

How to become more grateful, and why that will make you happier, healthier and more resilient

  1. resilient [rɪˈzɪliənt]有弹性(或弹力)的;可迅速恢复的;有适应力的;能复原的

(CNN) - If you really think about it, so many of us should be in a perpetual state of gratitude.

  1. think about it 思考;想一想;想想看
  2. perpetual [pəˈpetʃuəl]永恒的;永久的;没完没了的;不间断的;持续的;长久的
  3. gratitude n. 感激;感谢

Which of these do you have going for you right now? Family. Friends. Love. Health. Freedom from war and natural disaster. Imagination. Community. A roof over our heads. Common decency. Hope. Opportunity. Memories. Financial stability. Favorite places. Days off work. Good weather. The golden age of television. Books. Music. Ice cream. Weekends. A friendly exchange. Something good that happened today. Something bad that didn't happen today. A good cup of coffee.

  1. have sth going for sb 具有某种有利条件或优势
  2. freedom from 免于;没有
  3. decency [ˈdiːsnsi]体面;端庄
  4. days off work 休息天
  5. exchange 交流;互动

You may not have everything you want (or even need) on my list or yours, but that probably still leaves buckets -- nay, container ships -- full of tangible and conceptual items for which to be grateful. Things can always be better, but they can always be worse. It often depends on how you look at that proverbial glass of water.

  1. bucket 水桶
  2. nay (强调刚提及之事)不仅如此;不
  3. container ship 集装箱船
  4. tangible [ˈtændʒəbl]有形的;实际的;真实的;可触摸的;可触知的;可感知的
  5. conceptual 概念(上)的;观念(上)的
  6. depend on 取决于
  7. proverbial [prəˈvɜːrbiəl]谚语的;谚语表达的;如谚语所说的;众所周知;著名

To get in better touch with gratefulness -- and get the health benefits of doing so -- the trick is to find easy ways to count blessings more often than, say, over an annual turkey dinner. Keep your thankfulness boiling on the front burner of your mind, and you will increase your general appreciation of life.

  1. get in touch with 接触
  2. trick 诀窍;秘诀
  3. blessings 上帝的恩宠;祝福;祝颂;赞同;许可;好事;有益之事
  4. turkey dinner 感恩节火鸡大餐
  5. on the front burner 处于首要地位
  6. appreciation 欣赏;理解;体谅;同情;感激;感谢

Try to be more grateful for the small, mundane things that give you joy and meaning, as well as the big ones. Acknowledging just a handful each day will benefit you, and there are ways to make that a habit.

  1. mundane [mʌnˈdeɪn]单调的;平凡的

Whatever way you start infusing your life with more moments of gratitude, in the short and long term, you will be grateful that you did.

  1. infuse with 灌入,灌输,注入
  2. in the short/long term 短期/长期来看

