
接着 怪物猎人崛起英文学习(一),今天来继续了解MHR的大型怪物:

今天介绍的怪物会有: Basarios (岩龙),Diablos(角龙),Rajang (金狮子),Kushala Daora (风翔龙),Chameleos(霞龙),Teostra(炎王龙),Tigrex (轰龙),Nargacuga (讯龙),Barioth (冰牙龙),Barroth (土砂龙)

Basarios (岩龙)


Basarios (岩龙)

These juvenile Gravios are famous for their rock-hard carapaces. They often burrow underground, mimicking rocks and savaging oblivious miners. Because their carapaces are tougher than that of a full-grown Gravios, they'll attack a threat by charging at it. They are also known to emit a poisonous gas.

这些幼年的凯龙( Gravios 凯龙,飞龙的一种,生活在沼泽和火山地区)以岩石般坚硬的壳著称。它们经常在地下钻来钻去,伪装成岩石,攻击未察觉到的矿工。因为壳比成年的凯龙还要硬,它们会用攻击来回应威胁。众所周知,它们还能释放出一种有毒的气体。



登场动画台本:Bellowing Boulder - Basarios (咆哮巨石-岩龙)

In the darkness of the night (在黑暗的夜里)

Fragrant blossoms bloom (芳香的花朵绽放)

As bandits prowl, out of sight (恶棍徘徊,视而不见)

A sudden resounding boom (突然响起的轰鸣声)

This is not the mountain's roar (这不是山的吼声)

Do not be mistaken (不要搞错了)

What seemed like rocks are rocks no more (看起来像岩石的东西不再是岩石)

And as soon as they awaken (一旦它们被唤醒)

The monster shows its actual form (怪物显示出它的真实形态)

Both prey and earth are shaken (猎物和大地都会被撼动)

Diablos (角龙-对的,你没看错大菠萝被翻译为角龙)


Diablos - 角龙

Known as the "Tyrant of the Desert." The Diablos is extremely territorial and will use its massive horns to charge at invaders. Diablos have the ability to burrow underground and use this ability to strike from below, however, their sensitive ears make them susceptible to Sonic Bombs. Despite their predatory appearance, they are herbivorous and mostly feed on cactus.




登场动画台本:Tyrant of the Desert - Diablos (沙漠暴君 - 角龙)

The wide plains of the desert (广阔的沙漠平原)

A heated battle ground (一个激烈的战场)

Suddenly, a rumbling (突然间,隆隆声响起)

A world-shattering sound (震惊世界的声音)

Twin horns split the sand below (双角劈开了下面的沙地)

No longer earthbound (不再是地上的)

For this is the true ruler (这才是真正的统治者)

Of this dry dystopia (在这个干燥的敌托邦中)

Trespassers shall be punished (闯入者将受到惩罚)

Protect thy cornucopia (保护你的粮仓)

Rajang (金狮子)


Rajang (金狮子)

An ultra-aggressive creature that is rarely sighted and seldom survived. Those that have survived report that it exhibits a strange attack. Rajang are said to be loners, and this isolated life has made it difficult to pin down its territorial leanings. When angered, part of its pelt turns a golden color.



游戏里的金狮子更像是一种猿类, 行动敏捷,极其难以对付

登场动画台本:Destruction Incarnate - Rajang (破坏的化身-金狮子)

At a distant flight (在一个遥远的飞行中)

Lies an island of fire (躺在一个火的岛屿上)

There walks a great beast (有一只巨大的野兽在行走)

A great ball of ire (一个巨大的愤怒之球)

Wielders of flame (挥舞着火焰的人)

Who dare to engage (敢于挑战的人)

Will only succeed at (只会成功地)

Igniting its rage (点燃它的怒火)

For it's the top player (因为它是头号玩家)

And the world is its stage (而世界就是它的舞台)

Kushala Daora (风翔龙)


Kushala Daora (风翔龙)

It's difficult to even get close to one of these metallic elder dragons, but some claim better odds if the creature is weakened with poison, or has its horn broken, limiting the amount of wind pressure it can muster.





Shadow Upon the Tempest - Kushala Daora (暴风雨中的阴影-凤翔龙)

Dashing across a snowy plain (在雪原上飞奔)

Monsters nipping at the heel (怪兽咬住脚跟)

Out of breath, limbs in pain (喘不过气来,四肢疼痛)

Doomed to end as meal (注定成为盘中之餐)

One last stand, a final try (最后一搏,最后一试)

To die a hero's death (死于英雄之手)

Then help arrives from the sky (然后帮助从天而降)

Like a divine breath (如同神圣的呼吸)

Chameleos (霞龙,chameleon变色龙的衍生)


Chameleos - 霞龙,最美龙之一

Precious few sightings of this elder dragon have been recorded, leading to claims it can vanish into its environment like a chameleon—hence its name. Witnesses report that, when enraged, it can spew a fog-like breath, which seems to come out of nowhere, and enhance its strength by licking the pollen from Petalaces.




