






What does practice makes perfect mean?

Practice makes perfect, which means that when you do something skillfully, you can have a cleaver method or a good method. No matter what you do, as long as you study hard and master the rules, you can find many tricks and do it easily.

For example, in the process of learning English, we practice writing compositions a lot, and slowly summarize the writing framework of different subjects. In the future exam, we will be able to face different materials, and write a handy high score essay according to the framework we summed up.

Another example: when you just started to learn how to use a computer, you couldn't figure out where the buttons of ABCD were. You could only type letters one by one with one finger. As time goes on, you use computer more and more, and also practice on keyboard more and more. In the end, you can even type out the English article you want to write with your eyes closed.

Therefore, practice makes perfect. It's not just show on trick this word, it's more focused on how you make a thing from unskilled to familiar. Only after a lot of hard work and practice, coupled with a little smart mind, can you make it skillful.


