

交易(The Deal)




阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:据说,人在被剥夺了自由后……才能真正了解自己。 Arcturus Mengsk:They say a man never really knows himself...until his freedom been takenaway.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我在想,你有多了解自己呢? Arcturus Mengsk:I wonder, how well do you know yourself?

副官:囚犯,向前走上平台。 Adjutant :Prisoner, step forward onto this platform.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:626号罪犯……谋杀,掠夺,叛国,今天……你出狱了。 Arcturus Mengsk:Criminal 626, murderer, pirate, traitor. Today, you go…free.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:但你很快就会明白……自由也是有代价的。 Arcturus Mengsk:But, as you soon know, your freedom has a price.

副官:战斗护甲焊接……并锁定完毕。 Adjutant :Combat suit sealed... and locked.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:监狱将伴你同行,这身护甲就是你新的牢房。 Arcturus Mengsk:You carry your prison with you, that armor will be a new cell.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:别误会—战争即将开始,它带来了功名荣耀……也带来了阴森恐怖。 Arcturus Mengsk:Make no mistake. War is coming, with all its glory, and all its horror.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:芬利先生—自由在召唤你。 Arcturus Mengsk:Mr. Findlay,your freedom awaits.

泰凯斯·芬利:来吧……好戏开场了。 Tychus Findlay:‘Hell, it’s about time!’



公敌(Public Enemies)


唐尼·沃米里安:……更多今天的消息,阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克元首举行了一场纪念“母巢之战”结束四周年的新闻发布会。以下是特派记者凯特·洛克维尔从现场发回的报道。 Donny Vermillion :...and in other news today, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk held a press conference commemorating the end of the so-called Brood War some four years ago. Our own Kate Lockwell was on the scene.

凯特·洛克维尔:元首,新一次的虫群入侵仍旧非常具有威胁——可您非但没有扩充舰队,反而把大笔的钱都用在追捕吉姆·雷诺那样的旧日叛党上。 Kate Lockwell :Emperor,the threat of a new zerg invasion is still very real - but instead of expanding our fleets, you've squandered trillions on hunting down has been rebels like Jim Raynor!

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:吉姆·雷诺对帝国的威胁是显而易见、迫在眉睫的!他是个丧心病狂,无法无天的反贼,他想要在整个星区散播恐惧、挑起混乱。他和他那群无恶不作的社会渣子已经在6个独立世界发动了公开叛乱——还盗取了大量帝国的武器和装备! Arcturus Mengsk:Jim Raynor represents aclear and present threat to this Dominion! He is an unscrupulous, lawless revolutionary bent on spreading fear and dissertion across the sector! He and his ragtag band of miscreants have instigated open rebellion across the separate worlds and stolen vast amounts of Dominion weapons and hardware!

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我向你们保证,很快……这个罪犯就会被绳之以法。 Arcturus Mengsk: assure you, this criminal will be brought to justice... very soon.

吉姆·雷诺:咱们不是你死就是我活,人渣。 Jim Raynor :It ain't over 'till it's over, you so-n of a bi-tch

吉姆·雷诺:副官,我的军队准备好了么? Jim Raynor :Adjutant, are my troops ready yet?

副官:指挥官,您的部队已就绪,等候调遣。上传战略数据中。 Adjutant :Your forces are prepared and awaiting your orders, Commander. Uploading tactical data now.

吉姆·雷诺:很好,这场革命即将白热化了。 Jim Raynor:Good. 'Bout time we kicked this revolution into overdrive.

往日时光(Old Times)


泰凯斯·芬利:嗨,作为星区的头号通缉犯,你也不是那么难找嘛。 Tychus Findlay:You know, for the most wanted man in the sector - you ain't that hard to find.

泰凯斯·芬利:我得亲眼看看。传说中的吉米·雷诺……人民的英雄。 Tychus Findlay:I had to see it for myself, Little Jimmy Raynor... the people's hero.

吉姆·雷诺:泰凯斯·芬利…… Jim Raynor :Tychus Findlay...

吉姆·雷诺:行头不错呀。 Jim Raynor :Nice suit.

泰凯斯·芬利:有备无患。 Tychus Findlay:Pays to be prepared.

吉姆·雷诺:我听说你进去了。还是个终身监禁。怎么,表现良好,减刑出狱了吗? Jim Raynor :I heard they put you onice. Life sentence. What, did they give you time off for good behaviour?

泰凯斯·芬利:没错,老兄。我现在可是模范公民了 Tychus Findlay :That's right, old buddy. I'm a modelcitizen now.

吉姆·雷诺:大驾光临,有何贵干啊? Jim Raynor :So to what do I owe the pleasure?

泰凯斯·芬利:想跟老朋友谈笔生意而已。你知道帝国究竟在干嘛吗? Tychus Findlay:Just a friendly business proposition. Do you even know what the Dominion are doing out here?

