





正常句子: You are tired.

疑问句: Are you tired? (主语you和are在句子中颠倒了,这就是倒装句)


1: 否定副词或副词短语置前当放在句首强调我们的表达主题时,有令人惊讶或突出的含义。Seldom have I seen such beautiful work. 倒装语序)I have seldom seen such beautiful work.(正常语序)下列副词放在句子开头,经常倒装:


Hardly had I got into bed when the telephone rang.


Never had she seen such a beautiful sight before.


Seldom do we see such an amazing display of dance.


Rarely will you hear such beautiful music.

Only then

Only then did I understand why the tragedy had happened.

Not only ... but

Not only does he love chocolate and sweets but he also smokes.

No sooner

No sooner had we arrived home than the police rang the doorbell.


Scarcely had I got off the bus when it crashed into the back of a car.

Only later

Only later did she really think about the situation.


Nowhere have I ever had such bad service.


Little did he know!

Only in this way

Only in this way could John earn enough money to survive.

In no way

In no way do I agree with what you're saying.

On no account

On no account should you do anything without asking me first.


Not only is he difficult to understand, but he is also funny.

Never have I understood less about women.

Scarcely have they been on time.

Not only do I enjoy classical music, but I also have a season ticket to the symphony.

Seldom has the boss been so upset!

Never have I been more insulted!

Seldom has he seen anything stranger.

Rarely has someone been so wrong as you.

Scarcely had I got out of bed when the doorbell rang.

No sooner had he finished dinner, when she walked in the door.

Barely had I walked in the door when my dog came rushing to greet me.

Only then did I understand the problem.

Only after understanding the situation does the teacher make a comment.

Only when all the stars have gone out will I grasp the complexity of the universe.

Little did he understand the situation.

Little have I read concerning nanotechnology.

Little was I aware that she was in town.


Not until I saw John with my own eyes did I really believe he was safe.

Not since Lucy left college had she had such a wonderful time.

Only after I'd seen her flat did I understand why she wanted to live there.

Only when we'd all arrived home did I feel calm.

Only by working extremely hard could we afford to eat.

2: 利用倒装引导条件句,省略if, 这在had、were、should开头时很普遍:

正常条件: If I had been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.

条件倒装: Had I been there, this problem wouldn't have happened.

正常条件: If we had arrived sooner, we could have prevented this tragedy!

条件倒装: Had we arrived sooner, we could have prevented this tragedy!


Had he understood the problem, he wouldn't have committed those mistakes.

Should he decide to come, please telephone.

Had I known, I would have helped him.

3: 当介词短语做状语放在前面时有倒装:

On the table was all the money we had lost. (正常句子: All the money we had lost was on the table.)

Round the corner came the knights. (正常句子: The knights came round the corner.)

4: So后面有形容词置前时,可倒装:

So beautiful was the girl that nobody could talk of anything else. (正常句子: the girl was so beautiful nobody could talk of anything else.)

So delicious was the food that we ate every last bite. (正常句子: the food was so delicious that we ate every last bite.)

So difficult has science became that only specialists can fathom its complexities.

So strange was the situation that I couldn't sleep.

So difficult is the test that students need three months to prepare.

So expensive was the ticket that we couldn't attend the show.

5: Such开头可倒装:

Such is the moment that all greats traverse.

Such is the stuff of dreams.

Such are the days of our lives.



    I haven't ever felt so lonely. ( never)

    I couldn't work because of the loud noise. ( so)

    She didn't play a lot of basketball. (little)

    Peter didn't understand the situation. If he had, he would have quit. ( had)

    The story hasn't been told correctly. ( rarely)

    She bought the car after he had explained its benefits. ( only after )

    I don't eat pork very often. (seldom)

    I would have bought a new house if I had had enough money. ( had )

    I will sign the check when you finish the work. (only then)

    It was a day that we will all remember forever. (such)


    Never ha I felt so lonely.

    So loud was the noise that I couldn't work.

    Little did she play basketball.

    Had Peter understood the situation, he would have quit.

    Rarely has the story been told correctly.

    Only after he had explained its benefits did she buy the car.

    Seldom do I eat pork.

    Had I had enough money, I would have bought a new house.

    Only then will I sign the check.

    Such was a day that we will all remember forever.

