1. 只知一味地在上级面前阿谀奉承、卑躬屈膝的人,最为人们所不齿。
People are most contemptuous of the person who knows only how to be obsequious before his superiors.
2. 他对王室竭尽阿谀奉承之能事。
He stopped at nothing to try to get the royal family’s favor by flattery.
stop at nothing to do sth 不择手段,无所顾忌:If you say that someone will stop at nothing to get something, you are emphasizing that they are willing to do things that are extreme, wrong, or dangerous in order to get it. 如:
Their motive is money, and they will stop at nothing to get it. 他们的动机是钱,为了钱他们会不择手段。
1) 《汉英双解成语词典》(商务印书馆)
2) 柯林斯、牛津、朗文、韦氏等英汉词典
3) 图片源自网络