吉姆·雷诺:我倒想听你说说。 Jim Raynor :I'm guessin' yer about to tell me.

泰凯斯·芬利:他们在挖掘外星神器呢,老兄。你们的蒙斯克为这些东西着了魔。但是我找到了一个买家,要是能把神器卖给他的话……价钱随我们开。 Tychus Findlay :Digging up alien artifacts, old buddy. Your boy Mengsk has gone crazy for 'em. But I got a contact that'll pay top dollar for every artifact we...liberate from the Dominion.

吉姆·雷诺:这么好的差事我没理由拒绝啊,对吧? Jim Raynor :I guess I can hardly pass that up, now can I, Tychus?

泰凯斯·芬利:咱们合作。我六你四。 Tychus Findlay :Partners then. Sixty-forty.

吉姆·雷诺:不,应该是我七,你三。 Jim Raynor :Seventy-thirty,my way.

吉姆·雷诺:有点过去的意思! Jim Raynor :.Feels like old times already!

泰凯斯·芬利:没……错 Tychus Findlay :Old times.

逃离玛·萨拉(Escape from Mar Sara)


泰凯斯·芬利:该死的吉米,你一直都在瞒着我。 Tychus Findlay :Damn Jimmy, you've been holding out on me.

吉姆·雷诺:真是掐着点来的啊,马特。 Jim Raynor :Cuttin it pretty close there, Matt.

马特·霍纳:从没丢下过你,长官。(╮(╯▽╰)╭HOTS不就是丢下了么) Matt Horner :Never left you hanging before, sir.

吉姆·雷诺:的确。赶紧带我们离开这儿! Jim Raynor :Fair enough. Just get us the hell outta here!


Matt Horner :All batteries, concentrate forward firepower. Spin up drives two and six!All hands brace for warp jump on my mark!

马特·霍纳:开始! Matt Horner :Mark!

吉姆·雷诺:究竟是怎么回事?虫群已经消失几年了——为什么进攻玛·萨拉? Jim Raynor :What the hell happened? We ain't seen the zerg in years - why attack Mar Sara now?

马特·霍纳:不只是玛·萨拉。你该看看这个。 Matt Horner :It's not just Mar Sara.You need to see this.

唐尼·沃米利安:——早先虫群发起了全面进攻—— Donny Vermillion:-Zerg swarm launched afull scale attack-

记者:——所有外缘星球遭受毁灭—— Reporter :-Devastation spread throughout all outer rim planets-

凯特·洛克维尔:——蒙受重大损失—— Kate Lockwell :-Sustained heavy losses-

记者:——伤亡已达数亿—— Reporter :-Casualties in the billions-

记者:—几分钟前虫群攻击了帝国某军事研究所— Reporter :-Minutes ago the zerg attacked a Dominion military research facility-

泰凯斯·芬利:我的娘呀。 Tychus Findlay :Sweet mother of mercy.

凯特·洛克维尔:——从最新的视频中可以确认,虫群现在的首脑就是刀锋女王。 Kate Lockwell :-New, exclusive video footage confirms the Queen of Blades is in fact leading the swarm!

马特·霍纳:我们早知道她会回来。但她要干什么呢? Matt Horner :We always knew she'd back.But what's she after?

吉姆·雷诺:她还有件事情没了结。 Jim Raynor :She's come to finish the job.

刀锋女王(Queen of Blades)


马特·霍纳:有意思,囚犯。我不记得你有访问数据库的权限。 Matt Horner :That's funny, convict, I don't recall giving you access to our database.

泰凯斯·芬利:了解情况而已。“船长大人”。这个“刀锋女王”把大家吓得屁滚尿流。哼,可我看不怎么样啊。 Tychus Findlay :Just keeping up on current events, 'captain'. Seems this 'Queen of Blades' got everybody running scared. She don't look so tough.

马特·霍纳:你还不知道她是谁吧,是吧,泰凯斯? Matt Horner :You have no idea who sheis, do you, Tychus Findlay?

泰凯斯·芬利:我管她是谁呢。 Tychus Findlay :Don't matter to me none.

马特·霍纳:和吉姆可有关系。他们过去……走得很近。 Matt Horner :Well it matters to Jim.They were... close once.

泰凯斯·芬利:……等等……你是说,他们曾经有一腿?! Tychus Findlay :... Wait a minute...you're tellin' me they were shacked up?!

马特·霍纳:这不是过去的她……被虫群掳走后。她就成了这样。 Matt Horner :Apparently she was something else... Before the zerg took her. Turned her into that.

泰凯斯·芬利:然后吉米觉得很内疚。(╮(╯▽╰)╭不得不承认泰凯斯一语见地) Tychus Findlay :And Jimmy feels responsible.

