
M1U1 M1U2 1.Let’s 动词原形 1.smile at sb. 2.try to do sth. 试着做某事 2.send sth.to sb. 把...发送给... 3.speak 语言 3.some advice/a pieve of advice 4.as much as possible尽可能多 4.ask for 请求(ask for help 请求帮助) (as soon as possible 尽快) 5.动名词作主语 5.practise V-ing 练习做某事 6.ways to do 做某事的方式 6.match...with... 以...搭配 7.each time 每次 7.It is difficult for sb. to do sth. 8.形容词放在不定代词后 8.should 动词原形 9.advise doing sth. advise sb. To do sth. 9.as...as... 与...一样 10.be afraid to do sth.害怕/不敢做某事 Be afraid of doing sth. 10.why not 动词原形 11.remember to do sth. 11.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 12.suggest (that)sb. Do sth. Suggest doing sth. 12.It’s a good to do sth. 13.try not to do sth. 不要尝试做某事 13.what else=what other n. M1U3 14.write it/them down 写下 1.more often 经常 15.How about V-ing=what about V-ing 2.think about 考虑 16.need to do sth. 3.chat with 谈话(不像talk to那么正式) 17.why don’t you 动原=why not 动原 M2U2 18.agree with sb. 同意做某事 1.be from 2.be famous of 因...而闻名 M2U1 be famous as 作为...而出名 1.on 两地相接 3.there be...to 有某事要做 in 在...范围内 4.part of ...的一部分 to 不相接 5.everywhere 到处 2.in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代 6.most days 大多数天里 3.get/become 变得 M3U2 4.population of ...的人口 1.not...but... 不是..而是.. 问人口what或how large形容多少人口 2.against (在比赛中或战斗中)对抗... 用large/big/small 3.as early as 尽可能早 5.形容词前用much/a little/a lot/over/still来 4. We can=possible 加强语气 5.beat 打败某人 战胜某人 6.i’d like to do sth.我想要... Win(不能接人物) 7.not as...as... 与...不一样 6.be late for 迟到 8.so...as 与...不一样(用于否定句) 7.be pleased to do sth. 做某事开心 9.A be 形比 than B 8.what a pity 好可惜 好遗憾 ,我来为大家科普一下关于外研版八年级上册语法知识?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



M1U1 M1U2 1.Let’s 动词原形 1.smile at sb. 2.try to do sth. 试着做某事 2.send sth.to sb. 把...发送给... 3.speak 语言 3.some advice/a pieve of advice 4.as much as possible尽可能多 4.ask for 请求(ask for help 请求帮助) (as soon as possible 尽快) 5.动名词作主语 5.practise V-ing 练习做某事 6.ways to do 做某事的方式 6.match...with... 以...搭配 7.each time 每次 7.It is difficult for sb. to do sth. 8.形容词放在不定代词后 8.should 动词原形 9.advise doing sth. advise sb. To do sth. 9.as...as... 与...一样 10.be afraid to do sth.害怕/不敢做某事 Be afraid of doing sth. 10.why not 动词原形 11.remember to do sth. 11.forget to do sth. 忘记做某事 12.suggest (that)sb. Do sth. Suggest doing sth. 12.It’s a good to do sth. 13.try not to do sth. 不要尝试做某事 13.what else=what other n. M1U3 14.write it/them down 写下 1.more often 经常 15.How about V-ing=what about V-ing 2.think about 考虑 16.need to do sth. 3.chat with 谈话(不像talk to那么正式) 17.why don’t you 动原=why not 动原 M2U2 18.agree with sb. 同意做某事 1.be from 2.be famous of 因...而闻名 M2U1 be famous as 作为...而出名 1.on 两地相接 3.there be...to 有某事要做 in 在...范围内 4.part of ...的一部分 to 不相接 5.everywhere 到处 2.in the 1980s 在20世纪80年代 6.most days 大多数天里 3.get/become 变得 M3U2 4.population of ...的人口 1.not...but... 不是..而是.. 问人口what或how large形容多少人口 2.against (在比赛中或战斗中)对抗... 用large/big/small 3.as early as 尽可能早 5.形容词前用much/a little/a lot/over/still来 4. We can=possible 加强语气 5.beat 打败某人 战胜某人 6.i’d like to do sth.我想要... Win(不能接人物) 7.not as...as... 与...不一样 6.be late for 迟到 8.so...as 与...不一样(用于否定句) 7.be pleased to do sth. 做某事开心 9.A be 形比 than B 8.what a pity 好可惜 好遗憾


