


几个小时前,各位插件作者应该都收到了 CurseForge 团队通过电子邮件发送的公告,宣布了 Overwolf 从 Twitch 手中收购 CurseForge 相关事宜。


CurseForge 和 Overwolf 力求保证平滑迁移;


如果账户余额大于 5 美元,最好提现到 PayPal 或兑换成亚马逊礼品卡 (预计将于今年第四季度截止,届时 CurseForge 将再次提醒);

如果到截止日期仍未提现或兑换,账户余额将会转入 Overwolf。

Overwolf 方面提到了对插件用户的影响:

curseforge.com 网站和 CurseForge 品牌将会保留;

CurseForge 用户资料会平滑迁移;

插件管理功能将会从 Twitch 客户端剥离,成为独立的 app (回到被 Twitch 收购之前的模式,但不会支持语音功能);

新的插件管理器有广告,但可以关闭,广告收入的 70%-80% 与插件作者分成。


Hi CurseForge Authors,

We’ve recently announced that CurseForge is being acquired by Overwolf. We’re very excited about this development, and hope you share in our enthusiasm! We believe that Overwolf will be a perfect match for CurseForge, and will provide the community with strong leadership and new opportunities for growth.

As CurseForge authors, we know you have been deeply invested in CurseForge, in many cases for years. We, along with Overwolf, are committed to ensuring that this transition is a smooth one, and that you will continue to reap the benefits of the author rewards program.

So what does this mean for you, and what do you need to do?

Prior to closing, you will have the option to redeem your points balance via PayPal or Amazon Gift Card. To redeem your author rewards points balance, please update your tax information and and visit the CurseForge Reward Store.

If you have not redeemed your points by the transaction closing date, which is currently expected to occur in Q4 of this year, and have an author rewards points balance of more than $5 in your account, we will issue a one-time PayPal payment of your balance shortly before the transition. In order to process this payment, we need your updated payment and Tax ID information on file with your account.

If we do not have your payment information on file, or if your author rewards points total less than $5, your balance will be transferred to Overwolf, and they will issue any subsequent payouts.

Overwolf will be in touch with you to share more details of how the program will work under their leadership.

For more information about this acquisition and what it means for the CurseForge community, please check out Overwolf’s announcement [here]. We are so grateful for all of your contributions to CurseForge, and can’t wait to see what you do with Overwolf.

Best,The CurseForge Team


