Tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminary Programme in the format required by Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract.


The successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment his Programme as set out in the contract.

Hereby submit the following in Chinese and English in one (1) original, five (5) copies, and two (2) compiled electronic copy:

根据贵方为 _____项目招标采购_____货物及服务的投标邀请(招标编号),签字代表(姓名、职务)经正式授权并代表投标人(投标人名称、地址)提交用中文和英文书写的投标文件正本一份、副本五份、可编辑电子版本一份,具体包括:

1. Summary Sheet for Bid Opening投标一览表

2. Bid Prices Forms投标分项报价表

3. Descriptions Forms of Goods


4. Deviation Form for Technical Specifications


5. Deviation Form for Commercial Terms


6. All the other documents required in response to Instructions to Bidders and Technical Specifications


7. Qualification Documents


8. Bid Security in the amount of ____ issued by (name of issuing bank).


Introduction of the quotation document include any information you considered helpfully for explaining about your advantages.


•Quotation letter 报价信

•Full details of your offer


•Copy of Business License and bank credit certification营业执照及资质证书复印件

•Technical particulars of the working team you will organize for the performance of the works under the contract (including the CV of drawing review personnel for various disciplines)


•Past Performance in performing similar contracts and experience with international clients. As a minimum include three references including company name, contract number, magnitude of contract, contact name and phone number so that JKPM/BSAS can contact to verify your past performance.


Technical Specification (bind separately):


•Copies of offeror’s quality control.


•Work Schedule 进度安排

•Description of drawing review process


•A list of any deviations from this Inquiry Document


•Any alternatives that you would like the Owner to consider


Note: All the copies need company chops.



All Tenders submitted shall include the following information:


(a) Copies of original documents defining the constitution or legal status, place of registration and

principal place of business of the company, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party

thereto constituting the tenderer;


(b) The qualifications and experience of key personnel proposed for administration and execution of the Contract, both on and off site, in the format prescribed in Schedule V;


(c) Major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for use in carrying out the Contract in the format prescribed in Schedule IV;


(d) A list of proposed sub-contractors in the format prescribed in Schedule VI;


(e) Information regarding any current litigation in which the tenderer is involved;


(f) The details of the construction methods proposed.


3.5 For the purposes of Clause 3.4, tenderers who have been pre-qualified may update and augment the information supplied with their application for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall give particulars of work in hand at the date of tendering.


3.6 Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the

following requirements:


(a) The tender, and in case of a successful tender the Form of Agreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners;

When the tenderer submit the tenders, they shall include the following documents:


The copies, stamped with company chop, of business license, qualification certificate, other documents/certificates, showing that the tenderers are authorized to carry out this type of works in the city/ district where this project is located.



The Tenderer must submit conforming bidding documents which fully meet the requirements of the Tender Documents.

技术标 Technical Proposal

施工提纲 – 描述工程施工的计划,若有必要可以用草图或图示的方法,必须包括但不局限于:

Outline Tender Method Statement - shall describe the plan for the performance of the Work together with explanatory sketches and graphics where necessary and shall include but not be limited to :

组织结构图 – 详细工程管理人员表,以及各自的职责分工和信息流转程序。

Organization Chart - shall detail the proposed management staff plan for the Works in terms of functional responsibilities and lines of communication.

关键管理人员和现场人员 – 描述关键管理人员和现场人员的主要任务和职责,以及他们各自的简历。

Key Management & Site Personnel - shall describe the major tasks and responsibilities of the Key Management and Site Personnel together with their respective resumes/curriculum vitae.

分包商和供应商目录 – 提交建议的分包商和供货商的名录。

List of Sub-contractors and Suppliers - shall submit a list of the proposed sub-contractors and suppliers

样本 – 须根据雇主的要求提交用于工程的物资的样本,并标明制造商和产品型号。

Stylebook- shall be prepared upon Owner’s request, to submit sample of materials and stylebook intended for the Works, identified with the producer and model number

承接施工项目的信息 – 提供近几年承接施工的项目的详细情况。

Information on Projects undertaken - shall provide particulars of all projects being undertaken in recent years.

质量保证和控制体系 – 投标人应在施工方法提纲中专门列出一个部分说明其质量体系。

Quality Assurance and Control Programs - The Tenderer shall include with his Outline Tender Method Statement a section devoted entirely to its proposed Quality System

商务标 Commercial Proposal

投标书 – 应说明投标人全称和注册地址。签字官员的姓名和职务应打印在签字下。

Form of Tender - shall bear the Tenderer's full legal name and registered address. The name and the title of the signing officer shall be typed or printed below the signature.

投标汇总 – 投标人应提交一份投标汇总。任何没有表明价格的项目或任何没有表明名称的项目都被认为已包括在投标总价中。

Summary of Tender - The Tenderer shall submit a summary of the Tender. Any item not priced or not described shall be deemed to be included in the Tender Sum.

现金流量 – 应是对应工程进度的合理的现金流量。

Cash Flow – shall be a logical cash flow that corresponds with the work programme.

工程量清单 – 投标人应完成工程量清单,根据合同文件的规定,所报的单价将用来计算工程变更的价值。工程量清单所列价格除合同规定的变更外,将不做任何调整。

Bill of Quantities - The Tenderer shall complete the attached Bill of Quantities, the rates of which shall be used during the Contract for the purpose of evaluating any variation of the Works made in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Price in the Bill of Quantity will not be adjusted except in the case of variations instructed under the Contract.

为便于做回标分析,投标人必须将其工程量清单填写在随招标文件一起提供的计算机光盘里。光盘必须在Windows 2000 中文版和英文版或更新发行的版本下用EXCEL格式完成。工程量清单必须按照招标文件提供的格式和顺序及对应序号,不能有任何改动,对于各专业若有增加项目只能放在各专业工程量清单的末尾。

In order to make the tender analysis easily, the Tenderer must submit his Bill of Quantities on the preloaded computer disc that is supplied with the tender documents. The disc must be completed using EXCEL form in Windows 2000 CHINESE and ENGLISH software or updated version. and the Bill of Quantities must comply with the formula, sequence and corresponded number supplied by the tender document which cannot be modified. The added items for each specialty can only be placed after the Bill of Quantities of each specialty.


Triplets of tender submission document (one original, one copies)and computer disc including all tender submission document. Technical tender submission and commercial tender submission documents should be bound separately and sealed with stamp on both sides, the computer disc shall be sealed in commercial tender submission document. Commercial tender submission document should be chopped with company seal or contract-used seal and seal of legal designated person or authorized representative of legal designated person.


