
Give Your English some Exercise你的英语需要健身 ,今天小编就来聊一聊关于锻炼我们的心智英语?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



Give Your English some Exercise


Do you know the difference between warm up and cool down? Or what it means to do aerobics? Just like our bodies need exercise to stay healthy, so does our English! Give your mind and your body a workout with hot expressions!

你知道warm up和cool down之间的区别吗?或是你知道aerobics是什么意思吗?就像是我们的身体需要运动来保持健康一样,我们的英文也是如此!用这些经常表达的方式来锻炼你的身体和大脑!

Get fit健身

lf you want to become healthier, you can say“l want to get fit."or“l want to get in shape."

如果你想要更健康,你可以说1 want to get fit.或1 want to get in shape。


This means an exercise routine. lf you've been at the gym for a long time, you can say "l've had a reaHy good workout today!"

意思是进行规律的训练。如果你在健身雳已经练了很久,你可以说l've had a really good workout。

warm up&cool down 缓和伸展

These are essential elements of any workout routine. A warm up is a period of light exercise to get the body ready for a workout. A cool down involves reducing the intensity of your exercise by gradually slowing down. lf is usually followed by stretching, which prevents the muscles from getting stiff

这些是常规训练的基本要素。warm up是健身开始前的一些暖身活动。cool down指通过逐渐缓慢运动的节奏而减轻健身的强度。通常接下来是stretching,目的是为了防止肌肉僵硬。

Circuit training 循环训练

This is a workout techriique where you go from one exercise (usually strength training) to another with little rest in between, to exercise the rnuscles as well as the heart and lungs


Aerobic exercise 有氧运动

This is exercise that increases the need for oxygen and speeds up the heart rate, like running O r cycling. Aerobics is an example of this type of exercise. similar to dancing and usually done to music


Cardiovascular training心肺

Cardiovascular training (usually called Cardio) is similar to aerobic exercise. lf is vigorous exercise thatstrengthens

the heart and allows you to burn calories

Cardiovascular training(通常被称作Cardio)类似于aerobic锻炼。这是一种力量的训练以增强心脏的功能并燃烧卡路里。

gym equipment健身房器械

There are many different types of gym equipment o r machines that you can use to keep fit, like a treadmill (used

for running on the spot)o『a stationary bike (cycling machine)

有很多种的gym equipment或是你可以用来健身的机器,像treadm…(跑步机)或stationary bike(脚踏车机)。



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