
A Rough CIue of Western CuⅠture(1/3 the Ancient Greek Culture to the Renaissance)

—Learning Western Culture Bit by Bit






Though Western civilization has a history as long as Eastern civilization, and has lasted almost 5, 000 years since the origin of Cretan society, her rapid growth, high prosperity and world influence did not come until the Renaissance. It is first due to the Renaissance and then to the Enlightenment that the Europeans were liberated from the feudalistic autocracy and the theological yoke before the bourgeoisie took over state power and the culmination in her historical development began. Western civilization was thus able to take on a new look and opened a new page in her historical process towards modernity by stepping up her efforts at an unprecedented pace.


It is generally acknowledged that Western culture originated in Greek,Roman and perhaps Celtic culture, which is know as classicism, in addition to the influences from some other ancient civilizations like those of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Many aspects of Western culture, such as educational systems, public institutions, ways of counselling and making decisions ,spiritual pursuits and concerns for science and culture, are attributed to the influence of the classical period. In addition, Westerners' rational way of thinking, practical spirit, respect for human values and inclination to research nature are obviously the results of classicist heritage.


Apart from the influences from classicist origins, Western culture has also benefited a lot from Jewish culture. Jewish culture took root in the Middle East where the Jewish people were born and where they created in antiquity their brilliant, religious civilization. Jewish culture is famous for its originality and persistency in religious faith as well as the Jewish People's ability to endure bitter and tortuous experiences in national migration and overseas Diaspora. Historical sufferings and disasters not only enriched its cultural heritage, but also contributed to the birth of Christianity, which was founded out of the Jewish anti-Roman struggle.


With its increasing dissemination and wide popularity among the general populace and officials, Christianity gradually expanded into a major religion in the West. It became a dominant ideological power exerting widespread influences both in religious and secular domains. Western culture, with the admission of Christianity to its ranks alongside classicism and Jewish culture, became integrated and established,and has ever since played a tremendous role in the ways of thinking and modes of behaviour among the Westerners. Nevertheless, with the passage of time and the entrenchment of its hierarchical system, Christianity's leading body was inclined to be more conservative and corrupted, giving rise to increasing levels of complaint and opposition. Hence, the Religious Reformation was inevitable and led to the schism within Christianity. Catholicism, Protestantism and the Eastern Orthodoxy, which had been separated even earlier, worked independently of each other in the name of Jesus Christ. However, the religious mission and undertaking never seemed weakened during the long years of the Middle Ages when after the fall of the powerful and civilized Roman Empire, Christianity joined in the feudal autocracy of different kingdoms, dynasties and aristocrats.


The Medieval period is one of the darkest ages in Western civilization in the sense that the majority of the Western population could not and did not enjoy significant intellectual, political and economic freedom.With the Germanic intrusion and Roman decline , Western culture suffered from a period of arrested growth while barbarous Germanic tribes were intent upon destruction and spoil at the beginning of their conquest. After the nightmarish life of a thousand years or so, Westerners eventually woked up and opened the door to a new era —the Renaissance.


The Renaissance, strictly speaking, is not a movement but a continuation of a certain transitional period from the Middle Ages to the modern era. To be more accurate, the term Renaissance refers vaguely to the later period of the feudal society, which was a mid-way phase for the transit of human ideas from the old to the new. In spite of the emergence of some new ideas different from those of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance was still limited in its own ideological mode and cannot be said to have fulfilled its historical mission in opposition to theology and autocracy. Such a historical mission had to be passed over to and taken up by the Enlightenment in the eighteenth century.




