

今天我们学习《机械制图》——机件的常用表达方法第一部分的内容。今天的主要内容是视图。Today we study "Mechanical Drawing" - the first part of the common methods of expression of machine parts. Today's main content is the view.

No.1 基本视图



1.对于形状比较复杂的机件,用两个或三个视图尚不能完整,清楚地表达它们的内外形状时,可如图所示,在原有三个投影面的基础上,再增设三个投影面 ,组成一个正六面体,这六个投影面称为基本投影面。




The view usually has a basic view, to the view, partial view and oblique view, according to the need to choose.

1. For the complex shape of the machine, with two or three views can not be complete, clearly express their internal and external shape, as shown in the figure, on the basis of the original three projection surface, and then add three projection surface, composed of a positive hexahedron, the six projection surface is called the basic projection surface.

2. Basic view: The view obtained by projecting the machine to the basic projection plane is called the basic view. Right view: from the right to the left projection; elevation view: from the bottom up projection; rear view: from the back to the front projection.

3. When expressing the drawing of the machine, it is not necessary to draw all six basic views, and the number of views should be kept to a minimum in the case of a clear representation of the machine.

4. Steps to express the machine in view: first, place the machine in its natural position; then, select the view that represents the most information about the machine as the main view; finally, determine which views to use, so that the machine can be expressed completely and clearly. (Try to avoid using dotted lines to indicate the outline and prism of the machine to avoid unnecessary repetition of details.)







Orientation view

The directional view is a freely configurable view. If the basic view of a machine is not configured according to the provisions of the basic view, or can not be drawn on the same drawing, it can be drawn to the view, at this time, the view should be marked above the capital Latin letter "x", called x to the view, in the corresponding view near the arrow indicating the direction of projection, and write the same letter.

Local view

The local view is a view of a part of the object projected to the basic projection plane. The local view can be configured in the form of a basic view or in the form of a directional view and labeled.




The view obtained by projecting the machine to a plane not parallel to the basic projection plane is called oblique view. Oblique view is usually configured and labeled in the form of the configuration to the view, as shown in the figure, if necessary, the oblique view can be rotated configuration, when the name of the figure should be added to the rotation symbol, indicating that the view name of the capital Latin letter "x" should be near the arrow end of the rotation symbol, also allows the rotation angle marked after the letter.




