
The MCN was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to the online celebrity. 经纪公司被逼着不得不认错,向该位网红公开道歉,我来为大家科普一下关于英语第三第四高级表达?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



eat humble pie 道歉; 认错

The MCN was forced to eat humble pie and publicly apologise to the online celebrity. 经纪公司被逼着不得不认错,向该位网红公开道歉。

bite off more than sb can chew 贪多嚼不烂

Don't bite off more than you can chew, just focus your attention on learning one language at a time. 不要贪多嚼不烂,一次专心学一种语言就好。

sell like hot cakes 热销

The concert tickets sold like hot cakes. 演唱会门票大受欢迎,大卖热销。

be given the go-ahead to do sth 被允许做某事做某事
  • He gives his little boy the go-ahead to play online games. 他允许他儿子玩网络游戏。
  • His son was given the go-ahead to play online games. 他儿子被允许玩网络游戏。
  • The son gets the go-ahead form his father to play online games. 儿子从他父亲那里得到允许可以玩网络游戏。
fight like cats and dogs 大打出手; 争论不休

They fought like cats and dogs on the issue of child custody. 他们俩就孩子的抚养权问题吵得不可开交。

hammer out a deal 达成协议

Finally, they hammered out a deal that thier son will live with the woman. 最终,他们达成协定,他们的儿子将随女方生活。

be big-hearted 慷慨大方的 === be narrow-minded 心胸狭隘的

He is narrowed-minded, but his elder brother is big-hearted. 他心胸狭隘,倒是他哥哥慷慨大方。

pull sb's leg (开玩笑) 哄骗某人

Is it real that you ganna to get married next week? Are you pulling my leg? 真的吗?你下周就要结婚啦。你不会是在哄我吧?