马特·霍纳:老实说,如果再见到她,我不知道吉姆会怎么做。 Matt Horner :Honestly, if we have to face her again I don't know what he'll do.

泰凯斯·芬利:像这种女人……还有什么好犹豫的。 Tychus Findlay :Woman like that...there's only one thing to do.

泽拉图的警告(Zeratul's Warning)


泽拉图:詹姆斯·雷诺…… Zeratul :James Jim Raynor......

泽拉图:……我带来了末日的潮声。 Zeratul : I bring tidings of doom.

吉姆·雷诺:泽拉图…… Jim Raynor :Zeratul...

泽拉图:我挑开了未来的面纱,却只看到了……湮灭。 Zeratul : I have pierced the veil of the future and beheld only... oblivion.

泽拉图:但仍有一线希望。你掌握着她的命运…… Zeratul : Yet one spark of hope remains. You will hold her life in your hands...

泽拉图:……虽然她的罪恶滔天,但只有她能拯救我们。 Zeratul : And though justice demands that she die for her crimes, only she can save us.

吉姆·雷诺:等等,你是在说凯瑞甘? Jim Raynor :Wait a second, you're talking about Sarah Kerrigan?

吉姆·雷诺:4年了!你突然冒出来——(当初一个字没说就把人家抛下了哼!) Jim Raynor :It's been four years! You show up outta nowhere -

泽拉图:时间紧迫!你必须明白! Zeratul :Time is short! You must understand!

泽拉图:你要找的答案就在里面。好好看看吧,万物的命运岌岌可危。 Zeratul :The answers you seek lie within. Study it well, the fate of creation hangs in the balance.

吉姆·雷诺:……见到你我也很高兴。 Jim Raynor :... Nice to see you too.

大预言(The Prophecy)


泽拉图:虫群的到来早有预言…… Zeratul :The zerg swarm came as was foretold.

泽拉图:而星灵—神之长子, Zeratul : And the protoss, first born of the gods,

泽拉图:则奋起反抗。 Zeratul : rose to fight them.

泽拉图:如今,我们的创世者萨尔纳加……回来了。 Zeratul : Now, the Xel'Naga that forged us all, are returning.

泽拉图:但回归是为了拯救……? Zeratul : But do they come to save,

泽拉图:……还是毁灭? Zeratul : or to destroy.


莎拉·凯瑞甘:我就知道,最终你会来的。 Sarah Kerrigan :I knew you'd find your way here... eventually.

泽拉图:你的出现亵渎了这里,凯瑞甘。 Zeratul :Your very presence defiles this place, Sarah Kerrigan.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:你能听到么,泽拉图?群星间的低语。 Sarah Kerrigan : Do you hear them, Zeratul? Whispering from the stars?

莎拉·凯瑞甘:星系会随着他们的到来而燃烧。 Sarah Kerrigan : The galaxy will burn with their coming.

泽拉图:也许…… Zeratul :Perhaps...

泽拉图:……但你看不到了! Zeratul : But you won't live to see it!

莎拉·凯瑞甘:拜托,我们的恩怨微不足道。 Sarah Kerrigan :Please... our petty conflicts mean nothing now.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:一场势不可挡的风暴正在袭来。 Sarah Kerrigan :A storm is coming that cannot be stopped.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:这场湮灭,我们应该共同面对。 Sarah Kerrigan : Fitting, that we should face oblivion together.

泽拉图:休想! Zeratul :Never!

莎拉·凯瑞甘:命运无法改变, Sarah Kerrigan :Fate cannot be changed.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:末日正在临近, Sarah Kerrigan :The end comes.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:当它降临时…… Sarah Kerrigan : And when it finds me...

莎拉·凯瑞甘:我会欣然接受。 Sarah Kerrigan :I shall embrace it at last.

泽拉图:预言尚未可知。 Zeratul :The prophecy is uncertain.

泽拉图:希望永不湮灭。 Zeratul : There is always hope.

背叛(The Betrayal)


莎拉·凯瑞甘:凯瑞甘呼叫。 Sarah Kerrigan: This is Sarah Kerrigan.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:我们已击退星灵,但有一股虫群正在逼近这里,(一大波虫群正在接近!) Sarah Kerrigan: We neutralized the protoss, but there is a wave of zerg advancing on this position.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:请求立即撤离。 Sarah Kerrigan: We need imediate evac.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:取消那个命令, Arcturus Mengsk: Belay that order.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我们准备撤离。 Arcturus Mengsk: We're moving out.

吉姆·雷诺:什么?你难道要丢下他们? Jim Raynor:What?You're not just gonna leave 'em?

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:所有舰队听我命令,准备撤离塔桑尼斯。 Arcturus Mengsk: All ships prepare to move away from Tarsonis at my mark.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:喂,伙计们?何时可以撤离? Sarah Kerrigan: Ah, boys, how about that evac?

