
熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑,今天小编就来聊一聊关于中考英语100个高频词汇总?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



熟记英语300句 中考英语无忧虑


主题句:Could you please give me some advice?


考点一、advice 的用法

(1)advice 不可数名词,"建议",不能用数词或many 修饰 ,但可以用a piece of等短语修饰表示数量,一条建议 a piece of advice。

(2) advice 的词形变化 advise 动词

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

He advised me to give up smoking, but I didn't accept.

(3) advice 与suggestion 辨析

suggestion是可数名词,可以用a / some / many / a few 等词修饰。

I'll give you some suggestions, Mike.

迈克,我会给你一些建议 。

I made a few suggestions about how to spend the weekend.


考点二、动词give 的用法

(1) give 及物动词 "提供,给",过去式gave, 过去分词 given。

(2) give sb. sth. "给某人某物"(双宾语结构), 可以转换成 give sth. to sb.

Please give him the book when you see him.当你见到他时请把这本书给他。

=Please give the book to him when you see him.

I want to give him another chance. 我想再给他一次机会。

= I want to give another chance to him.

注意:give sb. sth. 结构中 sth. 不能是人称代词。

give it to her (√) give her it (×)

(3)和give 用法类似的动词,V. sb. sth. = V. sth. to sb. 还有:lend, bring, offer, pass, return, sell, tell等。

Please bring me some story books.

= Please bring some story books to me.

Can you lend me your dictionary.

= Can you lend your dictionary to me?

有些动词,可以接双宾语结构,但双宾语易位时,要借助介词 for.

即 V. sb. sth. = V. sth. for sb. 这些动词有 buy, get, choose 等。

My father bought me a new bike.

= My father bought a new bike for me.

(4) 有动词give 组成的短语

give up 放弃 give away 捐赠,赠送

give out 分发,散发 give off 发出(光、热、声音等)

give… a lift 捎……一程

考点三、some 的用法

(1) 用作形容词,"一些", 修饰不可数名词或复数名词

some water some people some students

(2) 用作代词 ,"一些人或物"

I have enough money with me. I can lend you some.


Some of the students didn't pass the exam.


(3) some 和 any 的辨析

通常some 用于肯定陈述句,any 用于疑问句和否定句。但在表示请求、邀请或建议的疑问句中,希望得到肯定回答,则用some。而any 也可用于肯定句, 表示 "任何一个、任何一些"。

I have some questions to ask. 我有一些问题要问。

Do you have any questions? 你有问题吗?

Could you please lend me some money? 你能借我一些钱吗?

Any people can succeed if they try hard. 如果他们努力,任何人都有可能成功。


1. —Is this ruler yours? —Yes, please ________

A. give me it B. give it to me C. buy it for me D. buy me it

2. Never , and you'll succeed in the end.

A. give away B. give up C. give out D. give off

3. We haven't got meat for dinner. Let's buy chicken. (2019天津)

A. some; some B. some; any C. any; any D. any; some

4. I'd like you to give him a hand. (同义转换)

= I'd like you to give him.

5. I can give you (两条建议) on how to learn English well.