1.on TV 在电视上 9.have a chance of doing sth.有做某事 2.at all 一点也(不),用于否定句 have a chance to do sth.的机会 3.be sure about/of sth. 10.hope to do sth.希望做某事 Be sure to do sth. 11.cheer sb. On 为某人欢呼加油 4.stay at home 待在家里 12.practice makes perfect熟能生巧 5.mind doing sth.介意做某事 百炼成钢 6.never mind 没关系 M4U2 7.plenty of 大量 1.plan to do sth.计划做某事 M4U1 1.sb. Happen to do sth.某人碰巧做某事 2.from...to... 从...到... What happen to sb.某人发生了什么事 3.the 比较级,the 比较级 越..越.. 2.maybe 也许 4.a lot=very 用在比较级前 十分 非常 3.so much 不可数n. 5.it takes (sb.)some time/money to do sth. 4.heavy traffic 交通堵塞 花费(某人)多少时间/金钱做某事 5.most of 大多数 6.as much as 与...一样的 6.quite 十分 相当 7.the 序数词 最高级 7.the same as 与..一样 8.because of 由于 8.all the time 一直 总是 9.a lot/much/a little/a bit M5U1 用在比较级前说明程度 1.offer sth. To sb.把sth.提供给某人 许 lots of offer sb. Sth.给sb.提供sth. 多 a lot of offer to do sth.主动提出做某事 M5U2 2.stay for 1.one of 名词复数 3.no idea= i have no idea=i don’t know 2.the lives of ...的生活 M5U3 1.动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,其结构 3.in the middle of....th在...世纪中期 为:“to 动词原形”,否定形式为:“not to at the end of....th在...世纪末 动词原形” at the beginning of...th centary在...世纪之初 2.want to do/decide to do/ 4.sent sb. to sw. 把sb.送到sw. hope to do/plan to do/ 5.after-介词 V-ing offer to do/agree to do/ 6.be name 被称作 learn to do 7.give a warm welcome to sb.热烈欢迎某人 3.make sb. v./adj. M6U2 4.take place=happen 发生 1.in the wild 在野外 M6U1 1.be interesed to 对做某事感兴趣 2.to 为了 be interesed in 对...感兴趣 3.help sb. To do sth. 2.allow sb. To do 允许某人做某事 4.need to do sth. 3.pay to 支付给 5.bamboo 不可数 bamboo forests 可数 4.give sth.to sb. 6.there will be=there is going to be 将会 Give sth. To do 7.go back to 回到 M7U1

1.it’s about这是关于 8.chose...as 把...选为 2.called 被叫做 9.the symbol of 3.ran past 跑过 10.save 拯救 4.in the ground 在地面 M7U2 5.to see 为了理解/明白 1.by the river在河边 M7U3 1.过去某个时刻或一段时间内正在 2.look into 朝里看 进行的动作 3.what...for=why at this time/yesterday/between...to...yesterday/ 4.ran by=ran past i be/was were V-ing 5.heard (to)do 听到某人做了sth.(听到事情发生的整个过程) 2.当表明一个人的品质、特征用of heard doing 听到sb.正在做sth. M8U1 1.look 看起来 6.take...out of 取出 拿出 2.ride one’s bike 骑车 7.too...to... 太...而不能 3.wait to do sth.等待做某事 8.fall for 一段时间 4.taik on... 用...聊天 M8U2 5.too bad 太糟糕 1.whlie和when的用法 6.the risk of 2.a box of 一箱的... 7.stop at 3.climb out 爬出来 M8U3 1.while 只能表示某一段时间里,不能 4.pick 代词 of 捡起 表示某一点时间。在while引导的时间 5.land on 降落在 状语从句中,其谓语动词只能是延续性 6.hurry to sw 快速去某地 的。而且也只能与主句中的谓语动词同时 7.as 当...的时候 发生或存在 8.what kind of 什么种类 2.在when引导的时间状语从句中,其谓 9.in great pain 极为疼痛 语动词可以是非延续性的,也可以是延续性 10.as soon as 一知道就 的,可与主句中的谓语动词同时发生,也可 11.take out 拿出 在其后发生 12.as 正如..的那样;就像..的那样 3.just in time 刚刚及时 M9U2 M9U1 1.prepare..for 为..做准备 1.close to 靠近... 2.too much 不可数 2.move to 搬到 too many 可数 3.rubbish 不可数 3.one fifth 4.have to 必须;不得不 two fifths 5.It is adj. That 从句 M9U3 1.不定冠词与定冠词的用法 6.make efforts to努力做某事 (P76) 7.as we say 就像我们说的 2.零冠词用法(P77) M10U2 M10U1 1.might 动原 1.the best time to do sth 2.what’s the temperture 问温度 2.good places to visit 参观的好去处 3.it’s between...and... 在...度到...度之间 3.start to do sth 开始做某事

4.although不能同时与but出现于句中 4.take photo of 给...拍照 5.storm shower cloud为可数 5.all year round 全年 6.had better get going= 6.do not forget to do别忘了做某事 had better do sth 7.compare to=compare with 与...相比 最好做某事 8.any time you like 你想什么时候都可以 M10U3 1.系动词与adj.连用 9.from A to B 从...到... 2.might和probably用法 M11U2 (P84) 1.experiences①经历 可数 M11U1 1.must 动原 experiences②经验 不可数 2.must引起的疑问句 肯定回答 2.way of life 生活方式 用must 否定回答用needn’t 3.not just... But...不仅..还是... 3.感官v.(taste) adj. Not only...but also... 4.pay attention to doing 4.light meal 便餐 M11U3 1.must/can/need用法 5.take 代词 away 带走 (P92) 6.with 用 2.take 代词 off脱下 7.AT the bus stop M12U1 1.make a sound 出声;发声 8.push your way onto the bus 2.have trouble (in) doing sth. 挤上公交车 做某事有困难 9.stand in a line站成一排 3.make① do sth stand in line排队 make② adj. 10.touch sb. On the should 4.how can we do that= 拍某人的肩膀 what can we do 11.smile politely礼貌的微笑 5.be harmful sb. 对某人造成伤害 M12U2 6.even more更糟糕 1.have little 一点都没有 7.cover...with... 用...覆盖... Have a little 一点 8.such...that...如此,以致 2.warn sb. About sth.警告某人关于某事 So...that... Warn sb. To do sth. (so adj. that) warn sb. Not to do sth. (such a/an n. that) 3.jump up of 跳出 (such adj./n. that) 4.leave quickly 快速离开 5.keep calm 保持冷静 6.stop doing sth.停止(正在)做某事 stop to do停止(去做)另一件事 7.stay away from远离 8.move away from远离 9.be careful of 小心 10.run away from 跑开 11.help 动原