吉姆·雷诺:该死,阿克图尔斯!你不能这么做。 Jim Raynor: Damn you, Arcturus. Don't do this.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:都结束了。 Arcturus Mengsk: It's done.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:导航员,通知舰队把我们送出轨道。快! Arcturus Mengsk: Helmsman, signal the fleet and take us out of orbit. Now!

莎拉·凯瑞甘:指挥官?吉姆? Sarah Kerrigan: Commander? Jim?

莎拉·凯瑞甘:你们到底在搞什么? Sarah Kerrigan: What the hell is going on out there?

……路是人走的(Who We Choose To Be)


马特·霍纳:我最近一直都在做你的清洁工。 Matt Horner :I've been cleaning up after you a lot lately.

吉姆·雷诺:别管我,马特。 Jim Raynor :Leave it alone, Matt.

马特·霍纳:又是那梦? Matt Horner :Same dream?

吉姆·雷诺:我说别管我。 Jim Raynor :I said leave it alone.

马特·霍纳:凯瑞甘的事情不是你的错…… Matt Horner :What happened to Kerrigan wasn't your fault...

吉姆·雷诺:你指什么?是她被遗弃,还是她谋杀了80亿无辜的人! Jim Raynor :Which part? Where she got left behind, or where she murdered eight billion people.

马特·霍纳:又来了。你就是听不进去。 Matt Horner :Same old bullshit. You ain't going to listen-----

马特·霍纳:你知道你变成什么样子了吗? Matt Horner :Man, do you even see what you're becoming?

吉姆·雷诺:路是自己走的,马特。 Jim Raynor :We are who we chose to be,Matt.

马特·霍纳:等你想明白了告诉我们。我们等着你。 Matt Horner :When you figure it out let us know. We're waitin' on ya.

好人(Good Man)


吉姆·雷诺:看来该说再见了,博士。我知道你还有很多事情要去处理。 Jim Raynor :So I guess this is good bye,Doc. I know you got a lot of cleaning up to do out there.

艾蕊尔·汉森:我们会照顾好自己的。我只希望你们能置身事外。这次星灵肯定很不高兴。 Ariel Hanson :We'll manage somehow. I just hope you boys stay out of trouble. Those protoss are bound to be upset.

吉姆·雷诺:没事,我和星灵有点交情。我帮过他们几次……没准他们会放我一马。(男人的通病╮(╯▽╰)╭在女人面前吹牛逼) Jim Raynor :Well, me and the protoss go way back. I've helped them out a few times...Figure they might but me some slack.

艾蕊尔·汉森:知道吗?你其实可以留下来。安定下来,开始一段新生活…… Ariel Hanson :You know, you could always stay here. Settle down, make a new start...

吉姆·雷诺:我这种人没得选择,亲爱的。做事必须要有始有终。 Jim Raynor :Guys like me don't get second chances, darlin'. We just gotta finish what we begun.

艾蕊尔·汉森:你真是个好人,吉姆·雷诺。 Ariel Hanson :You're a good man, Jim Raynor.

吉姆·雷诺:嗯。没你说的那么好。 Jim Raynor :Hmph. I ain't that good.



吉姆·雷诺:艾蕊尔!你在里面吗? Jim Raynor :Ariel! You in here?

吉姆·雷诺:马特,封闭所有入口。 Jim Raynor :Matt, seal all access points.

吉姆·雷诺:天啊——不会连你也…… Jim Raynor :-----Oh, God - not you,too...

艾蕊尔·汉森:你会享受吗?你会享受杀死我的快感吗……就像杀死我的人那样? Ariel Hanson :Will you enjoy it? Will you enjoy killing me... like you killed my children?

吉姆·雷诺:你被感染了……你已经死了。 Jim Raynor :You're infested... You're dead already.

艾蕊尔·汉森:快……结束……我的痛苦…… Ariel Hanson :Do... it... finish...it...

明天更美好(A Better Tomorrow)


吉姆·雷诺:50年来,没人能成功的逃出新福尔松……可我们一个下午就把它攻破了。 Jim Raynor :Fifty years and no-one's ever escaped from New Folsom... but we broke it open in an afternoon.

马特·霍纳:真不敢相信我们成功了。 Matt Horner :I can hardly believe we pulled it off.

加布里埃尔·托什:你们干的很好。剩下就交给我和我的人吧,我们会干掉蒙斯克,再把他的帝国夷为平地。 Gabriel Tosh:You guys did good. Now me and my spectres'll finish the job, we'll kill Mengsk and burn his Dominion to the ground.

马特·霍纳:推翻蒙斯克只是开始。我们要创造更美好的未来。 Matt Horner :Overthrowing Mengsk isjust the start. This is about building a better tomorrow.

