

Chinese tour guide dubbed ‘Mama Moon’ speaks 11 foreign languages and refuses to retire after 25 years



Videos of Xu Xiuzhen, 77, speaking different languages with foreigners in 2018 brought her instant fame. And to this day, she is still working at the scenic spot selling water, postcards and headdress flowers after nearly 25 years, she told the South China Morning Post.

徐秀珍今年77岁。2018年,一段以多国语言与外国人交流的视频让她迅速走红。在接受《南华早报》采访时,她表示自己已工作了近 25 年,现在仍在景区卖水、卖明信片和头饰花。

Xu, also known as “Mama Moon,” has been working as a tour guide and vendor in Yangshuo, a county and resort town in southern China’s Guangxi region since 1998, when the area became famous with foreign backpackers and organised tours.

徐秀珍也被称为“月亮妈妈”。自 1998 年开始,她一直在中国南部广西壮族自治区的旅游胜地阳朔县做导游和商贩,当时,许多外国背包客和旅行团都会去那里旅游。

Xu’s village is located at the base of Moon Hill, a popular tourist destination famed for a moon-shaped hole at the summit.


As a result of the massive influx of foreign tourists, many locals switched from farming to running small businesses catering to the tourists. One of them was Xu.



1. dub /dʌb/ to give something or someone a name that describes them in some way 把……称为;给……取绰号

  • The body, thousands of years old, was found in the Alps and dubbed ‘The Iceman’.

2. instant /ˈɪnstənt/ happening or produced immediately 迅速的

  • The women took an instant dislike to one another.

3. vendor /ˈvendər/ someone who sells things, especially on the street 小贩,摊贩

  • He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor.

4. backpacker /ˈbækpækər/ someone who is travelling for pleasure, usually with not very much money, and who walks or uses public transport and carries a backpack 背包旅行者

  • The bar was full of young Australian backpackers.

5. influx /ˈɪnflʌks/ the arrival of large numbers of people or large amounts of money, goods etc, especially suddenly 大量涌入

  • The influx of migrants to the city is estimated at 1,000 per week.

6. cater to: to provide and serve food and drinks at a party, meeting etc, usually as a business 迎合;满足……需求

  • He and his family operate houseboats and cater to tourists from around the world.



To support her family of five, Xu, who dropped out of junior school in the third grade, began to learn different languages in order to attract more foreign customers.


“We can earn more money by tour guiding foreigners, so I and the other villagers were all keen to learn different languages, and I am the person who speaks the most foreign languages,” Xu said proudly.


Xu said she would convert words in any language into Chinese characters based on their pronunciation and then memorise them.


Repeating the words in her head before going to bed and immediately after waking up has given her fluency in basic conversations with foreigners, she said.


Using this method, Xu taught herself 11 foreign languages — English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Italian, Hebrew, Russian, Danish and German.


Because of her passion and kindness, Xu has earned a good reputation among tourists and made friends with many foreign visitors.


The nickname “Mama Moon” was given to her by a Canadian student in 2002 after she helped him recover from heatstroke and unbearable stomach pain using Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese healing method.


The student praised Xu as “Mother at Moon Hill” in a thank-you note written in Xu’s notebook in Chinese.



