
Well hey there this is Emma from mmmEnglish, coming at you with another natural English pronunciation lesson. ,今天小编就来聊一聊关于音标短元音发音窍门?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Well hey there this is Emma from mmmEnglish, coming at you with another natural English pronunciation lesson.

Now for English learners who want to sound natural, vowels cause headaches.


With just five vowel letters in the English alphabet, there are twenty different vowel sounds used in spoken English.

So today I want to focus on three of the most common diphthong vowel sounds.


/eɪ/ as in 'say', /ɔɪ/ as in 'boy' and /aɪ/ as in 'bike'.

And if you're wondering what the heck a diphthong is, don't go anywhere, I'll explain it all for you in just a sec.


. . . . . . Before we get started today, a quick reminder to turn on the subtitles just down there if you need to and if you feel like being an absolute champion today, help me to translate this video into your native language so that other people in your country can learn and watch it too.



That would be truly spectacular and not to mention, really great English practice for you. So what the heck is a diphthong?

那长元音到底是个什么鬼呢?这个单词很复杂,你们本身可能并不需要使用这个词,但是长元音是元音的一种,有两种原因,短元音,就像是/æ/, /e/, /ɪ/, /ɒ/, /u:/这一些。

It's a complicated word that you will probably never really need to use yourself but a diphthong is a type of vowel sound and there are two types of vowels, monophthong, that's like /æ/, /e/, /ɪ/, /ɒ/, /u: /. They're short and singular sounds.


But diphthongs are a little different because they are a single vowel sound that actually combines two vowel sounds together in the same syllable.

In diphthongs, the first sound is stronger than the second one but it's important that both sounds are made together in the same syllable.



Now the reason why this is important for you is because many of you are Italian, Greek, Thai, Spanish, Vietnamese and you don't actually have this type of vowel sound in your native language so it's a completely new sound that you need to learn.

And for that reason, it's really common for many of you to mispronounce diphthongs and only use the first sound.


So if you're only using one sound, then the vowel sound that you're making is wrong but that's exactly what you're doing here, right?

We're gonna practise diphthong sounds together and we'll focus on three of the most common ones.


Now there's actually eight diphthongs in British and Australian English, there's only five in American English, but we're going to practise them together in this lesson today.

Let's start with /eɪ/, like in 'say'.


Now this sound is made with the /e/ and /ɪ/ the vowel sound pushed together so it's /e/ as in 'egg' and the /ɪ/ as in 'sheep' vowel sounds.

Now check it out, notice how my mouth moves between those two sounds, /e/, /ɪ/, /e/, /ɪ/.

注意看一下,我的嘴巴在两个音之间滑动,/e/, /ɪ/, /e/, /ɪ/。当你们发长元音的时候,发这个音的时候嘴巴需要移动。

So when you're making a diphthong sound, your mouth needs to move while you are making this sound. For this one, it's /e/, /ɪ/, /eɪ/, /eɪ/.

这个呢,是/e/, /ɪ/, /eɪ/, /eɪ/。对吧?

Right? Are you ready to practise together?


Day. Play.


Came. Take.


Straight. Complain.


Translation. Imagination.


Ready for this? It's a shame I'm not able to name everyone on the plane.


It's a shame I'm not able to name everyone on the plane. It's a shame I'm not able to name everyone on the plane.


Let's try /ɔɪ/ as in 'boy'. Now this sound is made from the /ɔ/ and /ɪ/ vowel sounds like /ɔ/ in 'bought', and /ɪ/ like in 'sheep'.

这个音是/ɔ/ 和 /ɪ/组合起来的,是‘bought’里面的/ɔ/和‘sheep’里面的/ɪ/。/ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔ/, /ɪ/,比如说‘boy’。

/ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔ/, /ɪ/ like in 'boy'. Again, notice how quickly my mouth moves between these sounds.

同样的,看看我的嘴巴在发这两个音的时候移动得多快。/ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ɔɪ/,成了一个音。

/ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔ/, /ɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ɔɪ/, /ɔɪ/ to make one sound. The diphthong sound, /ɔɪ/.


Practise with me. Toy.


Employ. Noise.


Join. Avoid.


Annoy. Oil.


Alright, let's try this one together. Avoid those annoying boys and their noisy toys.


Avoid those annoying boys and their noisy toys. Avoid those annoying boys and their noisy toys.


Okay number three /aɪ/ like in 'bike'. Now this sound is the /æ/ and the /ɪ/ vowel sounds together.

这个音是/æ/和/ɪ/ 组合的。‘cat’里面的/æ/音。

/æ/ like 'cat'. Ready? /æ/, /ɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/.

准备好了吗?/æ/, /ɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/。同样的,注意你们的嘴巴在把这两个音挤成一个音的时候移动得有多快。

So again, notice how quickly your mouth moves to make that sound squish together into one sound. Two sounds into one sound, /æ/, /ɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/.

两个音连成了一个音,/æ/, /ɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/, /aɪ/。

Practise with me.




Eye. Child.


Style. Spy.


Cycle. Inspire.


Require. Admire.


Delight. So all together now, let's go.


The child admired the cyclist in delight. The child admired the cyclist in delight.


The child admired the cyclist in delight. Great stuff!


So now that your mouth is warmed up and ready to practise, we're going to step things up a bit, okay?

The next sentences that you see are going to be combinations of those sounds so I want you to watch and listen and then repeat.


Don't leave me hanging, all right? This is practice for you, not for me. First one.


As a child, I used to ride my bike and play outside all day. As a child, I used to ride my bike and play outside all day.


They say her style is inspired by her wild imagination. They say her style is inspired by her wild imagination.


We couldn't avoid the crazy weather, so we stayed inside and admired the rain. We couldn't avoid the crazy weather, so we stayed inside and admired the rain.


What a workout! Nice work to you! Your tongue and your mouth must be feeling a little exhausted after all of that so if you feel like you need to take a little break, fine, but make sure you come back to this lesson tomorrow and the next day and practise again and again.


It's just like doing sit-ups or push-ups at the gym. Each time you do it, it will get a little easier and then you'll start making these sounds more naturally yourself as you speak.


So I hope that you enjoyed this lesson. If you did, please give it a like and write me a comment below. Subscribe just down here if you haven't already.


I make new English lessons here every week and I would love to have you visit more frequently.

To keep working on your English pronunciation, then check out these lessons right here.


They're going to be really helpful for you! I'll see you in there!