马特·霍纳:你看不见吗?我们释放了因质疑蒙斯克的专制而入狱的科学家、哲学家和自由思想家。这才是最大的胜利。 Matt Horner :Don't you see? We just released every scientist, philosopher, and free thinker that ever challenged Mengsk's rule. That was our real victory today.

加布里埃尔·托什:你怎么那么天真?也许明天就会有个新的蒙斯克,这种人什么时候都有。你那伟大,璀璨的未来梦只不过是一厢情愿。 Gabriel Tosh:You really that naive?Tomorrow there'll be a new Mengsk and another one after that. Your great,shining dream of the future is just an illusion.

吉姆·雷诺:你这么悲观还来这而儿干吗,托什?你能从中得到什么? Jim Raynor :So if it's all so bleak why are you here, Tosh? What do you get out of all this ?

加布里埃尔·托什:和你一样,兄弟!蒙斯克不死,我就不会罢休。 Gabriel Tosh:Same thing as you,brother! I don't quit till Mengsk is dead.

马特·霍纳:复仇不是重点。我们为自由而革命。 Matt Horner :Vengeance doesn't factor into this. Our revolution's about freedom.

吉姆·雷诺:明天会更美好的,马特。 Jim Raynor :You'll see that better future, Matt.

吉姆·雷诺:但不属于我们。 Jim Raynor :But it ain't for the likes of us.




马特·霍纳:信号传入——是托什。 Matt Horner :Transmission coming in -it's Tosh.

吉姆·雷诺:他幸灾乐祸不了多久,接进来。 Jim Raynor: Didn't take long for him to gloat, patch him through.

加布里埃尔·托什:你要为此付出代价—— Gabriel Tosh: You gonna pay for that man -

吉姆·雷诺:你在说我吗? Jim Raynor: Is that supposed to be me?

加布里埃尔·托什:——你会后悔背叛我的…… Gabriel Tosh: - you gonna regret crossing me...

吉姆·雷诺:托什你这人渣—— Jim Raynor: You're a scumbag Tosh -

吉姆·雷诺:——我这辈子都在对付你这种人。 Jim Raynor: -I've spent my whole life fighting men like you.

加布里埃尔·托什:哈,你和我,咱们都一样。都是为了达到目的而不择手段的人。 Gabriel Tosh: Hah, you and me, we're just the same. We'd both do anything to get the job done.

吉姆·雷诺:不。你根本不明白,你也没机会明白了。 Jim Raynor: No. You don't get it at all.And now you never will.

加布里埃尔·托什:你能怎么着?我离你十万八千光年远! Gabriel Tosh: What you gonna do man?I'm six light years away!

吉姆·雷诺:用不着我…… Jim Raynor: Not me...

吉姆·雷诺:嗯。冷血,高效。让我想起个老朋友。还好你的目标不是我。 Jim Raynor: Hmm. Cold and efficient.Reminds me of someone I used to know. Glad you're not after me.

诺娃·泰拉:仅限今天——但我会来找你的。 Nova Terra: Not today anyway - I'll see you around Jim.

马特·霍纳:你认识的怎么都是这种女人…… Matt Hornor:Don't you ever meet any normal girls?


心灵与智慧(News Flash)


基诺:……这些惊天的丑闻…… Keno :...these shocking revelations...

迈克·利博缔:……反蒙斯克的武装浪潮汹涌而至…… Michael Liberty :...of anti-Mengsk sentiment...

唐尼·沃米里安:……元首在今天早些时候召开了发布会。 Donny Vermillion :... the Emperor held a news conference earlier today:

记者:元首——面对这些利用外星虫子的指控,您作何回应—— Reporter :Emperor - how do you respond to these allegations of genocide! Of using aliens to-

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我向你们保证,这些企图颠覆统治的言论绝对是恶意中伤! Arcturus Mengsk :I assure you, these slanderous attacks against the throne are baseless and irresponsible!

凯特·洛克维尔:长官,您仍然坚持对人民的无私奉献是治国之根本的原则吗? Kate Lockwell :Sir, do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion to the people is the basis of your rule?

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:哦,那当然!我肩负着维护全人类最高利益的职责!我从不追逐个人权力! Arcturus Mengsk :Well, of course! I was called upon to serve the greater interest of humanity!Personal power was never my goal!

凯特·洛克维尔:那您如何来表达您的决心? Kate Lockwell :Then how would you characterize this statement?

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克(录音):……没人能阻止我。联邦不能,星灵不能,任何人都不能!我会统治这片星区,或是看它化为一片焦土…… Arcturus Mengsk : ...I will not bestopped. Not by you or the Confederate or the protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me...

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我……我受不了了!你们这群豺狼以为能来随便质疑我吗?!采访结束了! Arcturus Mengsk : I... I won't STAND for this! You jackals think you can come in here and question ME?! This interviewis OVER!

