
It turns out that we use a lot of idioms in our everyday speech in the UK.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于形容家庭的语句?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



It turns out that we use a lot of idioms in our everyday speech in the UK.


An idiom is a phrase which has an established meaning.


So when we use the idiom we know what it means, but the words themselves actually don't make sense in that context.


So learning to understand and use idioms can give you a huge advantage when interacting with Native English speakers.


And if you want to sound like a Native English speaker yourself, then learning idioms will help.


We've learned a lot about animal idioms and we've learned about weather idioms And in today's lesson, we're going to learn 20 idioms that relate to childhood and family.


Let's get started.


The 1st idiom is: To take after someone.

第一个习语是:To take after someone。

If you 'take after' an older member of your family, that means you resemble them.

如果你 take after 一个年长的家庭成员,那意味着你像他们。

This phrase is also sometimes used when talking about personality, interests, or traits as well as your physical appearance.


"She's got the most beautiful big, blue eyes. She definitely takes after her grandmother." The 2nd idiom is: To sleep like a baby.

“她有一双最美丽的蓝色大眼睛。她长得真像她奶奶。”第二个习语是:To sleep like a baby。

To 'sleep like a baby' means to sleep very well, if your baby sleeps well, if you're lucky enough, or peacefully.

Sleep like a baby 的意思是睡得很好,如果你的宝宝睡得好,那你就很幸运了,或者睡得很平静。

"I slept like a baby last night. That bed was so comfortable." The 3rd idiom is: A chip off the old block. 'A chip off the old block' is someone who resembles their parent in character or appearance.

“我昨晚睡得可沉了。那张床太舒服了。”第三个习语是:A chip off the old block。A chip off the old block 是指在性格或外表上与父母相似的人。

So similar to 'take after', but referring only to a parent and their child.

类似于 take after,但只指父母和他们的孩子。

"Henry has just started playing football like his dad, and he's very talented. He's a chip off the old block." The 4th idiom is: To follow in someone's footsteps.

“亨利开始踢足球,就像他爸爸一样,而且他很有天赋。他和他的父亲长得一模一样。”第四个习语是:To follow in someone's footsteps。

To 'follow in someone's footsteps' means to do as another person has done before.

Follow in someone's footsteps 意思是做别人以前做过的事。

It's particularly used when referring to career choices or making journeys but can be used in lots of different contexts.


"Well, I think I'm going to follow in my grandfather's footsteps and become a teacher." The 5th idiom is: Child's play.

“我想我要追随我祖父的脚步,成为一名教师。”第五个习语是:Child's play。

This is a phrase that we use to describe something that is very easy.


"Making a lasagne may seem complicated but actually, it's child's play." The 6th idiom is: To run in the family.

“做千层面可能看起来很复杂,但实际上,那是小菜一碟。”第六个习语是:To run in the family。

If something 'runs in the family', it's something that a lot of the family have.

如果某件事是 run in the family,意思是这个家庭中很多人都有。

It's often used when discussing abilities, or traits or diseases.


"They're all so ambitious. It just seems to run in the family." The 7th idiom is: In one's blood.

“他们都很有抱负。这就像是家族遗传。”第七个成语是:In one's blood。

If something is 'in someone's blood', it means it is a fundamental part of their character, it is part of who you are as a person.

有些东西 in someone's blood,意思是它是他们性格的基本组成部分,是你作为一个人的一部分。

This phrase is often used to suggest that your family has a history of similar traits or interests.


"Music is in my blood. My dad played the guitar and I want to follow in his footsteps." The 8th idiom is: New kid on the block.

“音乐流淌在我的血液里。我爸爸会弹吉他,我想追随他的脚步。”第八个习语是:New kid on The block。

If someone is a 'new kid on the block', that means they are new to a job, city, or club.

有些人是 new kid on the block,这意味着他们刚刚进入一份新工作、一个新新城市或新俱乐部。

It'ss usually used to refer to children or young people.


The new kid on the block.


"Everybody, this is Tara. She's the new kid on the block so could someone show her around please?" The 9th idiom is: Bun in the oven.

“各位,这是塔拉。她是新来的,谁能带她参观一下吗?”第九个习语是:Bun in the oven。

If a woman has a 'bun in the oven', that means she is pregnant, just like me.

如果一个女人有一个 bun in the oven,那意味着她怀孕了,就像我一样。

"Have you heard that Kelly's got a bun in the oven? Isn't that exciting?" The 10th idiom is: Baby steps.

“你听说凯莉怀孕了吗?这太令人兴奋了!”第十句习语是:Baby steps。

This is a phrase we use to describe small actions which work towards a larger process.


"Moving house is such a huge job! I'm going to start with baby steps and sort through my wardrobe today. One thing at a time." The 11th idiom is: To throw the baby out with the bathwater. This is one that's not used too often any more but I thought it was the perfect example of just how silly idioms can be.

“搬家是件大事!我今天要循序渐进地整理我的衣柜。一次只做一件事。”第十一个习语是:To throw the baby out with the bathwater。这是一个不再经常使用的习语,但我认为这是一个完美的例子,说明习语可以有多愚蠢。

To 'throw the baby out with the bathwater' means to eliminate something good by accident when trying to eliminate something bad or useless.

