
Hi, everyone. Chris here from IELTS Advantage. com with another live lesson.,我来为大家科普一下关于雅思阅读备考符号怎么用?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



Hi, everyone. Chris here from IELTS Advantage. com with another live lesson.

大家好,我是来自 IELTS Advantage 的克里斯,为大家带来另一节直播课。

And in today's live lesson, we're going to look reading ,specifically, do skimming and scanning work.


The reason for this video is lots and lots of students when you ask them "How do you get a high IELTS score in the reading test?", they'll say "Skimming and scanning", and they think that skimming and scanning are really really really important to know.


To answer this question "Do skimming and scanning work?", the answer is "Yes and no".


They are quite important, but not as important as you think.


They are tools in your toolbox, but they're not the only tools that you need and they're actually not the most important skills that you need in the reading test.


So, there are a few problems if you think that skimming and scanning are really really important.


The four problems are going to look at today are: Number one, many students are unsure of what skimming and scanning actually are.


We get lots of students on our VIP course.

我们的 VIP 课上有很多学生。

When they first come in and we chat with them, we say... asking questions about, "Reading. How do you think you're going to do well?", and they say, "Skimming and scanning. Teach me about skimming and scanning." We say, "Well, do you know what they are?" "No." And it's very obvious that, you know, ninety percent of students don't actually know what skimming and scanning are, how to use them, and most importantly, when to use them.

当他们第一次来的时候,我们和他们聊天,我们说......我们问:“关于阅读,你认为你怎么考高分?”他们说:“略读和扫读。教我略读和扫读。”我们说:“嗯,那你知道它们是什么吗?” “不知道。”很明显,90% 的学生不知道什么是略读和扫读,不知道如何使用它们,最重要的是,不知道什么时候使用它们。

So, we'll look at what they are and we will look at when to use them.


Number two, using them without thinking.


It's very, it's an overly simplistic strategy that a lot of students use when they think "I'm just going to skim, then scan and magically, I'm going to find the answer." It doesn't work like that.


number three, they're using them inappropriately.


It's a lot more complicated than just thinking: skimming, scanning, find the correct answer.


There are many many different types of questions that all require a different approach and a different strategy and require... some require scanning, some don't require scan scanning, some require skimming, some don't require skimming at all, some require both, some require it in different orders.


So, you need to be a little bit more... invest a little bit more time and finding out those questions and having strategies for them, look at that too.


Number four, ignoring the most important skill.


There is a reading skill which is way more important for finding the correct answer which is your end goal, a lot more important than skimming and scanning.


Okay, so, let's look at number one: what is skimming and scanning.


So, the analogy I always use is imagine you're flying in a plane at 30,000 feet.


Okay. So, what we want to do is we want to find the Apple Store in San Francisco.


So, if we're flying... maybe we go down a little bit more, we're flying over the Bay Area, okay.


So, we have San Jose, we've got San Francisco, we've got Oakland here and the greater California area.


Skimming just gives you a general idea of what is happening.


The same as flying at, you know, 20,000 feet, flying very very high, you're not going to be able to find the Apple Store from there, you can't see it from there, you're too high.


But it helps you orientate yourself; it helps you find generally what's going to happen so that you can focus here instead of, you know, being way over here and trying to find it here.


You know that you're going to be in the San Francisco Bay Area.


That's what skimming is like.


You're not looking at a lot of detail; you're not looking for the correct answer.


Skimming is not going to help you find the correct answer in any question.


What you're going to be doing is you're just generally understanding the general idea of what is going to happen and that is going to help you but it's not going to help you get the correct answer.


So, that's skimming.


A very very high-level view of everything helps you but it's just the first step for many many questions.


So, let's have a look.


We'll go in here and we want to find the Apple Store in San Francisco.


Imagine we are flying this high, let's say 1,000 feet.


So, from here, we still can't see the Apple Store but we can see the different districts and we can see the different areas of San Francisco.


So, what we know is that it's in Union Square.


So, what we need to do is scan for Union Square.


So, look over here, no no no no, here, okay?


So, it's in Union Square.


So, does this help us find the Apple store?


No, but it helps us with the location, the general location of where it is.


And this is where scanning is very useful.


Imagine you're going to the cinema, alright, and you want to see... I don't know, what movie is in the cinema at the moment? Venom... is at the moment?


Okay, you want to see Venom.


So, you're not going... and you look at the... all the listings, all the movies.


You're not going to read every single movie and every single time.


You're going to quickly scan for Venom and then quickly scan for the time that you're interested in.


Same as here. You're not going... imagine you're going trying to find the Apple Store, you wouldn't get a taxi into San Francisco and then just walk into every single neighborhood and every single district trying to find where it is.


You would scan for the location and then you would go there.


That's the same with scanning in the test.


You're looking for the location of the correct answer.


It's not going to help you find the correct answer, it will help you find where it is, okay?


So, skimming is a good way to think about it is what it is; scanning is where it is, the location, okay?


So, now, we know it's in Union Square.


But to find the correct answer, we actually have to go to Union Square and we have to walk around and we have to find the Apple Store.


But we actually have to go there and go at street level and look around and spend time walking around in order to see it.


And I was actually here last week and I was walking around, trying to find it.


I couldn't find it and because I wasn't paying attention.


But you can see the difference between skimming, scanning and close reading.