吉姆·雷诺:我就爱看他抓狂的样子,但帝国会照旧把这事敷衍过去。 Jim Raynor :You know I love seeing him squirm, but the Dominion's just going to spin this like they do everything else.

马特·霍纳:这次不会了。蒙斯克多年来把媒体当作武器,但现在却反遭攻击。1次广播能让我们取得比100次战斗更大的胜利。 Matt Horner :Not this time. Mengsk used the media as a weapon for years, now we've turned it against him. One broadcast and it won us a bigger victory than a hundred battles.

吉姆·雷诺:我想你是对的,这其实是这场革命的最初目的……虽然前路漫漫,但今天会是一个里程碑。 Jim Raynor :I guess you're right, well it's what we started this revolution for in the first place... We've got a long way to go, but maybe we started something here.

马特·霍纳:就像你常说的,民心至上。 Matt Horner :Hearts and minds man, just like you always said.

吉姆·雷诺:马特,也许有一天要由你来带领这群乌合之众。 Jim Raynor : You know Matt, some day you're going to wind up leading this bunch of misfits.

马特·霍纳:哦,不……这就是我拥戴您的原因……长官。 Matt Horner : Oh, no... that's what I keep you around for... sir.


继承人(Heir Apparent)


马特·霍纳:长官,我们已抵达集合地点。尚未建立联系。看来莫比斯飞船尚未抵达。 Matt Horner :Sir, we've reached the rendezvous coordinates. No contacts. Looks like the Moebius ship hasn't arrived yet.

吉姆·雷诺:真奇怪。他们一向很准时啊。 Jim Raynor :That's strange. It ain't like them to be late.

马特·霍纳:长官!帝国舰船跃入!蒙斯克的旗舰在前! Matt Horner :Sir! Dominion ships warping in! Mengsk's flagship is leading them!

泰凯斯·芬利:我的娘呀。(泥垢) Tychus Findlay :Sweet mother of mercy.

马特·霍纳:长官,他们没有启动护盾。这我可不喜欢。 Matt Horner :Sir, their shields are still down. I don't like this.

吉姆·雷诺:马特——靠边停船,准备进港对接! Jim Raynor :Matt - pull us alongside and prep the docking tubes!

马特·霍纳:指挥官,这不是明智之举。 Matt Horner :Commander, this is not as mart move.

泰凯斯·芬利:你不是一直要革命吗,小伙子。机会来了。 Tychus Findlay:You wanted your revolution, kid. Now ya got it.


吉姆·雷诺:转过来,阿克图尔斯!我要你目睹这一时刻。 Jim Raynor :Turn around, Arcturus! I want you to see this coming.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:我父亲他没来,指挥官。我是瓦伦里安·蒙斯克——莫比斯基金会的老版……可以说,我也是你的老板。 Valerian Mengsk:You won't find my father here, Commander. I am Valerian Mengsk - and I own the Moebius Foundation... through them, I own you as well.

吉姆·雷诺:给我一个不杀你的理由。 Jim Raynor :Tell me why I shouldn't kill you right now...

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:因为我能帮你实现你的夙愿——解救莎拉·凯瑞甘。 Valerian Mengsk: Because I can offer you what you've always wanted - a chance to rescue Sarah Kerrigan.

酒吧殴斗(Bar Fight)


米罗·卡琴斯基:快醒醒吧!雷诺把我们出卖了!我来是为了抗击帝国,不是做狗腿子! Milo Kachinsky:You boys gotta wake up! Raynor sold us out! I joined this outfit to fight the Dominion, not work for 'em!

罗瑞·斯旺:大家都冷静点!我们信任过指挥官,现在也应该继续信任他! Rory Swann:Everybody simmer down! We trusted the commander before - we should trust him now!

泰凯斯·芬利:那个酒鬼不值得相信。吉姆·雷诺就是个没种的懦夫! Tychus Findlay: You can't trust that drunk. Jim Raynor's nothing but a spineless coward!

罗瑞·斯旺:自从上船后你就没干过什么好事。 Rory Swann:You been nothin' but poison since you got on this crate.

泰凯斯·芬利:是吗?! Tychus Findlay: That right?

泰凯斯·芬利:可悲。除了自己谁也不能相信!你们这群苦力越早明白,就越—— Tychus Findlay: Pathetic. Only person you can trust is yourself! The sooner you peons figure that out-

吉姆·雷诺:我听够了!(泰凯斯泥垢) Jim Raynor : Heard about enough ofthis!

泰凯斯·芬利:他们都被你耍了,是吧吉米?只要一有危险,你总是第一个闪人。我说的没错吧,嗯?我……他们……还有你那个可爱的心上人…… Tychus Findlay: You got 'em all fooled,don't ya, Jimmy? But the first sign of trouble -you'll just duck and run. It's what you do ain't it? Me... them... that pretty little girlfriend of yours...

