
一. 非谓语动词的分类、意义及构成:非谓语形式, 构成,特征和作用 ,时态和语态 ,否定式, 复合结构 ,1. 不定式 to do. eg:I have many questions to think about.我有许多问题要考虑to be doing . eg:He is to be leaving the room.他将要离开房间to have done . eg:I felt very happy to have received the gift sent by you last Sunday. 收到上周日你送来的礼物我感觉非常高兴,我来为大家科普一下关于初中非谓语动词专练?下面希望有你要的答案,我们一起来看看吧!



一. 非谓语动词的分类、意义及构成:非谓语形式, 构成,特征和作用 ,时态和语态 ,否定式, 复合结构 ,1. 不定式 to do. eg:I have many questions to think about.我有许多问题要考虑。to be doing . eg:He is to be leaving the room.他将要离开房间。to have done . eg:I felt very happy to have received the gift sent by you last Sunday. 收到上周日你送来的礼物我感觉非常高兴。

to be done The building to be built will be a hospital.即将建造的大楼是家医院to have been done It was hard to visualize how it could have been done.很难想象这是如何办到的。在句中做主、宾、定、表和状语 2. 分词, 现在分词 doinghaving done ,Having finished all the tasks,we went to the cinema.完成所有的任务后,我们去看了电影.

being done,The new houses are being painted.这些新房子还在刷漆。having been done 具有副词和形容词的作用,

Having been criticized today, he was so sad. 今天被批评了,他很难过。

在句中做定、表、宾补和状语 过去分词 done 3. 动名词 doinghaving done, being donehaving been done, sb’s doing 具有名词的作用在句中做主、宾、定和表语

二. 做宾语的非谓语动词比较:情况 常用动词

  1. 只接不定式做宾语的动词 hope, want, offer, long, fail, expect, wish, ask, decide, pretend, manage,agree, afford, determine, promise, happen
  2. 只接动名词做宾语的动词或短语 mind, miss, enjoy, imagine, practise, suggest, finish, escape,excuse, appreciate, admit, prevent, keep, dislike, avoid, risk, resist, consider ,can’t help, feel like, succeed in, be fond of, object to, get down to, be engaged in, insist on, thinkof, be proud of, take pride in, set about, be afraid of, be tired of, look forward to, devote oneselfto, be worth, be busy, pay attention to, stick to
  3. 两者都可以 意义基本相同 begin, start, like, love, hate, prefer, continue(接不定式多指具体的动作,接动名词多指一般或习惯行为)
  4. need, want, require(接动名词主动形式表示被动意义,若接不定式则应用被动形式)

5. 意义相反 stop to do 停止手中事,去做另一件事stop doing 停止正在做的事

6.意义不同 remember/forget/regret to do(指动作尚未发生)remember/forget/regret doing(指动作已经发生) go on to do(接着做另外一件事)go on doing(接着做同一件事) try to do(设法,努力去做,尽力)try doing(试试去做,看有何结果) mean to do(打算做,企图做)mean doing (意识是,意味着) can’t help to do(不能帮忙做) can’t help doing(忍不住要做)

三.非谓语动词做宾语补足语的区别:常见动词 与宾语的逻辑关系及时间概念 例句 1. 不定式

ask, beg, expect, get, order, tell, want, wish, encourage 主谓关系。强调动作将发生或已经完成. I heard him call me several times. have, notice, see, watch, hear, feel, let, make 2. 现在分词 notice, see, watch, hear, find, keep, have, feel 主谓关系。强调动作正在进行,尚未完成 I found her listening to the radio. 3. 过去分词 动宾关系。动作已经完成,多强调状态 We found the village greatly changed.

四. 非谓语动词做定语的区别:区别 举例 1. 不定式 与被修饰词往往有动宾关系,一般式表示将来,进行式表示与谓语动作同时发生,完成式表示在谓语动词之前发生

I have a lot of papers to type.I have a lot of papers to be typed. 2. 动名词 通常指被修饰词的用途,无逻辑上的任何关系 Shall we go to the swimming pool? 3. 现在分词 与被修饰词之间是主谓关系,表示动作与谓语动作同时发生

the boiling water / the boiled waterthe developing country/the developed countrythe falling leaves / the fallen leaves 4. 过去分词 与被修饰词之间是被动关系,表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,现已经完成

五. 非谓语动词做主语和表语的区别:区别 举例 1.不定式 多表示一个特定的具体的将来的动作,做主语时可以借助于it把不定式移到句子后面。做表语有时可和主语交换位置,而且意义不变,并且还能用what来提问主语或表语。

My dream is to become a teacher.我的梦想是成为一名教师。To obey the law is important. 遵守法律很重要。(dream, business, wish, idea, plan, duty, task做主语时常用) 2. 动名词 与不定式的功能区别不大,然而它更接近于名词,表示的动作比较抽象,或者泛指习惯性的动作,有时也可以用it做形式主语,做表语时可以和主语互换位置。

It is no use saying that again and again.Teaching is my job.

分词 无名词的性质,不能做主语。但是有形容词的性质,可以做表语,多表明主语的特征性质或者状态等,可被very, quite, rather等副词修饰。

1.现在分词多含有“令人…, , ”之意,说明主语的性质特征,多表示主动,主语多为物。


The situation is encouraging.形势令人振奋。The book is well written.这本书写得好。(常见分词有astonishing, moving, tiring, disappointing, puzzling, shocking, boring, amusing及其-ed形式)