Throw the baby out with the bathwater 的意思是在试图消除一些不好的或无用的东西时,意外地消除了一些好的东西。

"I wanted to clear some space on my computer and I accidentally deleted everything! I've thrown the baby out with the bathwater." This particular one can sometimes be used as a warning too if you think someone is in danger of getting rid of something important or valuable.


"Be careful. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." The 12th idiom is: To fall out.

“小心点。不要粗心大意。”第十二个习语是:To fall out。

To fall out with someone means to argue with them. Oh, no!

To fall out with someone 意思是和某人争论。哦,不!

"She's fallen out with her sister over nothing. It's so silly." The 13th idiom is: Bad blood.

“她和她姐姐闹翻了。这太愚蠢了。”第十三个习语是:Bad blood。

If there is 'bad blood' between two people or two groups, that means there is an ill feeling between them, that they do not like each other, usually because of something that happened in the past.

如果两个人或两个群体之间有 bad blood,意思是他们之间相互讨厌,他们不喜欢对方,通常是因为过去发生的事情。

"In Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets and the Montagues have bad blood." The 14th idiom is: To wear the trousers.

"在《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中,凯普莱特家族和蒙太古家族有仇。"第14个习语是:To wear the trousers。

To 'wear the trousers' is an informal phrase which means to be the dominant partner in a relationship.

Wear the trousers 是一个非正式短语,意思是在一段关系中占主导地位。

Who's the dominant partner in your relationship? Is it you? Or is it your other half?


"Right, OK, I'll check the plan with my partner. He's the one that wears the trousers." The 15th idiom is: To rule the roost.

“好的,好的,我会和我的搭档核对一下计划。他才是掌权的人。”第十五个习语是:To rule The roost。

To 'rule the roost' means to be the person in a group that makes all of the decisions.

Rule the roost 的意思是在一个团体中做所有决定的人。

"I may be the parent, but at the moment, Jacob rules the roost." The 16th idiom is: Like taking candy from a baby.

“也许我是家长,但现在,雅各布才是老大。”第十六个习语是:Like taking candy from a baby。

Because of the word 'candy' (which is American) rather than 'sweets' (which is British) , we can tell that this is more of an American phrase but it has definitely been adopted here in British culture.

因为 candy(糖果)这个词(美式)而不是 sweets(英式),我们可以看出这是一个更美式的短语,但它在英国文化中确实被使用了。

So if something is 'like taking candy from a baby', it means it's very easy.

所以如果某件事 like taking candy from a baby,意思是这件事很容易。

"Finding a nice coffee shop in London is like taking candy from a baby. There are so many to choose from!" The 17th idiom is: One's own flesh and blood.

“在伦敦找一家不错的咖啡店简直是小儿科。有这么多可以选择的!”第十七个成语是:One's own flesh and blood。

If someone is 'your own flesh and blood', it means they are a part of your close family, related to you.

如果某人是 your own flesh and blood,意思是他们是你的亲人,和你有亲属关系。

"I know he's wrong, but he's my own flesh and blood so I don't want to argue with him." The 18th idiom is: Black sheep.

“我知道他错了,但他是我的骨肉,所以我不想和他争论。”第十八个习语是:Black sheep。

If someone is the 'black sheep' of the family, that means they are a regarded as a strange or disreputable family member.

如果某人是家庭中的 black sheep,意思是他们被认为是一个奇怪的或声名狼藉的家庭成员。

Someone who deviates from the family's rules or expectations.


"She was very rebellious in high school and it only got worse. Now she has moved away and we have not heard from her in years. She's definitely the black sheep of the family." The 19th idiom is: To throw one's toys out of the pram. This is a phrase which means to get irrationally angry or upset if you don't get exactly what you want.

“她在高中时很叛逆,而且情况越来越糟。现在她搬走了,我们好几年没有她的消息了。她绝对是我们家的败家子。”第十九个习语是:To throw one's toys out of the pram。这个短语的意思是如果你没有得到你真正想要的东西,就会莫名其妙地生气或沮丧。

It's a phrase we can use to describe adults and because you are comparing them to a child, it implies that you think they are being childish.


"Oh. Ignore him. He's just throwing his toys out of the pram. He'll calm down eventually." And the 20th and final idiom is: Born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

“别管他。他只是发小孩子脾气。他最终会冷静下来的。”第二十个,也是最后一个习语是:Born with a silver spoon in their mouth。

If someone is 'born with a silver spoon in their mouth', that means they are from a very rich family and were born into wealth.

如果有人 born with a silver spoon in their mouth,意思是他们来自一个非常富有的家庭,出生在一个富有的家庭。

"Prince William was born with a silver spoon in his mouth." So there we have 20 family and childhood related idioms, but there are plenty more.


If you can think of any, please do share them in the comments below.


And for your homework for today is to choose any 3 of the idioms we've discussed in this video and think about a situation where you could use them in real life.


And don't forget to leave your answers in the comments because... well, I love reading them.