吉姆·雷诺:这个世界没有后悔药,泰凯斯! Jim Raynor : Don't do something you're gonna regret, Tychus!

泰凯斯·芬利:呃!那……不公……平 Tychus Findlay: Ugh!That... Ain't...Fair...

吉姆·雷诺:你们相信他?以为我会丢下你们不管? Jim Raynor : You think he's right? That I'm just gonna run out on ya?

米罗·卡琴斯基:你已经让我们替帝国卖命了。还要带我们回查尔?你是真疯了。 Milo Kachinsky:You've got us working for the Dominion now, Commander. Taking us back to Char?It's like you're gone already.

吉姆·雷诺:重点不是帝国。我们的战争是为了拯救生命。如果我们都被虫子消灭,一切都将成为泡影。我要返回查尔。不愿意跟我来的可以走,这是你们的自由。 Jim Raynor : This ain't about the Dominion. Our war's always been about savin' lives. If the zerg wipe everyone out, it's all been for nothing. So I'm going back to Char. If you're with me,it's your choice. Just like it's always been.

米罗·卡琴斯基:这才是我所效忠的指挥官。 Milo Kachinsky:Now that's the commander I've been waiting on.

罗瑞·斯旺:满意了吧? Rory Swann:Satisfied?

米罗·卡琴斯基:继续干活吧,弟兄们。 Milo Kachinsky:Let's get back to work, boys.

吉姆·雷诺:今天的话我不想说第二次!修好我的电唱机! Jim Raynor : I don't wanna have to have this conversation again. And fix my damn juke box!

泰凯斯·芬利:呃……谁来帮帮我?……有人吗……? Tychus Findlay: Uhh... a little help here? ...Anybody...?

死亡游戏(Dangerous Game)


霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:如果真有地狱的话—查尔这里就是。火焰的汪洋,肆虐的风暴,还有能把人烤干的空气! Horace Warfield:Char. If Hell ever existed - this is it. Oceans of fire, tectonic storms and an atmosphere that'll burn a man alive.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:但我们早有准备— Horace Warfield:But we've planned for all of that-

吉姆·雷诺:做准备对虫子无效,将军。它们才不会跟着你的战略走。 Jim Raynor : You can't plan for the zerg, general. They ain't goin' to fit in to your nice, clean time table.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:我曾率军抵抗过5次虫群的入侵。我打仗的时候你和你的人却在苟且偷生。 Horace Warfield:I've led five separate invasions against the swarm. I held the line while you and your terrorist friends hid under a rock.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:我们都知道您的功勋,将军。 Valerian Mengsk: We're all aware ofyour victories, General.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:我请来了雷诺指挥官,来协助我们应对意料之外的情况。 Valerian Mengsk: I've invited Commander Raynor here to assist us with any unforeseen contingencies.

吉姆·雷诺:听上去你已然成竹在胸了,小伙子。 Jim Raynor : Well it sounds like yougot it all figured out, junior.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:我对这个伟大的计划报以厚望,不容有失。 Valerian Mengsk: I have far too much invested in this undertaking to see it fail.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:说到这个,你也许会对下面这步棋特别感兴趣。 Valerian Mengsk: Speaking of which, you might particularly enjoy this next step.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:瓦伦里安!有人报告我,说你带走了半支舰队!儿子,你能解释一下吗? Arcturus Mengsk: Valerian! I've just received a report you've taken half the fleet! Care to explain yourself, boy?

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:父亲,我要完成您尚未完成的事业。今天我要打败刀锋女王,让和平重归帝国!今天我要向人们证明,我能够继承您的帝业! Valerian Mengsk: Father, I am about to accomplish that which you never could. Today I will defeat the Queen of Blades and secure peace throughout the Dominion. By this act the people will finally know that I am a worthy successor to you.

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我很欣赏你的机智,儿子,但你还太年轻了。是谁让你如此充满自信呢——(图样图森破) Arcturus Mengsk: I love your gumption,son, but you're in way over your head. What makes you think you have the experience to-

吉姆·雷诺:还有我呢,阿克图尔斯! Jim Raynor : He ain't alone, Arcturus!

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:雷诺。我不知道我的儿子是从哪把你找出来的,但你要知道,没人救得了那个叛国的贱人……也没人救得了你。 Arcturus Mengsk: Raynor. I don't know what gutter my son fished you out of, but even you've got to realize that treacherous bitch cannot be saved... And neither can you.

吉姆·雷诺:走着瞧吧。等这些结束,再好好算我们的账。 Jim Raynor : We'll see about that, and when this is over, you and me got a score to settle.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:我唯一希望的是…… Valerian Mengsk: Everything I could have hoped for...

吉姆·雷诺:小心玩火自焚,小家伙—— Jim Raynor : You're playing a dangerous game here, kid -

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:瓦伦里安殿下,虫群开始进攻了。(又是一大波虫群正在接近中) Horace Warfield:Prince Valerian, we have zerg attack waves incoming.

