

英语词组和句子 8 Useful Expressions and Sentences 8

1. have a sweet, naïve look 表情甜美,天真烂漫

2. (飞机的)导航灯 navigation light

3. 用类比的方法 by analogy

4. make a punctual appearance at mealtimes 吃饭时准时出现

5. an anonymous letter 一封匿名信

6. 中国日益繁荣强盛 China is increasingly prosperous and strong.

7. Her words stunned me. 她的话让我大为诧异(震惊)。

8. The judge’s decision astounded everyone. 法官的判决震惊了所有人。

9. shed tears 流泪

10. Sentiment should be controlled by reason. 感情应受理智的控制。

11. He has great compassion for people in distress. 他很同情贫困的人。

12. The local authority suppressed the newspaper. 当局查禁了这家报纸。

13. get into mischief 胡闹;捣蛋

14. mutual interest 共同的利益

15. Such treaties provide reciprocal rights and obligations. 这一协议提供了互惠的权力和义务。

16. All theories should be built on a foundation of factual knowledge. 一切理论都应该建立在事实知识的基础上。

17. aside from 除……之外

18. resume one’s work after a rest 休息之后重新开始工作

19. summon sth up 鼓足勇气

20. Photography has exerted a profound influence on art. 摄影队艺术产生了重大影响。

21. exert oneself 努力;尽力

22. parallel lines 平行线

23. He walks with a limp. 他走起路来一瘸一拐。

24. 情绪障碍 emotional handicap

25. testimony from numerous witnesses 众多证人的证词



