
国务院新闻办公室12月20日发表《“一国两制”下香港的民主发展》白皮书,全面回顾香港特别行政区民主的产生和发展历程,进一步阐明中央政府对香港特别行政区民主发展的原则立场。 China's State Council Information Office on December 20 issued a white paper titled "Hong Kong: Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems." The white paper presented a comprehensive review of the origin and development of democracy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and the principles and position of the central government.




【重要讲话】一个国家民主不民主,关键在于是不是真正做到了人民当家作主。如果人民只有在投票时被唤醒、投票后就进入休眠期,只有竞选时聆听天花乱坠的口号、竞选后就毫无发言权,只有拉票时受宠、选举后就被冷落,这样的民主不是真正的民主。Whether a country is a democracy or not depends on whether its people are really the masters of the country. If the people are awakened only for voting but enter a dormant period soon after, if they are given a song and dance during campaigning but have no say after the election, or if they are favored during canvassing but are left out in the cold after the election, such a democracy is not a true democracy.——2021年10月13日至14日,在中央人大工作会议上发表的重要讲话

香港由乱及治的重大转折,再次昭示了一个深刻道理,那就是要确保“一国两制”实践行稳致远,必须始终坚持“爱国者治港”。这是事关国家主权、安全、发展利益,事关香港长期繁荣稳定的根本原则。Hong Kong's transition from chaos to stability has once again demonstrated that the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong" must be always upheld to ensure the steady and sustained implementation of "one country, two systems". It is the fundamental principle that concerns national sovereignty, security and development interests, as well as Hong Kong's prosperity and stability in the long run.——2021年1月27日,听取香港特别行政区行政长官林郑月娥2020年度的述职报告后表示

【相关词汇】爱国者治港patriots governing Hong Kong

“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方针the policy of "one country, two systems" under which the people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong with a high degree of autonomy


