

Every name is called a NOUN, 每个名字都叫名词,

As field and fountain, street and town 田野和喷泉,街道和城镇

In place of noun the PRONOUN stands, 名词的位置是代词

As he and she can clap their hands. 他和她能拍手

The ADJECTIVE describes a thing, 形容词描述一个东西

As magic wand and shiny ring; 魔法棒和发光戒指

The VERB means action, something done, 动词是动作和做某事

To read, to write, to be, to run; 读,写,成为,跑。

How things are done, the ADVERBS tell, 事情是怎么做的,副词告诉你

As quickly, slowly, badly, well; 快速地,慢慢地,很坏地,很好地,

The PREPOSITION shows relation, 介词表示关系

As in the street, or at the station; 在街上,在车站

CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways, 连接词 在很多方面连接

Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase; 句子,单词,短语

The INTERJECTION cries out, "Hark! 感叹词 大喊“”听“

I need an exclamation mark!"我需要感叹号


