
I have a faith that you will accomplish the arduous task, altought it gonna be a long and arduous process. 我坚信你可以完成这项艰巨的任务,尽管这将是一个漫长且艰难的过程,今天小编就来聊一聊关于雅思口语初级复习?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!



arduous 艰巨的,艰难的

I have a faith that you will accomplish the arduous task, altought it gonna be a long and arduous process. 我坚信你可以完成这项艰巨的任务,尽管这将是一个漫长且艰难的过程。

lateral thinking 横向思考

Except linear thinking, we also encourage students to develop lateral thinking habits in their daily life. 除了线性思考,我们也鼓励学生在日常生活中培养横向思考的习惯。

form the basis of sth 构成...的基础

Accompany and education form the baisis of bringing up children. 陪伴和教育构成了养育孩子的基础。

break the mould 打破常规

In most of time, being creative means to break the mould. 很多时候,创新就意味着打破常规。

cram 考试前临时硬记,考前突击

He is cramming for the exam tomorrow. 他正在为明天的考试突击了。

students' autonomy 学生的自主性

He always thinks about how to improve students' autonomy. 他总是在想如何提高学生的自主性。

cover a lot of ground 涵盖多个领域

Our programme covers a lot of ground, including economic, accounting and so on. 我们的课程涵盖多个领域,包括经济学,会计学等等学科。

academic attainment 学术造诣

He has very high academic attainment in psychology field. 他在心理学领域有很高的学术成就。

repress individuality 压制个性

Scool uniforms may repress students' individuality. 校服可能会压抑学生的个性。

a positive outlook on life 积极的人生观

Parents can help their kids develop a positive outlook on life. 家长可以帮助孩子培养积极的人生观。

come of age 成年

When you come of age, you will have more freedom. 当你成年了,你会拥有更多的自由。

slack off 偷懒,学习不努力

It's about time you stopped slacking off and did your homework. 到时候了,你该停止偷懒,开始做作业了。

act up 调皮捣蛋

Don't act up in class next time, or call your parents. 下次不要在课堂上捣蛋了,不然就给你家长打电话。

put theory into practice 把理论运用到实践

We hope that students would put theory they learned at college into daily practice. 我们希望学生可以把他们在大学里学到的理论运用到日常的实践中去。

shirk one's responsibilty for doing sth 逃避做某事的责任

Some of them just want to shirk their responsibilitis for educating their children. 他们有些人就只是想逃避自己教育孩子的责任。

kindle sb's interest in sth 唤起某人对某事的兴趣

Watching chinese dramas really kindles my interest in Mandrin. 看中国电视剧唤起了我对普通话的兴趣。


