
火星公主(11)A princes of mars ,我来为大家科普一下关于火星公主电影大全集?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



火星公主(11)A princes of mars

Woola is not only my guard, but he is also my friend. I have treated him with kindness that he has never known. As each day passes, He trusts me more. I known think he would follow any command I give. Sola has told me that all captives that held until they can die in the great games held by the great Martians. Our only chance to survey is to escape. But we must have sola’s help for our plan to succeed”.


“Yes, if we stay with the green Martians, we will both die. If we are to escape. We must have several the animals to ride. It would be our only chance.”


“I have several of animals. They were given me when I became a warrior.” Sola came back later with food for two of us. Dejas thoris and I asked for her help. The three of us talked long into the night. At last, sola gave us an answer” your best chance for escape will be in the next two days. We will leave this city and begin a long trip to the home of our tribe. I will help you escape but I must come with you, I will be killed if you escape.” ”sola, of course you must come with us. You are not cruel or violent as many of your people are. Help us. I can promise you a much better life, you will be treated with respect as an honor guest”


The next morning. We rode away from the city on our animals. More than a thousands of animals were carried the huge tribe of green Martians. Also in the group were one American, one princess of royal houles of helium, our guard sola and poor ugly woolo.


Later that night, we left the camp. One animal carried me, another sola and princess Dejah thoris. Woolofollowed close behind. we rode quickly through the martian night. I looked into the sky. I saw earth across the great distance of space. Since I met princess of Dejah thoris. I had not thought once of earth or home. I know then that I would never willing leave her.


