

bust 胸围

waist 腰围

hips 臀围

shoulder width 肩宽

head 头

forehead 前额

hair 头发

face 脸

cheek 脸颊

temple 太阳穴,寺庙

eye 眼睛

eyebrow 眉毛

eyelash 睫毛

nose 鼻子

nostril 鼻孔

mouth 嘴

tongue 舌头

tooth 牙齿

lip 嘴唇

chin 下巴

jaw 下颚

dimple 酒窝

pimple 粉刺,痘痘

acne 痤疮,粉刺 (一般数量多,比pimple严重)

freckle 雀斑

mole 痣

scar 疤痕

skin 皮肤

neck 脖子

Adam's apple 喉结

shoulder 肩膀

chest 胸

breast 乳房

nipple 乳头

rib 肋骨

abdomen 腹

back 后背

arm 胳膊

armpit 腋窝

elbow 肘

wrist 手腕

hand 手

waist 腰

bellybutton 肚脐

hip 臀部,胯部

bottom/butt/buttocks 屁股

leg 腿

knee 膝盖

ankle 脚踝

foot 脚

brain 脑

heart 心

lung 肺

liver 肝

stomach 胃

intestine 肠

kidney 肾

spleen 脾

bladder 膀胱

appendix 阑尾


I will keep an eye on him. 我会时刻留意他的。(keep an eye on 留意,密切注视,照看)

If you massage your temples gently your headache will be better. 如果你轻轻按摩太阳穴,你的头疼会好点儿。

He just bumped his chin hardly. 刚才他下巴碰得很厉害。

She slapped him on the face. 她打了他一个耳光。

Your dimple is really cute! 你的酒窝真可爱。(注意dimple是酒窝,pimple是粉刺)

He needs an emergengy operation to remove his appendix. 他需要赶紧做手术摘除阑尾。

I'm about two inches larger round the waist. 我腰围大概粗了两寸。

What's your waistline? 你腰围是多少?(What's the size of your waist?)

Please take her measurements, height, weight, bust, waist, hips and shoulder width. 给她量一下尺寸,身高,体重,胸围,腰围,臀围和肩宽。

She had a hip replacement. 她做过髋关节置换手术。

Back pain has been bothering me for a long time, please massage my lower back and left hip. 腰疼已经困扰我很久了,请按摩我的后背下部和左髋。



