

1. cost

The ticket cost me ten dollars.


The cost of living is much higher now than it was two years ago.



① Has this project been costed?


② I must get the book at all costs.

(at all costs意为“无论如何,不惜任何代价”。)

③ She saved him from drowning, but at the cost of her own life.

(at the cost of sth.意为“以牺牲某事物为代价”。)

2. deal

Teachers should deal fairly with their pupils.



①She spent a good deal of money on new clothes.

(a good deal of意为“很多,大量”后接不可数名词。)

②We tried to make sure everyone got a fair deal.

(a fair deal意为“公平的待遇”。)

③My bank deals in stocks and shares now.

(deal in意为“经营”。)

④The teacher dealt out the test papers to the students.

(deal out意为“分发”。)

3. interest


The money I borrowed from him was repaid with interest.

What he did was just to protect his own interests.



4. drive

Can you drive a car?


Let’s go for a drive in the country.


除了以上用法外, drive还有其它用法。如:

①The workers carried on a drive for greater efficiency last month.


②There are three buses parked on the drive.


③Poverty drove the little boy to steal.


④I’m sure that I’ve driven my opinion home.

(drive sth. home意思为“把……讲透彻,使充分理解”。)

⑤Please drive the dog away.

(drive sb./sth. away意思为“把……赶跑”。)

5. join v.& n.

What club do you want to join?



①The two rivers join at the bridge.


②The two pieces were stuck together so well that we could hardly see the join.


6. dream



Her new dress is an absolute dream.


My aunt’s wedding ceremony went like a dream.

(go like a dream是固定短语,意思为“非常顺利,完美”。)

7. know

I’ve known David for 20 years.

I hope we have taught our children to know right from wrong.

The old man has known both poverty and wealth.

know在教材中的意思为“知道,了解”,作动词用。在上面的三个句子中, know都作动词用,第一个know的意思为“认识”;第二个know的意思为“区分”;第三个know的意思为“亲身经历”。

8. fail

If you don’t work hard, you may fail.



① He never fails to write to his mother every week.


② She has been failing in health.

(fail in意为“(健康状况)衰退”。)

③ His friends failed him when he most needed them.

(fail意为“使失望, 辜负”。)

④ I had three passes and one fail.


⑤ I’ll be there at two o’clock without fail.

(without fail意为“肯定,一定,必定”。)

9. lead



Which road leads to the mountain?


My grandmother is leading a quiet life in the countryside.


Not having a balanced diet can lead to health problems.


Her brother took the lead in the high jump.


In this new film, she is the lead.


10. fall

The leaves fall in autumn.



①I had a fall and broke my arm.


②Our holiday plans fell through because of bad weather.

(fall through 意为“落空,未能实现,成为泡影”。)

③My car is falling apart.

(fall apart意为“破裂,破碎,散架”。)

④We fell about (laughing) when we heard the joke.

(fall about意为“无法控制地大笑”。)

⑤Sam, please fall back on old friends in time of need.

(fall back on意为“求助于,退到”。)

11. low

The sun is low in the sky.



① She’s been feeling rather low since her illness.


② The simplest way to succeed in business is to buy low and sell high.


③ The gas is running low.

(run low意为“几乎耗尽”。)

12. blind

She is blind in the left eye.



① The blinds were drawn to protect the new furniture from the sun.


② The soldier was blinded in the explosion.


③ This is a blind letter.

(blind letter意为“因地址写得不清而无法投寄的信件”。)

④ He turned a blind eye to her mistakes.

(turn a blind eye to意为“对……熟视无睹”。)

⑤ He’s blind as a bat without his glasses.

(blind as a bat意为“完全看不见东西的”。)

13. film



①I put a new roll of film in my camera.


②It took them nearly a year to film this TV series.


14. land

The pilot landed the plane safely in the heavy snow.


The journey to the far side of the island is quicker by land than by sea.



① Many farmers are leaving the land to work in industry.

(the land意为“农村,农业”。)

② The car will land you there in twenty minutes.


③ He’s really landed himself in it this time.

(land sb. / oneself in sth. 意为“使某人陷入困境”。)

④ He wants to see how the land lies before taking any action.

( how the land lies意为“事态,形势,概况”。)

15. cause

She’s always causing trouble.



①Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.


②People fought for the cause of freedom and peace.


16. full

The theater is full, I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the next show.



① Jack hit him full in the face.


② Use your abilities to the full.

(to the full 意为“充分地,彻底地”。)

③ He told me the story in full.

(in full意为“全部地,全文地”。)

17. clean

We must keep our hands clean.


She is cleaning the blackboard.



① I clean forgot about it.


② The car needs a good clean.


③ The government should come clean about its plans.

(come clean意为“说出真相,全盘招供”。)

④ We clean the machine down at the end of each day.

(clean sth down 意为“擦洗干净”。)

⑤ The waiter hurried to clean up the pieces of the broken plates.

(clean up意为“清理掉,收拾干净”。)

18. hold


The plane holds about 200 passengers.

Who holds the world record for the high jump?


19. light

This is a room with good light.


It is so light that I can carry it easily.



①May I borrow your light?


②Since you’re not well, you’d better do some light housework.


③My brother bought a bottle of light beer in the shop.


④Wait a moment. I’ll light a candle.


20. home


A lot of new homes are being built in the center of the town.

The home team took the lead after 25 minutes.

It’s time for home news.


21. mean



①Mary has always been mean with money.


②Today the mean temperature is 10℃ in Shanghai.


22. mind

Would you mind helping me?

( 此句中mind用作动词,意为“介意,注意”,这是mind的常用法之一。)

He has a mind for science.



①You must be out of your mind if you think I’m going to lend you $50!

(be out of one’s mind意为“发狂,发疯,精神不正常”。)

②Keep your mind on the job!

(keep one’s mind on sth.意为“继续专心于某事物”。)

③Her way of speaking put me in mind of her mother.

(put sb. in mind of sb. / sth.意为“使某人想到或想起某人 / 某事物”。)

④—Who’s that letter from?

—Never you mind.

(never you mind意为“不关你的事”。)

23. miss

We’ll miss you very much if you move.



① After several misses he finally managed to hit the target.


② The offer of a year aboard with all expenses paid seemed too good to miss.

(too good to miss意为“很吸引人或很有利而无法拒绝或放弃”。)

③ Bob will find out your secret — he doesn’t miss a trick!

(not miss a trick意为“非常机警或警觉”。)

24. minute

They only took fifteen minutes to finish that job.



①Your suggestion will be minuted.


②Her clothes are always right up to the minute.

(up to the minute意为“最新的;时髦的”。)

③The detective studied the fingerprints in the minutest detail.


25. move

She was too tired to move any further.



①He sat in the corner, watching my every move.


②It’s getting dark. We’d better make a move.

(make a move意为“出发;起程;动身”。)

③The price of eggs moved ahead today.

(move ahead 意为“有进展;上涨”。)



