团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年

随着《团圆饭之小小少年》制作完成,让我想到了“陪伴缺失”话题,于是写下了这篇文章……(文:常馨月 |图:兵鹰)

With the completion of the production of A Long Lost Reunion Dinner, I thought about the topic of "lack of companionship", so I wrote this article.


In China, there are 230 million children under the age of 14. Many of them have different degrees of absence of company during their growth.


On children's day, a father said to his child, "I can't work with you, I can't make money with you!" Because this father is a construction worker.


But the child said:

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(1)

团圆饭拍摄地:河南鹤壁,豫见美好,老家河南 Film location: Hebi, Henan Province


Dad, you are a liar. Every time you go home, I ask you, Dad, are you tired? You always tell me that I'm not tired at all. But I saw you knead your waist secretly, and there were some new injuries on your hands.


Dad, you are a liar, I asked you, did you eat well on the construction site? You always say it's good. Then put the chicken legs in my bowl and said that my daughter should eat more to grow your body. But I saw on TV that there were not a few drops of oil in the meals on the construction site.


Dad, you are a liar. Every time you take me out, you will say that I will buy whatever I like. You have money. But your own clothes are old and can't be used any more. You are still reluctant to change them


With the completion of the production of A Long Lost Reunion Dinner,I think of the topic of "lack of company".


The reality is cruel. In order to earn a good life, parents have to work hard outside and have no time to accompany their children.


This is the reality. China's economic growth is accompanied by the pain brought by the absence of company, which is the growth of forbearance and price.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(2)



Once, Deng Chao posted his chat record with his 4-year-old daughter on microblog.

“爸爸,做梦的时候,你可以给我打个电话吗?” “好吗?”

"Dad, can you call me in your dream?" "All right?"


Children speak without fear. This 4-year-old child's several words, but looked extremely sad. Because of his daughter, Deng Chao once had the idea of retiring and becoming a full-time father.


Deng Chao was going to work that day, but his daughter held him tightly.


The daughter sobbed in her ear, Deng Chao kisses her daughter and gently comforts her: "don't cry, baby. Dad is really going to work." But the daughter hugged his neck and sobbed.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(3)


Because the work is too busy to accompany the children, the stars are full of guilt. What's more, we ordinary people?


Every parents have a moment, want to put everything down, to accompany the growth of their children. But a turn, and said: "Sorry, between you and my job, I can only choose one."


Knowing that he owes his children too much, he can only stride forward without looking back!


There is a hot topic on Zhihu: will you leave your hometown in order to work?


Although there are different opinions, there is one answer that strikes people most bitterly, that is: "I won't do it for work, but I will for children." It's not that parents are cruel, they will cry at night because they can't accompany you.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(4)

团圆饭拍摄地:河南鹤壁,豫见美好,老家河南 Film location: Hebi, Henan Province



There is a startling saying: left-behind children, empty nest youth, lonely old people, I will experience three states in my life.


Xiao Ou is an empty nest youth. He came to Beijing alone, working in a film and television company, and wanted to get ahead. But the work pressure is really too big, and the film and television industry leads a life of morning and dusk reversal, starting from noon in the morning and often working late at night.


His girlfriend complained about not being accompanied. But Xiao Ou had to work to earn money and survive in Beijing. So they broke up. Xiao Ou became an "empty nest youth".


Later, he also tried to find a girlfriend. But every time they eat and watch a movie together. He spend hundreds of yuan, and there is no result, even no hand. He feels it is not worth it.


Now four years later, he is still living alone in Beijing, becoming a lonely and confused empty nest youth. In his own words, he didn't want to fall in love again.


For empty nesters, they certainly lack company.


In this film, Guaibao's father is a typical empty nest youth, which makes the audience sad and tearful.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(5)

潘元甲 饰演 乖宝爸 Guaibao's father by Pan Yuanjia



Xue Yihui's novel empty nest is a soul stirring work, which describes the experience of an old woman being cheated. She is an intellectual woman and should have the ability to distinguish. But because her husband died and her two children were not around, she felt that the young man selling health care products was very kind to her. She knew that he was close to his purpose, but she fell into the trap of fraud.


When the child asked her to call the police, she refused. The son is full of censure, but has he ever thought about why his mother was cheated?


There is a kind of loneliness called empty nest. There is a group of old people called "empty nesters". They have children but no one to accompany them. They have something on their mind, but no one talks to each other.


In rural areas, "a lock to go out and a light to enter" has become a portrayal of the real life of many old people.


The survey found that children's greetings are most needed by the elderly. What the elderly lack most is family companionship.


Due to the lack of care from their relatives, many empty nesters are always in a daze, thinking about their worries, rarely participate in collective activities, and gradually get out of touch with the outside world.


Young people are under great pressure to survive. They are very busy all day long. However busy they are, they should often go home to visit their parents.


Because our parents are here, we still know where we come from. One day, when our parents were gone, we had to go .

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(6)



When I do housework, I often feel the hard work of my mother to take care of the family. One day I saw a few red spots on her arm. I was scared and asked what was going on?


Mother said it was fried. But there are several spots, clearly not a scald, I actually did not find. At that moment, I turned my back and my eyes were wet.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(7)



But at this time, the mother was feeling the difficulty of a pair of grandparents in the neighborhood. They had two sons, and the two sons had two grandchildren, because the family was not well off. They were responsible for taking care of their two grandchildren. They were very busy every day, and the grandmother had diabetes.


Grandfather also has an old mother. He often goes back to see his mother. Grandma's mother, too old, every Friday she cooked meals, hurried back to see her mother on the subway.


My mother lamented their difficulty. They have worked all their lives to bring up their two sons. Now they have to pull on two grandchildren and take care of their old mother.


My mother meant that she and my father were happier than they were, but I felt guilty from the bottom of my heart.


In the film, Mr. Guo Hongjie plays the role of Guai Bao's grandfather. His performance moved me.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(8)



In the process of shooting and making movies, we have cried, we have laughed, we have been moved sincerely, and our hearts have been baptized.


We are willing to share this touching and childlike heart with all the children and older children who lack company in the world.


Therefore, JINTONGXIANG Children's Film Festival proposes to set November 20 every year as "international companion day". 11 is taken from double 11, representing lonely children and lonely old people. 20 is taken from 520, representing company and love.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(9)


On this day, we put down our work and stayed with our families. Let heart return, let love go home.


May every loneliness have company. May every time I accompany you, you will feel happy.

团圆饭电影解说 电影团圆饭之小小少年(10)

团圆饭拍摄地:河南鹤壁,豫见美好,老家河南 Film location: Hebi, Henan Province


