teaching philosophy 包括什么(TeachingPhilosophy教学)

作为一个公司理财领域世界著名学者的Aswath Damodaranth ,除了其了不起的专业贡献,其教学哲学也非常值得学习以下引自其网站(中国是用Translate翻译的),今天小编就来聊一聊关于teaching philosophy 包括什么?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!

teaching philosophy 包括什么(TeachingPhilosophy教学)

teaching philosophy 包括什么

作为一个公司理财领域世界著名学者的Aswath Damodaranth ,除了其了不起的专业贡献,其教学哲学也非常值得学习!以下引自其网站(中国是用Translate翻译的)。

这听起来像是陈词滥调,但我喜欢教学。 除了在教室前教我喜欢尝试改变人们的思维和行为方式的话题外,我别无所求。 以下是一些我坚守(但有时未能做到)的核心信念:

准备很关键:释义爱迪生,教学是90%的汗水和10%的灵感。 如果您为上课做好准备,那么您就很容易成为一名好老师。

尊重你的学生:当我还是学生的时候,我并不在乎那些看不起他们的学生的老师,因为他们的学习不足,或者缺乏动力。 我相信,坐在我教室里的每个人都和我一样有能力,尽管可能没有那么有经验,并且对学习充满热情。

公平:我不相信学生会讨厌或惩罚严厉的老师,但我确实相信他们会在测试学生或对学生评分的过程中不喜欢和惩罚不公平的老师。 我知道我会犯错,但是只要我敞开大门并纠正错误,我认为学生会减少我的懈怠。


教学不只是在课堂上:您对学生的影响不仅仅来自您在课堂上所做的事情。 它受到的影响也一样大,但是您在课堂上,上班时间以及与学生的互动(在线和面对面)中所做的工作也受到同样的影响。

玩得开心:如果您观察幼儿在学习新事物时所表现出的快乐,那么显然人类会喜欢学习(尽管我们的教育系统通常旨在消除这种快乐)。 我希望自己的课程富有意义,影响力和深度,但我也希望他们有趣。 为此,我必须有有趣的教学,我会的!


Aswath Damodaran

This may sound like a cliche, but I love teaching. There is nothing else I would rather do than be in front of a classroom, teaching a topic that I enjoy trying to alter the way people think and act. Here are some of the core beliefs that I try to stay true to (but sometimes fail to):

Preparation is key: Paraphrasing Edison, teaching is 90% perspiration and 10% inspiration. If you are prepared for your class, you are well on your way to being a good teacher.

Respect your students: I did not care for those teachers that I had, when I was a student, that looked down on their students, either as being less learned than they were or less motivated. I believe that anyone who sits on my classroom is as capable as I am, though perhaps not as experienced, and is passionate about learning.

Be fair: I don't believe that students dislike or punish tough teachers, but I do believe that they dislike and punish teachers who are unfair, either in the way they test students or in the way they grade them. I know that I will make mistakes, but as long as I keep an open door and correct my mistakes, I think that students will cut me some slack.

Have empathy: It has been a long time since I was a student in a classroom, but I try to keep my memory fresh by remembering the things I liked and disliked in my classes and trying not to repeat them.

Teaching is not just in the classroom: Your impact on students does not come just from what what you do in the classroom. It is affected just as much but what you do outside the classroom, in your office hours and in your interactions (online and in person) with your students.

Have fun: If you look at the joy that young children show when they learn something new, it is obvious that human beings enjoy learning (though our education systems are often designed to stamp out that joy). I want my classes to be meaningful, impactful and profound, but I also want them to be fun. For that to happen, I have to have fun teaching and I will!




