雪儿 巨幅泼墨(局部)综合材料 201908
银河倒泻这是一小滴水告诉我的神秘故事,它一边讲,我一边画。画出来的是一所浮在海洋上空的水学校,没有人,风是老师,水是学生。在一个巨大的架子上,一个个透气而明亮的教室是水学习的地方。你可能会笑着说,水需要知道什么? 很多。用风女校长的话说:一切。从地理 (水的循环, 地形和地貌),到动物学 (怎样与生物合作)。还有人文和艺术,使得这些水变成人类学的专家。这是因为它们最重要的任务是爱与照顾着这个奇妙的世界,不要让人类的贪婪毁掉自然和它的万物。
雪儿《风影》综合材料 201907
A sea of galaxiesSurrounded by clouds, over the oceans, lies the school of windwater. Glass spheres built on a huge, extraordinary shelf are the finest, brightest classrooms in the world, where the water learn from the wind. Now, you might very well laugh and say, what does the water need to know? Lots. In the words of the windy headmistress: everything. From geography (the water cycle, geographic landscapes and features) to zoology (working with living things). As well as the arts, so that our young waters are experts about humans and their reflections in the world. This is because their greatest task of all is to love, protect and take care of the world, and to shield the last of nature's wonders from humans' greed.
This is the incredible story a naughty little water droplet told me, and I'd like to offer my special thanks to her and the many other pots of water that had helped me with my artwork.
雪儿《亚特莱蒂斯》综合材料 201907
雪儿《动物志》综合材料 201907
雪儿《风生水起》 综合材料 201907
雪儿《风水图》综合材料 201907
雪儿《海花石》综合材料 201907
雪儿《猫眼星球》 综合材料 201907
雪儿《鱼眼》综合材料 201907