


NeilHello, I'm Neil.


NeilDo you know someone asked me for an autograph the other day?


NeilYes, they thought I was someone famous – which of course, I'm not.

FeifeiWell you are sort of famous – being a presenter of Authentic Real English.

NeilOh yeah! Maybe I am. People want to take a selfie with me, buying me presents, me at the Oscars winning awards, fans everywhere, cameras flashing…


Neil, Neil wake up. 你是在做白日梦吧?Don't get carried away. You know if you werefamous, you'd get lots of public attention – it comes with the territory.

NeilYou're right Feifei – the paparazzi would be following me everywhere – I wouldn't like that – but you used a good phrase there – 'it comes with the territory'.

FeifeiYes. 在英语里,我们可以用“come with the territory”或“go with the territory”来表示“某事是难免的,属于必然的结果”。

NeilLet's hear some examples.

ExamplesThe job involves a lot of travelling, but I guess that comes with the territory.

If you're gonna play rugby, you're gonna get hurt – injuries go with the territory!

Feifei如果一件事情的发生是由一个特定的情况所引起的,那么我们就可以说“it comes with the territory”或“it goes with the territory”。Let's face it Neil, perhaps it's a good thing that we're not famous.

NeilI guess not. I'll just carry on teaching English and making tea for everyone.

FeifeiWell, in our job, tea making comes with the territory.

NeilYou're right – I think I'll go back to daydreaming. Bye.




