


































King of the Black Hole

Written by Husker

Translated by Jackie

Read by Jackie&Jing

There was once a ravenous entity floating in the universe, who could eat forever yet never feel satisfied; we called him “Mr. Black Hole.” When Mr. Black Hole was born, he was as tiny as a fist. When he was born, he shouted one sentence, “Mama I’m hungry.”Then, sadly, his mother died.

His mother was a beautiful star who was young, warm, happy, and lovely. She was the queen of all the planet children. Every day, she watched over the planets as they roamed the Milky Way, catching meteors like fireflies. Those planets placed their captured meteors into orbit as their own glowing moons, and some clever planets even made beautiful decorative rings and wore them around their necks. One day, one of the planets, called Earth, caught a big comet, and happily named her “Luna.”

As time went by, Mr. Black Hole’s mother (the planets called her “Sol”) was now middle aged. How she wanted her own child! But the planets did not know how stars could have children. There must be stellar fathers before stellar mothers could have children, right? Yet the stars closest to Sun, the Alpha Centauri Brothers, were about 4.2 light-years away. Sol had never met them, so she didn’t know even know what they looked like.

At that moment, the Earthlings said they had an idea. They were the busiest people in the galaxy, inventing things all day. Not only did they invent airplanes and cannons, but even invented the atomic bomb. Every day, they flew in their spaceships to and fro, destroying things here and building things there, never missing any star.

The Earthlings said, “We have invented a gadget called the ‘Particle Accelerator (also known as the LHC: Large Hadron Collider),’ and it can help you have a baby. We have already done a lot of experiments on the moon, so it should definitely work.”

Sol was so elated she exclaimed, "Awesome! Awesome!"

But Earth was worried and had a bad feeling about it. But he could not stop Sol's enthusiasm and his people’s mania. He had to complain to Venus and Mars, "These guys are really crazy! Sooner or later, something horrible will happen. And it’s not going to be good.”

Mars echoed, "Yes, they are indeed crazy! A long time ago, Martians were the ones that made Mars barren, and nothing could grow there."

When the Earthlings’ experiment was over, Sol indeed became pregnant. At the beginning she was full of joy, but her stomach slowly grew bigger and bigger, like a gigantic balloon. She felt her body get hotter and hotter, more and more swollen. Her face was bloated like the liver of a pig that shone blood red on everything around her. Things had become very abnormal: her temper got worse and worse; she was easily angered, throwing things around often for no reason; she also started spewing flames and balls of plasma. She no longer went to catch meteors with the planets, instead, she shut herself inside, depressed.

One day, innocent Mercury somehow annoyed Sol. Sol became so furious she burned Mercury’s eyebrows and beard off.

"Oh noooo! Owww!" Even neighbor Venus was smoked and scalded, screaming from the pain.

Slightly further away, Earth was not having a good time either. All its water was boiling and evaporating, and many earthlings had burned to death. Fast runners jumped into their spaceships and escaped to Pluto. The slower ones had to duck and hide underground.

Mars and Jupiter were so scared they hid far, far away and dared not to even take one breath.

However, the horror story was not even remotely over. The sun was getting bigger and bigger. Instead of just throwing fireballs and plasma, she swallowed planets directly. The first was poor Mercury, then unlucky Venus. Next was ragged Earth, desolate and uninhabitable Mars, and Saturn who didn’t even have a chance to run. Only three were left burning: Jupiter, Uranus and, Neptune. The sun had become a massive, terrifying red giant.

Sol, now a red giant, suddenly got discouraged and collapsed into a white dwarf. She lay sickly on her deathbed, unable to say even one word. She exhausted her last breath and gave birth to Mr. Black Hole. She kindly and sadly looked at little Mr. Black Hole. Before she had time to even start worrying about his future, she died. Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune glanced at the little monster in the house, scared and sad. They huddled together and burst into tears.

Suddenly, Mr. Black Hole wailed, "Mama, I'm hungry!" Jupiter rushed over to hug him. Mr. Black Hole widened his eyes and gulped him down.

Uranus and Neptune saw what was happening and wanted to run away, but they, too, quickly got swallowed by Mr. Black Hole.

By that time, Mr. Black Hole was no longer a tiny fist, but a giant fatty. He never missed a chance to eat. Everything that passed by him, all the asteroids, meteors, and even light ended up on his lunch plate.

He gulped everything down until finally he swallowed the whole Milky Way. When he grew up, Mr. Black Hole met a female black hole.

They looked at each other up and down, circling, speechless, as if they had encountered the most bizarre thing in the universe. Indeed, such a statement would be true, since before then, they had no idea anything like themselves existed.

A few seconds later, they embraced each other and stole a kiss, and then opened their mouths at the same time. In that brief moment, plasma lightning, anti-matter explosions, shockwaves of gravity, and splendid fireworks rippled across the abyss of space and the whole universe trembled. No one had ever seen a sky as brilliant and magnificent as that.

A new sun was born!

  • 胡思客


  • 大芋头


  • 有只蝎子在唱歌

    从小立志当女神,无奈在女神经的路上越走越远。简单仗义,脚步时刻紧紧跟着自己的内心,梦想是用脚步丈量世界每一寸土地 向往一切美好。南半球常住客,每年生活就和童话世界一般春夏秋冬上天入地随机切换。

  • Jackie Cline


  • 豆芽(Jing)


  • 儿童团

    甜老虎/ 胡思客/ 宁馨儿/

故事好玩吗?别急着走,还有更好玩的故事等你呢 ↓↓↓



连环画 | 呆萌熊孩子打招呼引爆笑








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