Ancient Phantom - Chameleos ( 古老的幽灵 - 霞龙)

Desolated ruins (荒芜的废墟)

A thief stalks through the mist (盗贼在雾中徘徊)

Driven by a lust for wealth ( 在财富欲望的驱使下)

It just cannot resist ( 它只是无法抗拒)

Begone, o foul miscreant (走吧,肮脏的恶棍)

For these are sacred grounds (因为这些是神圣的地方)

The dead dwell here, this is their realm (死者住在这里,这是他们的地盘)

And you've overstepped its bounds (而你已经越过了界限)

But other things live here as well (但其他东西也住在这里)

Equally concealed (一样隐藏着)

So be mindful of your insolence (所以要注意自己的无礼行为)

Lest your fate be sealed (以免你的命运被封印)

Teostra (炎王龙, 可惜MHR中并没有它的伴侣Lunastra炎妃龙)


Teostra (炎王龙)

Brutal elder dragons wreathed in flames that spew blazing fire. Teostra are of such a fierce and deadly nature that the Guild closely monitors their movements.

被包裹(wreathe v包围)在火焰中,能喷出炽热的火焰的残暴的古龙种。炎王龙具有如此凶猛和致命的天性,因此公会密切监视它们的行动。



Emperor of Flame - Teostra (火焰之帝-炎王龙)

In the halls of inferno (在地狱的大厅里)

Roam the restless souls (不安的灵魂在游荡)

The lone monarch approaches (孤独的君主接近)

With the fire he controls (带着他控制的火焰)

He's here to judge the wicked (他在这里审判那些邪恶的人)

Who sully his domain (谁玷污了他的领域)

To damn them with his rage (用他的怒火诅咒他们)

To eternal pain (永远的痛苦)

Swift as wind his punishment (他的惩罚像风一样迅捷)

Absolute his reign (他的统治是毫无疑问的)

Tigrex (轰龙)


Tigrex (轰龙)

Flying wyverns whose primitive origins are obvious. Prone to violence, they display incredible ferocity with their claws, jaws, and developed limbs. They inhabit a wide area searching for prey, and have even been spotted in regions of harsh cold.

远古的(primitive)起源飞龙种之一。喜好暴力, 它们的爪子,下巴和发达的(developed)四肢透露着难以置信的凶残。他们栖息在广阔的地区寻找猎物,也曾被发现在严寒的地区中。



Absolute Power - Tigrex (绝对力量 - 轰龙)

A deafening roar (震耳欲聋的吼声)

Roaring over hill and dale (咆哮着越过山谷)

The weak flee in fear (弱者恐惧而逃)

But the strong prevail (但强者胜出)

On the snowy mountainside (在雪白的山坡上)

White is drenched with red (白色被红色所浸透)

When the ancient tyrant hunts (当古老的暴君狩猎的时候)

All are filled with dread (所有人都充满了恐惧)

Nargacuga (讯龙)


Nargacuga (讯龙)

Flying wyverns that have evolved to live in thickly wooded areas. Covered in jet black fur, these cunning predators stalk their prey from the shadows and attack with ferocious speed. Their massive tails are as dexterous as they are deadly, and powerful enough to slay smaller monsters with one strike.

进化后居住在森林区域的飞龙种。 这些狡猾的捕食者披着漆黑的(jet black)皮毛,从暗处跟踪它们的猎物,并以惊人的速度攻击。它们巨大的尾巴既灵巧又致命,其威力足以一击杀死较小的怪兽。



Pouncing Shadow - Nargacuga (突袭之影-迅龙)

Now here is a creature (现在这里有一个生物)

With smugness and guts (自鸣得意,胆大妄为)

Haughty and arrogant (自大,傲慢)

Look as it struts (看它大摇大摆)

Enter its turf(进入它的地盘)

And suffer your fate (忍受你的命运)

Watch as its eyes (看着它的眼睛)

Fill with rancor and hate (充满了怨恨和憎恶)

Don't try to run (不要试图逃跑)

It's already too late (已经太晚了)

Barioth (冰牙龙)


Barioth (冰牙龙)

Wyverns that rule the eternally frozen Tundra. Barioth use their forelegs, tail and their spiked scales to traverse the slippery ice with ease; this ability makes them very difficult to keep up with.




Flurry of Frosted Fangs - Barioth ( 疾风霜之牙 - 冰牙龙)

A biting cold (刺骨的寒冷)

Freezing winds cutting deep (冰冷的风深深地割裂了)

Enter its domain (进入它的领域)

And the price will be steep (代价将是巨大的)

Don't fall for the charm (不要被它闪亮的白袍)

Of its shining white gown (魅力所迷惑)

For it will tear you up (因为它将撕碎你)

Before taking you down (在你倒下之前)

Barroth (土砂龙)


Barroth (土砂龙)

Barroth usually remain beneath the mud, perhaps to shield themselves from heat; they are even known to attack by flinging mud. They will charge in a frenzy at anything that disturbs their bogs.




Wasteland Warrior - Barroth (荒地勇士-土砂龙)

Desolate wastelands (荒凉的荒地)

Perfect for lighthearted hunts (最适合轻松的狩猎活动)

But do not let your guard down (但不要放松警惕)

Don't pull any stunts (不要耍任何花招)

For the mud hides secrets (因为泥土中隐藏着秘密)

And none of them are good (而且没有一个是好的)

Where once was sand and water (曾经是沙子和水的地方)

A monster is now stood (现在站着一个怪物)


