

由中国国际友谊奖章获得者罗伯特 库恩担任主持人的纪录片《中国脱贫攻坚》曾在美国落地播出,并于国内国际均获得巨大成功。此次《通向共同富裕之路》由该系列原班人马共同打造,继续深入中国最偏远的地区,了解老百姓的生活现状,还原真实的中国。

"China's Road to Common Prosperity", a 60-minute 4K-documentary recording how China is moving from poverty alleviation to rural revitalization, will premiere on CGTN on September 24, 2022, at 13:00.

"China's Road to Common Prosperity" is a joint production by the same team that created the documentary "China's War on Poverty", hosted by Robert Kuhn, winner of the China International Friendship Medal, which was broadcast in the United States and was acclaimed both domestically and internationally. It continues the investigation into some of China’s most remote rural areas, to understand the living conditions of ordinary people.



People who have been lifted out of poverty have no greater fear than to return to poverty. When factories around the world were being shut down due to the pandemic in 2020, what could their employees do to make ends meet? We discover how making the move from Yunnan to a factory in Dongguan allowed a group of workers to earn a decent living.



Every year, Shanghai forms a team of some of its leading medical experts, which it sends to Xigaze in Tibet, where the health care conditions are poor. However, their work is not always straightforward. As one doctor explains: "Changing people's mindset is a long-term process. Sometimes we give very advanced medical advice, but the locals still go for treatment at the hot spring." Still, little by little, the Shanghai doctors feel they are gaining acceptance among their Tibetan patients – thanks in part to their medical expertise and in part to their kindly smiles.



Muguo is a young ethnic Yi from Atulier Village, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The village is famous for its location on the top of a mountain, 1000 meters up. It's known as the cliff village. Most of the village's residents have relocated to a specially-designated community in the nearby town. But Muguo's parents have refused to move from the place they've called home all their lives. So, Muguo finds himself having to take care of his parents on the mountain, while also helping his wife take care of their three children in the town and earning money to support his family. Still, he has found the perfect solution to this seemingly impossible task. During his regular journeys between mountain and town, he livestreams, selling local produce. With the "Cliff Village Sky Ladder" as his selling point, Muguo has become a genuine internet celebrity.



At the end of 2020, China announced that it had finally eradicated absolute poverty. But in determining which households are poor and which not, who has the final say? Can local officials be relied upon to be impartial? To guarantee fairness, teams made up of non-locals are sent to conduct inspections. We follow one of them, recording all its activities and interactions. The team visits every registered poor household in its designated area, assessing their living conditions and income. Through their observations and inquiries, they obtain the essential data, which they send directly to the central authorities.



"China's Road to Common Prosperity" explores the grassroots of Chinese society, investigating the real living conditions of ordinary farmers. The hope is that these stories of ordinary people will show the real China in which everyone is walking together along the road of common prosperity.


Tune in to "China's Road to Common Prosperity" on CGTN on September 24, at 13:00!