瓦伦里安·蒙斯克:已经来了? Valerian Mengsk: Already?

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:都离开舰桥!我要在这儿击垮敌人! Horace Warfield:Clear the bridge! I've got a battle to win.

吉姆·雷诺:地面上见,弟兄们。 Jim Raynor : I'll see you boys on the ground.

有备而来(Card To Play)


霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:该死! Horace Warfield:Shit!

陆战队员:—后退!—阵线被突破了!— Marine :- Fall back! - We're cut off! -

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:不准后退!坚守阵地! Horace Warfield:Belay that order! Stand your ground!

吉姆·雷诺:听说你们需要帮助。我们立刻就赶来了。 Jim Raynor :Heard you boys needed some help. We came as fast as we could.

泰凯斯·芬利:咱们可没时间磨洋工,将军。 Tychus Findlay: Ain't no time to be lyin' down on the job, General.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:是你这个混蛋,真没想到来的是你。 Horace Warfield:You magnificent son of a bitch! You're the last man I expected to see!

泰凯斯·芬利:伙计们……我不想打断你们……可这里不是聊天的地方。 Tychus Findlay: Boys... I hate to interrupt but... the natives are gettin' restless.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:谢谢你的救援……但我希望不只是你们两个…… Horace Warfield:Thanks for the rescue... But I hope it ain't just the two of you...

吉姆·雷诺:将军。你知道我总有办法的。 Jim Raynor : General. You know I've always got a card to play.


Horace Warfield:Grah.You might be a damn pirate, Raynor, but whatever happens you saved my boys today and I won't forget that.

吉姆·雷诺:家常便饭,将军。 Jim Raynor : All in a day's work,General.

火与怒(Fire and Fury)


吉姆·雷诺:你还能走啊,将军。 Jim Raynor : Good to see you on your feet general.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:不知道还能坚持多久。 Horace Warfield:Well, we'll see how long that lasts.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:我带来了一件礼物。 Horace Warfield:I brought you boys a present.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:萨尔纳加神器组装好了。但愿它物有所值。 Horace Warfield:The Xel'Naga artifact's been assembled. I hope to God it does what wethink it does.

泰凯斯·芬利:显然,我可不想把性命都押在这些外星垃圾上。 Tychus Findlay: Damn straight. Bettin'our asses on some alien piece of crap don't sit right with me.

吉姆·雷诺:泰凯斯。如果我孤注一掷,那早就完蛋了。这里危机四伏,相互支持才让我们走到今天。 Jim Raynor : I hear ya, Tychus. But ifI was bankin' everything on that I'd be quit already.'Cause here we are in the mouth of hell, 'an we made it this far by leanin' on each other.

霍瑞斯·沃菲尔德:不知道是运气好还是傻人有傻命——我还从没见过像你们这样就能成功的。 Horace Warfield:Whether it's blind luck or damn-fool courage - in all my years, I've never seen anything like what you two jokers have pulled off.

吉姆·雷诺:那东西可能是阻止刀锋女王的关键——但想要成功必须付出血汗的代价! Jim Raynor : That thing may be the key to stopping the Queen of Blades - but it's our sweat and blood that'll make it happen.

吉姆·雷诺:经历了这么多,历尽艰辛与磨难…… Jim Raynor : After everything we've been through, past all the fire and fury...

吉姆·雷诺:……我明白了一件事——相互依靠才能完成这项任务。 Jim Raynor : the one thing I know - is what we can count on each other to get the job done.

吉姆·雷诺:即使是付出生命的代价。 Jim Raynor : Or die trying, if that's what it takes.

吉姆·雷诺:……因为有些东西值得我们去奋斗。 Jim Raynor : ...because some things are just worth fighting for.

摊牌(The Showdown)


吉姆·雷诺:莎拉 Jim Raynor : Sarah.

泰凯斯·芬利:你都听到了吧? Tychus Findlay: You reading all this?

阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:这就是给你的命令,芬利先生。执行吧。 Arcturus Mengsk: You have your orders Mr. Findlay. Carry them out.

吉姆·雷诺:泰凯斯……你干了什么? Jim Raynor : Tychus…what have you done?

泰凯斯·芬利:和恶魔做了笔交易,吉米。她死,我就自由了。 Tychus Findlay: I made a deal with the devil Jimmy. She dies I go free.

吉姆·雷诺:人不为己、天诛地灭…… Jim Raynor : We all got our choices to make.

泰凯斯·芬利:真耻辱…… Tychus Findlay: Damn shame.

莎拉·凯瑞甘:吉姆? Sarah Kerrigan : Jim?

吉姆·雷诺:没事了,我在这里。 Jim Raynor : It's okay I gotcha.


