






Its color becomes yellow as a warning.


It is colored yellow as a warning.

查了一下发现color原来可以做动词,给….着色的意思 。


1)He sent me an email this morning.

2)He emailed me this morning.



Did you party with him?

原来 party也可以做动词, = have a party

搞机械的小伙伴可能知道machine这个词,是机加工的意思,也就是车(turning),铣(milling),钻(drilling) 等这些机床加工。


- 这些零件是机加工的。

-These parts are machined.

经常看电影小伙伴也知道,star也不一定是明星的意思,还有 由...主演的意思.


- Netflix has declined to say what prompted the decision to end its popular drama House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey, who has been accused of sexual misconduct by a fellow actor.

- 奈飞拒绝透露砍掉由凯文史派西主演的政治剧《纸牌屋》的原因。

比起 whose hero is Kevin Spacey 是不是简洁多了

007系列电影里有一部叫杀人执照(License to kill), 剧中经常提到

- James Bond, licensed to kill= who was given license to kill

License做动词用是 给...颁发执照



1) bag 把…装入袋中 = put ...into a bag

- The supermarket clerk bagged the groceries.

0 超市的店员把食品打好包了。

2) bottle把…装入瓶中 = put ...into a bottle

- The wine was bottled near the vineyard.

- 葡萄酒在葡萄园附近被装瓶封藏。

3) barrel把…装入桶中= put … into a barrel

-They planned to barrel the beer next Monday.

- 他们打算下星期一把啤酒装桶。

4) can把…装罐 =put … into a can

- Fruit is often canned in winter.

- 冬天的时候人们常常把水果装进罐里贮存起来。

5) pocket 把…装入袋内=put … into a pocket

- She pocketed her wallet and door keys.

- 她把钱包和门钥匙放进了口袋里。

5) house 为..提供住所 =put … into a house

- We should manage to house and feed the poor.

- 我们得设法解决贫民的食宿问题。


1)section把…分段切开= make … into sections

搞机械的小伙伴知道线切割(wire EDM)把一个零件沿着横截面(cross section)切开,其实用section就可以表示切开,你用cut也可以,但section听起来专业一点。

- section a part.

- 把零件切成两半

- tri-section a part

- 把零件切成三半。

2) coat 覆盖…的表面= provide coat for ..

- Coat the fish with seasoned flour.

- 往鱼身上涂调好味道的面粉。

3) slice将…切成薄片= make … into slices

- slice potatoes

- 把土豆切成薄片

4) dice将…切成方块= make … into dices

- dice the carrots

- 把胡萝卜切成小方块

5) skin将…剥皮(还可以strip/peel) = remove the skin of ..

- skin a banana

- 剥去香蕉皮

6) sandwich= 把...做成三明治= make … into a sandwich

- sandwich two pieces of bread with some sausage

- 把香肠夹在两片面包里做成三明治

7) signal 发出...的信号 = send a signal as …

- signal a turn

- 打转向灯


1) author撰稿= be the author of ...

- the article authored by her

- 她写的文章

2) chair 当...主持人= be the chairman of …

- chair the meeting

- 主持会议

3)cloud蒙蔽= make ... as unclear as cloud

- Don't let your pride cloud your judgement.

- 不要让骄傲蒙蔽你的判断力。

4) inventory 编制...库存清单= make an inventory of ...

- inventory all the books before the end of the year

- 年底之前把所有的书清点一下。

5) pressure 对...施压= give pressure to …

- My parents will never pressure me to get married.

- 我父母从来不给我施压催我结婚。

6) finance 提供资金=provide the money for…

- He is still financed by his parents after graduation.

- 他毕业后还是靠父母资助。

7) feature 以..为特色 = have ...as a feature

- Toyota wants to build a car featuring artificial intelligence within five years

- 丰田将在五年内开发一款人工智能为卖点的车。

8)detail 详细说明= talk about … in detail

- The computer's characteristics are fully detailed in the brochure.

- 计算机的性能在这小册子里有详尽说明。

9) number给...编号= mark … with a number

- the box numbered 7

- 编号为7的箱子

10) bill 给...开账单= provide bill for …

- We were billed for 4 nights in the hotel, although we stayed only 3 nights

- 我们只住了3晚,但是账单显示4晚。

11) coach给….培训= be coach of …

- He is now being coached by a famous pianist.

- 他现在正由一位著名的钢琴家进行辅导。

12) eyeball 盯着...看= watch … with eyeballs= stare

- "Can you handle that?" Savage asked, eyeballing Cameron.

- “你能对付吗?”萨维奇盯着卡梅伦问。

13) corner 把...逼入 走投无路= force … into a corner

- The police finally cornered the thief.

- 警察最后把盗贼逼得走投无路。

14) fool 愚弄… = make … a fool

- Don't be fooled by his appearance.

- 不要被他的外表所蒙蔽。

16) milk 给...挤奶= get milk from ...

- The farmer milks the cows twice a day.

- 那农夫一天挤两次母牛的奶。


