




1、动词 不定式作宾语

ask, afford, agree, arrange, aim, apply,beg, care, choose, decide, demand, determine, desire, expect, fail, fear, long渴望 , know,hope,help, happen, hope, hesitate, intend,learn, long, manage, mean, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, struggle, teach, want, wish,

2、词组 不定式作宾语

be likely to, be ready, try one’s best, make up one’s mind,make an attempt, make a decision,(would,should) (like, love, hare ,prefer)

3、feel, hear, listen to 等感观动词 / have, let , make等使役动词 不带to不定式 作宾补


4、动词 sb to do作宾补

ask, advise, allow, beg, bear,cause,challenge, convince, consider, command,drive,elect,enable, expect, encourage,forbid,force,get,hate,hire, instruct, invite, like,mean,need,order,oblige, persuade,prepare, permit, promise, recommend, request,remind, request, require, teach,tell,trouble,train,urge, want, warn, wish

5、不能直接接不定式,但可接“疑问词 to do sth”作宾语

consider, understand, discuss 疑问词(how等) to do sth

6、名词 to do作定语,常用主动

ability, ambition, attempt, capability, chance, decision, demand, desire, failure, freedom, fun, honor, occasion, offer, opportunity, permission, pity, plan, pleasure, promise, responsibility, the first, the last way, warn, wish

7、形容词 to do,to do做形容词的状语,多用主动态

able, anxious, boring, bound, certain, common, convenient, dangerous, delighted, difficult, eager, easy, essential, fortunate, glad, good, hard, important, impossible, inclined, likely, lucky, necessary, pleased, prepared, ready, sorry, strange, sure, useful, useless, usual, vital, worthy




1、动词 动名词作动词宾语

admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, anticipate期盼, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, endure, finish, fancy设想, forbid, forgive, face面对, favor支持,imagine, include, keep, mention, mind, miss, pardon, permit, practise, prevent, prohibit, postphone, quit, report, resist,resume,recall, risk, stand忍受, spend, suggest, understand

2、不含to词组 动名词,作介词宾语

as well as, be busy, be engaged in, be interest in , be worth, be afraid of, be tired of , be worth, be fond of, be pound of, be capable of, be successful in , be good at, burst out, can’t help, count on/upon指望, feel like, give up, have fun, have difficulty in, have problems, hold on, insist on, It’s worth…, It’s no good, It’s no use, no good, no use, pay attention to, put off, prevent from, spend..in, set about, succeed in, think of/about, take pride in, take up,

3、含to词组 动名词,作介词宾语;其中to是介词

admit to, appeal to(呼吁), adapt to ,adjust to,be used to, be opposed to反对, be suited to(适合),be accustomed to (习惯于), be equal to(能胜任;等同于),be fundamental to,be addicted to(沉迷于..),confess to承认, contribute to有助于 ,cater to(迎合),dedicate...to致力于, due to (反对) , devote ...to(致力于), get down to (认真处理), key…to,lead to,look forward to(期望),object to(反对) ,owing to(由于), pay refer to, pay attention to, prefer…to, see to (负责), stick to (遵守,坚持), submit to(being done) turn to doing (改行..),witness to服从




forget to do 忘记要去做某事.(未做)

forget doing 忘记做过某事.(已做)

remember to do 记得去做某事 (未做)

remember doing 记得做过某事(已做)

stop doing 停止做某事

stop to do 停止做某事后,去做另一件事.

go on to do 做了一件事后,接着做另一件事.

go on doing 继续做原来做的事.

regret to do 对要做的事遗憾.(未做)

regret doing 对做过的事后悔.(已做)

try to do 想法设法做某事.

try doing 尝试做某事.

mean to do 打算做某事

mean doing 意味着做某事

can’t help doing 禁不住做某事

can’t help to do 不能帮助做某事

be afraid to do 不敢做某事,是主观上的原因不去做,意为"怕";

be afraid of doing 担心出现doing的状况.doing 是客观上造成的,意为”生怕,恐怕".

cease to do 长时间,甚至永远停做某事.

cease doing 短时停止做某事,以后还会接着做.

like to do 未做;或偶尔一次

like doing 正在进行;一贯行为

chance to do 碰巧做某事

chance doing 冒险试一试做某事

used to do 过去常常做;

be used to do 被用于做,被动语态

be used to doing 习惯于做



attempt, begin, bother, can’t bear, cease, continue, hate, , intend, like,love, prefer, propose, start

在begin, cease, continue, start的进行式后面通常要用不定式,而不用动名词,因为两个-ing形式重复听起来别扭。

例:He was beginning to recover when he had another attack. 他正在开始恢复时,突然病又发作了。

3、接不定式和动名词语态不同, 表示“需要”的

need, want, require doing动名词主动表被动

need, want, require to be done不定式被动表被动


need doing=need to be done某事需要被做

need to do 需要去做某事

4、不能直接接不定式,可接doing和sb to do的动词:

advise/allow/ forbid /permit doing

advise/allow/ forbid /permit sb to do

(advise/allow/ forbid /permit 不能直接接不定式)

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