
Germany’s economy is increasingly likely to slip into recession with inflation rising above 10% this autumn, according to the country’s Bundesbank. The euro zone’s largest economy is highly reliant on Russian gas supplies, which will again be choked off in a three-day closure of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline next week. Dutch TTF prices, a key benchmark for Europe’s wholesale gas price, jumped by 20% to above €290 per MWh.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于1-25的英文单词?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Germany’s economy is increasingly likely to slip into recession with inflation rising above 10% this autumn, according to the country’s Bundesbank. The euro zone’s largest economy is highly reliant on Russian gas supplies, which will again be choked off in a three-day closure of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline next week. Dutch TTF prices, a key benchmark for Europe’s wholesale gas price, jumped by 20% to above €290 per MWh.


a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed 經濟衰退;經濟萎縮

◆ the impact of the current recession on manufacturing 時下經濟萎縮對製造業的影響

◆ The economy is indeep recession. 經濟正處於嚴重的衰退之中。

◆ policies to pull the country out of recession 引導國家走出經濟萎縮的政策

2.Bundesbankthe central bank of Germany, established in 1875. Its headquarters are in Frankfurt德国联邦银行(德国的中央银行,建于1875年,总部设于法兰克福)

3.choke sth off

to prevent or limit sth 阻止;制止;限制◆ High prices have choked off demand. 高昂的價格制約了需求。


NOUN something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with 基準

◆ Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured. 七歲時進行的測試為孩子在學校中的學習發展提供了一個測量基準。

VERB benchmark sth (against sth) to judge the quality of sth in relation to that of other similar things 以(某事物)為標準評估(某事物)

◆ Projects are assessed and benchmarked against the targets. 以這些目標作為對項目進行評估和檢測的基準。


ADJECTIVE [only before noun ]

1connected with goods that are bought and sold in large quantities, especially so they can be sold again to make a profit 批發的;躉售的

◆ wholesale prices 批發價格☞compare retail

2(especially of sth bad 尤指負面的事物 ) happening or done to a very large number of people or things 大規模的

◆ the wholesale slaughter of innocent people 對無辜人民的大屠殺

▶ whole·sale ADVERB

◆We buy the building materials wholesale. 我們批量購買建築材料。

◆ These young people die wholesale from heroin overdoses. 這些年輕人因過量吸海洛因大批死亡

