native speaker是什么软件(Odd这词这么大用处)

  • Odd这词我们多用于形容某人某事很奇怪。

比如,Her taste in clothing was rather odd. 她对服装的品味有点与众不同。

  • 在数学中,odd可以表示奇数,3,5,7......

Odd number 就表示不能被2整除的数即 “not divisible by two” or "uneven"

为什么是"uneven"呢,因为跟odd number对应的是偶数even, 前面加了un表示否定,不是偶数,那就是奇数了。

native speaker是什么软件(Odd这词这么大用处)(1)

  • 接下来,odd还有occasional的意思, 或者not happening very often

She does the odd teaching job but nothing permanent.


  • 接下来这个用法,中国同学们就不太常用了,反正我几乎没听中国人说过, 它表示

somewhat more than the indicated approximate quantity, extent, or degree

比如300多页, 可以说300-odd pages


Steve looked younger than his fifty-odd years.


  • 还有一种情况,odd表示一双一对一套里的一半/一部分。

(of something that should be in a pair or set) separated from its pair or set:

比如,He’s got a whole drawer full of odd socks.


native speaker是什么软件(Odd这词这么大用处)(2)

当odd加了"s" 意思就完全不一样了。 它作为名词表示可能性或概率。 还是看英语的释义吧:

the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen:

in gambling (= the activity of risking money guessing the result of something), a probability expressed as a number:

比如,What are the odds on Trump being re-elected?

特朗普有多大机率重新当选? 相当于说 do you think he will be re-elected?

比如,The odds against my horse winning are a hundred to one.


比如, The odds against you winning such a competition are enormous.

against you winning 表示 you won't/can't win 也就是你输掉或者赢不了这场比赛/竞争的可能性极大。


10 of the remarkable battles from history won against overwhelming odds.

odds 这里表示 a difference(差距) favoring one of two opposed things

overwhelming表示压倒性的, 就是指从压倒性的劣势胜出。


native speaker是什么软件(Odd这词这么大用处)(3)

当odds前面加上一个preposition “at” 的时候,意思又变了。

表示, in conflict or in disagreement

比如, My wife and I are at odds over where to go after lunch.


Her version of events was at odds with the police report.

她这一版对事件的描述与警察的报告大相径庭。 at odds= very different from

注意: at odds后面经常会与over或with 一起使用。

By all odds,

in every way : without question 毋庸置疑

比如, By all odds, Nathan give you the best explanation for the word "odd".

这一句是我最满意的例句,哈。 自己体会吧不解释了。

The End

“人这一辈子, 不管活成什么样子,都不要把责任推给别人,一切喜怒哀乐都是自己造成。生命是一种回声。把最好的给予别人,就会从别人那里获得最好的;帮助的人越多,得到的也越多。”




