





书面表达的第一步应该是审题,审题的目的就是明确命题者的意图,在很短的时间内完成写作提纲。现以2006年湖北高考书面表达题为例说明如何审题:湖北卷以某一次对10所中学1000名学生在新闻、故事、科普以及学习方法四种英语文章中,更喜欢哪一种内容进行了一次调查,以百分比柱图为素材,写一篇题为“Reading Interests of Senior Middle School Students”的书面表达。首先,确定人称、事件、时间:Recently a survey has been done to find out the interests of senior middle school students.其中,时间为Recently,事件为do a survey,人称隐藏,所以相关项用被动语态表示; 其次,抓住关键词(Key words): survey, statistics, reading interests, news, stories, science fiction, articles about learning methods,percentage, less than, more than etc,将关键词逐一在稿纸上列出,以备书写时使用;第三,弄清专业词:chart, table, graph, diagram,rise, drop, reduce, increase, decrease , figure, represent, etc(以上为图表书面表达用词),description (描述), invitation, classification(分类), argumentation (议论、论据), comparison(比较),appreciation(感激),congratulations,analyze, recommendation(推荐、介绍)、application form/letter (求职表/信). (以上为书信、议论、说明及其他体裁用词)。对这类词的熟记可以避免在书面表达书写中出现词汇盲点。 第四、确定书面表达提纲:Paragraph. 1, (Opening Part): For what reason has a survey been done;;Paragraph. 2,(Main Body): Analyze the chart or data, state what the chart illustrates and shows, express your opinion properly. Paragraph. 3 . (Conclusion): Which kind of article has the most readers, while which one has the fewer readers. 完成了审题及书面表达的写作提纲,剩下的工作就是将提纲扩充成文了。



优秀的书面表达,必须有精彩的开头(creative and charming opening),完美的布局谋篇(well-planned and perfect organization),言之有理的正文(main body with accurate statement)以及抓住人心的结尾(catchy and impressive conclusion)。即开头具有创造力,正文具有表现力,结尾具有吸引力。同时,工整的书写在高考书面表达中也至关重要。

开头(opening)应做到用词简洁、句式新颖、直入主题。常见的开头语有:I’m writing to tell you about…/I’m very appreciative to write you about… /I’m very honorable to invite you to…(书信体开头);As can be seen from the chart/Recently the average number of/A survey has been done about…recently(图表议论题开头); As far as we can see from the pictures shown above…/ It’s very obvious from the pictures that (看图说明题开头)等等。

正文(main body)中对于主题的描述和说明往往以下列顺序表示:


first, second, third, first, secondly, finally,the first thing (point) is…, the second thing (point) is…, the third thing (point) is…, first of all, also, finally, one, another, the last…


for one thing, also, the worst thing is…,

first of all, apart from that, the most important is…,

for one thing, what is more, the most…,

one important, more importantly, the most important…,

one problem…, another problem…, the most serious problem…,

文章的结尾部分(conclusion)往往起到画龙点睛的作用。下列句型可以有效地突现这一作用:We can draw the conclusion that…/It is concluded that…/In my opinion,/Personally,/Generally speaking,/ Frankly speaking,/ In one word,/ All in all/We can learn from…that…/I suggest…,等等。



在书写表达的过程中,文章的起承转合离不开恰当的过渡词,高级、准确的过渡词(advanced and accurate transitional words)可以使文章收到意想不到的效果。在写作教学实践中,我们时刻强调学生尽量避免过多使用太普通的过渡词(如:but, because, so, and等等)以及重复使用同一过渡词。在做到“多样化”的同时,力求“书面化”。高考书面表达中主要的过渡词有以下几类:

表原因:because of、thanks to、due to、owing to、as a result of、as a consequence of;

表目的:for this reason、with the purpose of、for this purpose、so that;

表列举:for example、for instance、that is to say、as well as(同时);

表补充:besides、in addition to、moreover(而且、此外)、 what’s more;

表对比:on the one hand…on the other hand、in spite of、on the contrary、in contrast to;

表结果:therefore、thus、as a result、so、otherwise、accordingly(因此、于是)、consequently(因此、所以)、hence (因此);

表转折:however、nevertheless(尽管、不过、仍然)、yet、actually、though、in spite of the fact that/despite of the fact that;

表结论:to conclude、in a word、in brief、to sum up。

在叙述表达的过程中,过渡词的使用应尽量体现准确化、多样化、书面化,即在准确用词的同时,做到不重复,避免使用太简单的词汇。如:①My alarm didn’t go off on time; consequently, I missed the train/ My alarm didn’t go off on time ,I missed the train accordingly (用so过于平淡无奇); ② In addition to visiting the zoo, we went to the museum (比用besides出彩); ③ Owing to the development of our nation, we have enough confidence when studying abroad. (owing to是because of的多样化用法)。只有合理、有效、准确的使用过渡词,做好段落间的起承转合,文章才能活起来、亮起来。





1. It’s a fine day; all the teachers of our school went out for a holiday. (换作另外一种表达:It’s so cute a day that all the teaching staff of our school went out for recreation and relaxation);

2. The question is really difficult to understand. (换作另外一种表达:The question is really confusing.)

3. He is so kind a friend. (换作另外一种表达:He is so caring a friend.)

4. My father is always happy when he faces all kinds of difficulties. (换作另外一种表达:My father is always optimistic when coping with all kinds of difficulties.)

5. Suddenly, I had a good idea. (换作另外一种表达:All of a sudden, a good idea occurred to me./ All of a sudden, I came up with a good idea.)

6. Our work is very important. (换作另外一种表达:What we have done is of great significance .)

“高级词汇或短语”的使用应遵循一定的原则,① 尽量将关键的easy word换用为advanced word; ②将需要重复的词换成其他的表达法;③高级词汇的用法务求准确、贴切;④适当用短语替换关键词汇;⑤谨防用词堆砌、用词不当。常见的“高级词汇”例如:absorb, accurate, approach, available, aware, benefit, challenge, compete, concentrate, …,embarrass, enthusiastic,…,punctual, presentation, schedule,等等。这些词汇的灵活运用必须需要我们平时大量积累和识记。


1.Besides intelligence, the courage to believe in yourself can also bring success. (使用强调句:It is not intelligence alone that brings success, but also the courage to believe in yourself. )

2. The environment will never improve until everybody takes care of it. (使用倒装句:Not until everybody takes care of it will the environment improve.)

3. It is difficult to find a job when the population is large. (使用比较句结构:The larger the population is, the more difficult it is to find a job.)

4.We had to stand there to catch the offender. (使用主从复合句:What we had to do was to stand there, trying to catch the offender.)

5.All the students should shoulder responsibility to make our country prosperous and powerful. (使用不定式复合结构:It is an inescapable responsibility for us to make our country prosperous and powerful.)

6. We paid an unforgettable visit to Guilin. It has some breathtaking landscapes. (使用定语从句:We paid an unforgettable visit to Guilin,whose landscapes are fairly breathtaking.)





1. 整体检查:查看书面表达体裁、内容是否符合试题要求、看要点是否有遗漏和误解;查看词数是否符合要求、查看发挥的内容是否与主题有关;同时应关注结构及表达是否有拖沓、累赘的嫌疑;

2. 结构检查:查看句子结构是否完整、句子的时态、语态有无错误,主谓是否一致、句型是否符合语法结构;更改过于口语化及简单化的表达,通过适当的复合句、倒装句、强调句等句式使句子结构多样化;

3. 逻辑检查:查看文章前后时间、人称是否一致,前后表达是否对称,对图表的解读是否有误;