Close reading is when you are at street level and you are looking at the sentences, you are looking at the paragraphs, you are spending time looking at things in a lot of detail in order to find the correct answer.


So, skimming helps, scanning helps, but they do not help you find the correct answer, you have to do more than that.


So, hopefully, if that analogy useful.


So, that's problem number one: unsure of what they are.


Problem number two, using them without thinking.


And this is not the students' fault. This comes down to a very simplistic way of teaching these reading skills.


Many teachers have learned how to do it this way.


I was actually taught how to do it this way incorrectly, but this is what is taught in many teaching books on how you help students become better readers.


You teach them to skim, then you teach them to scan and then they find the answer.


And this is gone over into the IELTS test where teachers have learned how to... when they're teaching general English, how to teach students in this way, and then they see an IELTS question, and they just tell them to do the exact same thing: you skim, then you scan, then you find the answer.


You very rarely find the answer doing this.


In fact, you waste a huge amount of time doing this because sometimes, you need to skim, sometimes, you don't, sometimes, you need to scan, sometimes, you don't.


And normally, it doesn't help you find the correct answer.


So, matching headings, sentence completion.


These are two different types of question, all right?


So, matching headings is a type of IELTS reading question; sentence completion is a type of reading question.


There are true false not given, yes no not given, summary completion, all of these different types of questions.


So, each of these is testing different things: Matching headings, one of the things that it's testing ability to understand general meaning; sentence completion, one of the things that it's testing is ability to locate what the correct answer is.


So, for matching headings, you're going to be doing a lot of skimming, but you're not going to be doing any scanning.


So, you're wasting your time scanning with that question.


With sentence completion, you're not doing so much skimming but you are doing a lot of scanning because that's one of the things that is being tested.


So, if we go back here: Using them inappropriately.


So, just saying "Okay I'm going to skim, then I'm going to scan, they're going to find the correct answer", it's a lot more complicated than that and you need to have a specific strategy for each of the different types of IELTS reading question because some of them will require it, some of them won't, it'll be in different orders.


If you're doing it this way, it's just really really simple and you...


Normally, simple is good, in this context, it is not.


So, what is the most important reading skill?


The most important reading skill is close reading, all right?


What do I mean by close reading?


Close reading is when you're actually paying a lot of attention to the sentence and reading it in a lot of detail.


Skimming, you're not reading it in any detail whatsoever.


Scanning, no detail whatsoever.


You're looking at it very very quickly.


Close reading is when you slow down and you read every single word and you think about those words and those sentences in that paragraph deeply in order to find the correct answer.


This is the most important skill and it's one that most students don't have time to do because they've wasted all the time skimming and scanning when they shouldn't be doing that, they should be focusing on actually reading carefully.


So it actually helps you find the correct answer.


And the best way to think about skimming and scanning is skimming and scanning are just tools that help you get there.


But they're not the be-all and end-all, they are just tools that will help you get to the correct answer.


But then, you have to go even further and this will take you more time to actually think about the correct answer.


So, what happens with many students is they spend a lot of time skimming, a lot of time scanning, and then they panic because they're running out of time and then they don't actually put the time in that is required to read carefully.


So, another way of saying close reading is just read carefully, doesn't mean read slowly, but it means read very very carefully and think about what you're doing.


The reading test is as much a thinking test as it is a reading test.


So, if you want more information about IELTS, go to the website.


So, if we type in "IELTS"... ...and then type in "Advantage"... This might... this is in the maps, so that's going to take us in to show you the location of our office.

如果我们输入 IELTS。然后输入 Advantage。这也许......这是地图,这会带我们去,告诉你我们办公室的位置。

See if it'll bring us to... not, dot in maps Yeah, it's dot in maps rather than letting... it won't let us go into the normal website.


But if you go to our website which is IELTS Advantage and you'll find a reading section there.

但是如果你去我们的网站,也就是 IELTS Advantage,你会在那里找到阅读部分。

So, if you go to the website and click on "reading" and you'll find lots of the strategies for the different types of questions in there.


The key is not to just read the strategies, it is implement them.


Find out... so find some practice questions and do them under exam conditions and repeat and repeat and repeat until you've mastered those strategies and that is really really going to help you.


And you'll see when you look at the strategies that some of them talk about skimming, some of them don't, some of them talk about scanning, some of them don't.


Um, you're doing the exact thing that you should be doing if you follow those strategies.


So, hopefully, you find that useful and if you need anything in the future, feel free to get in touch with us.


Um, we... normally, at the end of every month, we open up our doors to our VIP course.

唔,我们......通常在月底会开放我们的 VIP 课程。

We're not going to do that this month because just too many people have joined and over the past month.


We normally have like 30 places available, we don't this month.


So, sorry about that.


We do have a very very small number like three places available at the moment.


So, if you are interested in joining our VIP course, feel free to send me an email, it's chris@ieltsadvantage. com. So, chris@ieltsadvantage. com and you'll get all my contact details there, um, also here on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram, you'll find us there.

如果你有兴趣加入我们的 VIP 课程,请随时给我发邮件,地址是 chris@ieltsadvantage。是 chris@ieltsadvantage,你会在那里找到我所有的联系方式,包括油管、脸书、 Ins 上都可以。

Hopefully, you find that interesting.


Let me know what you think about that and I'll see you again on Friday for another on matching headings.


Thank you very much. Byebye.



