

StrangeLove Lo-Cal Soda

by Marx Design




“StrangeLove” is an Australian soft drink brand that started with a range of four flavours of energy drinks. Each one is a wonderful blend of high quality organic botanicals and soda water, carefully sourced. Even in mass production, each bottle is still a masterpiece!


“StrangeLove”与新西兰的“Marx Design”设计机构合作,设计出一个“诙谐、醒目”的原创的外观,设计师根据该品牌早期瓶子的插图特征进行了改进,开发设计出更简单的构图,周围有大量的空白,并与幽默的文案相配。

"StrangeLove worked with the New Zealand design agency Marx Design to create a 'witty, eye-catching' original look. The designers have improved on the illustrative features of the brand's earlier bottles, developing a simpler composition with plenty of white space around it and matching the humorous text.

出品后,市场反馈良好,甚至掀起了轩然大波。随后品牌继续创造了一系列的混合饮品、有机软饮料和矿泉水,每一种都有自己独特的视觉语言。2019年,该品牌继续扩大他们的产品范围,并探索和挑战传统饮料市场,为新上市 "Lo-Cal "苏打水系列,进一步与“Marx Design”合作。

The product was released to positive market feedback and even created a buzz. The brand then went on to create a range of blended drinks, organic soft drinks and mineral waters, each with their own unique visual language. 2019 sees the brand continue to expand their product range and explore and challenge the traditional drinks market with a further collaboration with Marx Design for the newly launched 'Lo-Cal' soda range.


“StrangeLove”的视觉形象的特点是不断变化的面孔,通过灵活地调整和应对快速发展的市场、衰落和新兴的类别。随着“kombucha”和“kefir”的崛起,苏打水市场经历了某种程度的衰退。创意总监-Ryan Marx将 "Lo-Cal "苏打水系列定位为干净、清脆、精致、低卡、轻盈、并带有一丝怀旧。通过设计语言定制的设计结构、带有强烈的单一图形主题的轻质标签以及对“StrangeLove”语气的延续、提炼来体现。

"The visual identity of 'StrangeLove' is characterised by changing faces, adapting and responding to fast moving markets, declining and emerging categories through flexibility. With the rise of 'kombucha' and 'kefir', the soda market has experienced a degree of decline. Creative Director - Ryan Marx has positioned the 'Lo-Cal' soda range as clean, crisp, sophisticated, low-cal, light and with a hint of nostalgia. This is reflected through the design language of a bespoke design structure, a lightweight label with a strong single graphic theme and a continuation and refinement of the 'StrangeLove' tone of voice.




The designers use three different elements, structural design, a graphic language of form and colour, and copywriting. With each new iteration, StrangeLove finds a way to reconfigure itself. Visual continuity has little to do with it and, apart from the word mark and the pattern, there is always a constant attempt to try new things.





"Lo-Cal" soda range has generated a strong response from the market for the brand. The language of copy is flavoured, nuanced and carefully crafted to convey words of taste, texture and aroma. Take this headline for example." Yuzu from the makers of Ninja & Fast Train - a delicious blend of citrus with hints of lemon, grapefruit and tangerine. It's still direct and authentic - like the voice in the head of an overworked Chinaman - but the description of the ingredients helps sell the drink itself.



"StrangeLove" hits a series of selling points with its usual humour and uninhibited style. For example, "It's like Christmas, but 45% fresher and with 35% fewer family arguments" is falsely packaged as a statistically unsettling statement. Then they spell out the benefits." There are more letters in that sentence than there are calories in our Lo-Cal soda." Presenting facts and information also asks us to think



“StrangeLove”其设计结果是一个奇怪而精美的新旧融合,大量的留白空间,强烈但自然的颜色,绘画般的纹理和一种形式语言,玩弄高级、优雅的工艺和设计水平,却没有令人感觉到是一种模仿或怀旧重温,在标签设计方面做了很多功夫。可以被理解为在斯堪的纳维亚式的简约(Scandinavian simplicity)和东亚式的平衡之间构建与解构的练习一个门槛。

"The result is a strange and exquisite fusion of old and new, with lots of white space, strong but natural colours, painterly textures and a formal language that plays with high, elegant levels of craftsmanship and design without feeling like a parody or nostalgic revisiting. without feeling like a parody or a nostalgic revisit, with a lot of work done on the label design. An exercise in constructing and deconstructing a threshold between understandable (Scandinavian simplicity) and East Asian-style balance.



Design:Marx Design

* 本文仅作为创意分享,不提供售卖





