
weather permitting I 'll come as soon as I can.,今天小编就来聊一聊关于语法有两种不同概念?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



  • absolute clause 独立从句:有自己的主语的非限定从句或无动词从句。

weather permitting

  • adverb clause 副词从句:在句子里的作用相当于单个副词的从句。

I 'll come as soon as I can.

  • adverbial 状语:作用与副词一样的一个词或一组词。
  • apposition 同位语: 一个名词后的名词短语或名词从句,前后两个部分是同样的人或物。

There was a danger/that they would decide to leave.

  • complement 补足语:使动词(特别像seem或be 这种动词)意义完整的词、词组或分句,

You seem upset....The fact is I can't affort it.

  • complex sentence 复合句: 有一个主句和至少一个从句组成的句子。

I didn't buy it , although I liked it .

  • compound-complex sentence 并列复合句:有两个或更多的主句和至少一个从句组成的句子。

I put my arm around him and steered him to the sofa, where he collapsed.

  • concession 让步: 特定从属连词、连接词和某些从句连接后表示的对比概念。
  • conjunct 连接性状语: 连接语的别称。
  • conjunction 连接词:连接两个分句、短语或单词的词。有两种连接词,并列连词和从属连词。
  • connector 连接语:连接两个单独句子的副词或状语。

I can't do anything just now. I won't matter a lot, though.

  • content disjunct 内容评注性状语:表示对自己的叙述所持的态度的句子附加状语。

Fortunately, the weather that winter was reasonably mild.


Perhaps they might help him.

  • co-ordinated clauses 并列从句:由并列连词连接的两个从句

This is really confidential and I 've not told it to anyone.

  • co-codinating pair 成对并列连词:由句中分隔开的两个词或短语构成的并列连词。常用的成对并列连词有both...and either...or not only...but also neither ...nor
  • co-codinating conjunction 并列连词:连接语法类型相同的分句、短语或词的词,如and,but ,or
  • co-ordinator 并列连接词:并列连词的别称。
  • correlative 关联词:“成对并列连词”的别称。
  • defining relative clause 限制性关联从句:指明被说及的人和物的关系从句,

The office that had been cleared for them was austere but functional.

  • determiner 限定词:指包括the, a ,some,my 在内的一组词,用在名词前。
  • discourse marker 话语标记:口语中一个词或短语,其作用是向受话者发出如何理解正在说的话的信号,

Now look here, you're wrong.

  • disjunct:评注性状语:“句子状语”的别称。
  • ellipsis 省略:略去不用,但又能从上下文别处加以”补充”的词。

Come if you can. 省略了第二个come.

  • fluency filler 补白语:英语口语中无特定意义的词语或语音。其作用是使人感到讲话者说话流利。

Well I mean you see the Scots are very proud of their country.

  • "ing"-clause "ing"分词分句:结构像从句,但其动词都是不带限定助动词的现在分词。

It was certainly the best meal I had had since leaving home.

  • nominal clause 名词性从句: “名词从句”别称
  • nominal relative clause 名词性关系从句:属wh-词从句的一种,通常不表示疑问,其-wh词有双重功能,在主句里代表某物;在关系从句中作关系代词

What you need is a change of scene. what=that which

  • non-defining relative clause 非限制性关系从句:提供有关某人、某物的附加信息,但又无需起确指作用的关系从句。

Paul's father, with whom he had had a close relationship , died suddenly.

  • non-finite clause 非限定从句:不含限定动词,但又像从句的结构。

Water is liquid, but when heated it becomes vapor.\

  • noun clause 名词从句:在句子里的功能与名词或名词短语相同的that从句或wh 从句
  • pro-form 替代形式:意义笼统的词或短语:here, there ,now ,then;像代词替代名词那样,用来替代更为具体的词或短语。
  • quantity pronoun 数量代词:可用来表示量而又无需确指具体的量或数的代词,如both, many.
  • reduced clause 缩略从句:其限定动词被省略,却又能被推断出来的从属结构。

She wanted to sleep if possible.

  • reduced relative clause 缩略关系从句:与关系从句功能相同,但缺少主语和限定动词的结构。

He took out a folder containing my proposal.

  • sentence adjunct 句子附加状语。表示说话者对自己说的话或说的内容的态度。

Personally, I think you'd be better off here in the States.


we're getting a little tired of it , frankly.


