
Learn More on Bad Days

Nick Vujicic

尼克·胡哲(Nick Vujicic),澳大利亚演讲家,天生没有四肢的的“无肢勇士”,国际公益组织“Life Without Limbs”总裁及首席执行官,其幽默演说激励了一代人积极面对人生。


The first thing i want you to take away from today is this: you will have good days, and you will have bad days. but you will always learn something more or something new. And you'll learn more overall on bad days than good days.

You'll learn more about yourself, you'll learn more about relationships, you'll learn about life and principles and you'll build your characters.

If you are a person who wants to, let's say, improve on your character of patience, let's say, don't complain when you are waiting in a line. You ain't going to grow in patience until you are put in a place to wait.

It's like you are go into a gym and, you know, you walking through the front doors and, you know, you tell your wife or your husband i'm going to the gym. You go into the gym and you come in three feet, you do a U-turn and you ride out, i went to the gym. Ain't getting nothing.

You got to go in and what are you going to do? You're going to pick up the weights and you exercise the muscles that you want to build.

I stand before you without arms and legs, but a very strong man because of the bad days in my life. You know how it is. If you didn't go what you've gone through, you wouldn't be who you are today.

And i'm not belittling your pain and don't worry, i've seen pain in my life, and i've seen it not only in my life, but people's lives and people say well at least i have no arms and legs and then what am i supposed to say?

At least i'm not an African orphan who's dying at four years old and i met that person.

What about the 10-year-old girl that was bought for 700 US dollars in Mamba, kidnapped as a sex slave, to have 350 clients before the age of 13, pregnant at 12, put the baby under the bed while she works on top, abandoned by her family.

After she pays her debt of 700 US dollars after three years with her child she leaves on the streets of Mamba hoping for a new life. No family, no job, no food.

Her baby needs food. She gets raped, beaten up on the street. She comes back to the only way that she knows how to make money. She goes back to the brothels

She gets pregnant at 15 the second time and then that child dies and then at 20 year old she comes up to me, yes, i have met this woman.

She comes up crying and she says "Nick, I just found I've got HIV AIDS. And I got fired from being a prostitute."

What do you say to that?

You may have arms and legs, but unless you know three things,

No.1, who are you and what your value is;

No.2, what is your purpose here in life and

No.3, what is your destiny when you're done here.

If you don't know the answers of any of those three questions, you're more disabled than I.



在逆境中学得更多 今天,我想让你们学到的第一件事就是:每个人都会有飞黄腾达之日,也都会遇到跌落谷底之时。不管怎样,你都将从中学到更多或者学到一些新的东西,但跌落谷底的你会比飞黄腾达之日学到更多。 你将对你自己更加了解,更擅长处理各种关系,学会生活和建立自己的原则,并且塑造你的性格。 如果你想变得更有耐心,那就不要在排队等候的时候抱怨。没有在一个地方经受过等待,你的耐心永远也不会增长。 那感觉就像你去健身房一样,离家时跟妻子或丈夫说你要去健身房,但是去那走个三两步后就回家享福去了,美其名曰我今天去了健身房,其实什么也没收获到。 你必须进去,进去做什么呢?你是要进去举哑铃,练就一身肌肉的。 站在你身前的,是一个没有双臂没有双腿,被生命中那些艰难日子造就得坚强的男人,你知道这些日子对我来说有多么地糟糕。如果你不曾经历你所经历过的,你就不会成为今天的你。 不必担心,我并不是在贬低你所遭受的痛苦。我已经见过了我生命中的痛苦,不仅是我生命中的,还有别人的。那些人在面对痛苦时会说,至少我还有双臂双腿,但是我呢? 我能说些什么? 我会说,至少我不是一个四岁就死了的非洲孤儿。我见过那小孩。 在非洲蒙巴,有一个花了700美元买来的10岁小女孩,被迫去当性奴,13岁以前就接待过350名客人。12岁时生了个孩子,工作时她就把孩子放在床底下。后来她们被家人抛弃了。 三年后,她还清了那700美元的债,带着她的孩子离开了蒙巴街头,渴望有一份新的生活。没有家人,没有工作,没有食物。 她的孩子需要吃的。 她在街头被强奸,被毒打。于是她回到了妓院,开始用她唯一知道的一个方法赚钱。 15岁时,她的第二个孩子出生,之后那孩子死了。20岁时,她来到我身边。没错,我见过她啊。 她哭着对我说:“尼克,我感染了艾滋病毒,被妓院解雇了”。 对此你能说些什么? 或许你四肢健全,但除非你知道这三个问题, 你是谁?你的价值是什么? 你活在这里的目的是什么? 你在这里的命运是什么? 如果这三个问题中的任何一个, 你都回答不出来, 那么, 你比我更加残废!


principle n. 原则;原理;道义;节操 ride out 长途骑行;安然渡过 muscle n. 肌肉 orphan n. 孤儿 kidnapped v. 绑架;诱拐;拐骗 brothels n. 三瓦两舍;烟花门巷;妓院;秦楼楚馆 purpose n. 目的;决心 disabled adj. 伤残的;有残疾的;丧失能力的


1.take away from sh从……学会 2.build your character构建你的人格 3.wait in a line 排队等 4.jump/cut in a line 插队 5.be put in aplace to do something 处在做某事的环境下 6.do a u-turn 大转弯 5.belittle 轻视 6.be beaten up 被打得遍体鳞伤


