
例: The UK government will on Thursday unveil a long-awaited set of measures to tackle a wide range of online harms, from bullying and fraud to child abuse, in an ambitious and contentious attempt to force Big Tech companies to police their networks.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于catti笔译翻译考试词汇汇总?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



例: The UK government will on Thursday unveil a long-awaited set of measures to tackle a wide range of online harms, from bullying and fraud to child abuse, in an ambitious and contentious attempt to force Big Tech companies to police their networks.


The UK government will on Thursday unveil a long-awaited set of measures to tackle a wide range of online harms(主干), from bullying and fraud to child abuse, //in an ambitious and contentious attempt to force Big Tech companies to police their networks(in an attempt to... 目的状语).



①to remove a cover or curtain from a painting, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first time 为…揭幕;揭开…上的覆盖物;拉开…的帷幔

例:The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital.


②to show or introduce a new plan, product, etc. to the public for the first time (首次)展示,介绍,推出;将…公之于众

例:They will be unveiling their new models at the Motor Show.



V.①[动词 名词短语] to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation 应付,处理,解决(难题或局面)

例:The government is determined to tackle inflation.


②[动词 名词短语] ~ sb (about sth) to speak to sb about a problem or difficult situation 与某人交涉;向某人提起(问题或困难情况)

例:I tackled him about the money he owed me.


N.①[可数名词] an act of trying to take the ball from an opponent in football ( soccer ), etc.; an act of knocking an opponent to the ground in rugby or American football (足球等)抢断球,阻截铲球;(橄榄球或美式足球)擒抱摔倒,阻截

②[可数名词](North Amercian English) (in American football 美式足球) a player whose job is to stop opponents by knocking them to the ground 阻截队员

3.bully [ˈbʊli]

V.[动词 名词短语] ~ sb (into sth/into doing sth) to frighten or hurt a weaker person; to use your strength or power to make sb do sth 恐吓;伤害;胁迫

例:My son is being bullied at school.


N.a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people 仗势欺人者;横行霸道者

the school bully


4.fraud [frɔːd]

N.① [不可数名词, 可数名词] the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally 欺诈罪;欺骗罪

例:She was charged with credit card fraud.


②[可数名词] a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people 骗子;行骗的人

例:He's nothing but a liar and a fraud.


5.contentious [kənˈtɛnʃəs]

①likely to cause disagreement between people 可能引起争论的

例:a contentious issue/topic/subject

有争议的问题 / 话题 / 主题

②liking to argue; involving a lot of arguing 爱争论的;充满争吵的

例:a contentious meeting


6.police [pəˈliːs]

V.①(of the police, army, etc. 警察、军队等) to go around a particular area to make sure that nobody is breaking the law there 巡查;维护治安

例:The border will be policed by UN officials.


②(of a committee, etc. 委员会等) to make sure that a particular set of rules is obeyed 监督;管制

例:The profession is policed by its own regulatory body.



1.go a long way

(of money, food, etc. 钱、食物等) to last a long time 经用;够维持很长时间

例:She seems to make her money go a long way.


2.have come a long way

to have made a lot of progress 取得大的进步;大有长进

例:We've come a long way since the early days of the project.





