
As a fact we can see, everyone likes happiness, nobody would prefer the life which is full of sadness. I would rather be praised because I would be glad if someone do that to me. And of course, I don’t want any criticism, because I would not be happy to hear that.




The word in English, “Display”, which means “to show”, or “show off” at the same time. If you did make an excellent work, I think you will be glad to display it, and receive the comments, the praise and the criticism. But nobody would show himself out to receive the criticism. If I am confident enough to show something out, I must consider one of my work to be not bad, and try to show it off. If I can hear someone praises me, of course I will be happy. But if I have received some criticism at the time when I am showing something off, I can really feel bad.



The truth of the praise and the criticism is all that, but if you think about it carefully, you can see that there’s not much effects except being happy when you receive a praise. So why do we do that, that’s all our own desires. The next point is, the praise will only be worthy when that guy is better than you, no one would feel happy if your young sister or brother gives you a praise. On the other hand, a praise means approval, if you can do better than any others, the normal people may be not qualified to praise you. It feels too worthless if you still feel happy after hearing the praises from those people. At last, the most important thing is, we can be self-satisfied after so much praises. But the truth is endless, unless you are the god, then it sounds too ridiculous to be complacent. That will not be useful if you want to keep improving.



And about criticism, many criticisms are not true in fact, but the criticism is much more practical than praise. It will be both useful when it’s true or not. There’s a old saying about criticism in China. “Change it up when it’s true, courage yourself when it’s wrong.” If we receive a effective criticism, then remember it and try to find a better way at the next time, and consider the criticism as a courage when it’s not true. That’s all the ways to handle a criticism, that really sounds like a useful thing, isn’t it?



But all in all, the things we can get from praise and criticism depends on our own attitude. It’s true that someone who is pessimistic needs praise, the criticism may be harmful. But someone who is self-satisfied will be even worse with more praises, they need criticism to recognize the truth. Both praise and criticism are meaningless, there’s no difference between all the words. All of the effective are just happened in our mind, our attitude decides all the things.



The best way to handle the praise and the criticism is not something about happy or not, the only thing we need is a correct understanding, and make everything good to you. That’s the real problem in our life.






