高考英语阅读理解同义词替换 高考英语词汇同义词分类梳理

1. 表示“强调”的词汇 emphasize, stress, highlight, underline/underscore, play up


The report emphasizes the importance of improving safety standards. 报告强调了改进安全标准的重要性。

Most schools stress the importance of parental involvement in their child’s learning. 大多数学校强调家长参与对孩子学习的重要性。

The report highlights the decline in the number of native plants and insects. 报告强调当地植物和昆虫数量有所减少。

play up 强调某事物的重要性(有夸大的成分)

The news media played up his former mistakes. 新闻媒体夸大了他以前犯下的过错。

2. 表示“抛弃,遗弃”

abandon, desert [ dɪˈzɜːt]

3. 决定做某事

decide to do, be determined to do, choose to do, resolve to do, make up one’s mind

4. 表示“捐赠,捐助” donate, contribute, give away

contribute指捐赠钱款、提供帮助等,常和介词 to/towards 连用。

We contributed a sum of money to the homeless survivors of the earthquake.


donate 尤指向个人或组织捐赠钱款,捐献器官。

The local people lined up to donate money to the earthquake-hit area.


70% of people wanted to donate their organs after death.

70% 的人想要去世后捐献自己的器官。

高考英语阅读理解同义词替换 高考英语词汇同义词分类梳理(1)


