



Look at the front cover, we can see Biff, Chip and Wilma. And a little girl. Who is she? She is Kate. Where are they now? I guess they are in the playground. Here is the checkout counter. They can pay here. Just like Mum took you to the playground, I should pay at the checkout counter. And then you can play at the playground. Let's go on the story.


Biff and Chip went to the playground. They met their friend Wilma. But Wilma took a little girl. This gril was in the stripy shirt and overalls. She has curly hair. And her hair was tied as three pigtails. Wilma introduced this girl to Biff and Chip"This is Kate"


Kate went up the net. She said "I like this." Kate seemd to be so happy. But what about Chip, Biff and Wilma? Look at their expressions, they were worried. What did they worry about? The net is so high. They worried about Kate. Chip spread his hands in case Kate fell off the net. We can also see a big elephant. It has sharp ivory.


Kate climbed up the net and corssed the toy house. She went up the slide. She said" I like this." She stretched her hands and slided down the slide. She was still enjoying. However, Biff, Chip and Wilma were still worried. Look, a priate here. Is he a real priate? Nope. He is just dressed up as a priate. We can also see a lot of colorful platic balls.


After kate slided down the slide. She wnet up the ladder. She said "I like this." What can you see here? We can see so many stars and Moon and Planets in the night sky. How beatiful~Kate got on the rocket and she wanted to travelling in space. Kate was always happy. Biff, Chip and Wilma were always worried.


At last, Kate was so tired that she slept in her pram. "We like this."said Biff. What did they like? They liked to look after Kate. And They liked the sleeping Kate. It is not easy for them to take care of the little baby. Wilma's Mum was coming. They finished their task. They can take a break.


1. Who is having a good time? Who looks worried?

2. Why did Biff, Chip and Wilma fell worried while Kare played?

3. Why were Biff, Chip and Wilf glad when Kate fell asleep?


牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Top Dog

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Kipper's Diary

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Reds and Blues

牛津树解析与拓展:Level 1-Presents For Dad


